
What is the current status of Miyuki's 3 actors in "Balala Little Magic Fairy"? Some people grow longer and more beautiful


Recently, "Ba la La Little Devil Fairy" is really on fire again, why the fire should be known to everyone, because the lines of the protagonists in the first TV series are particularly magical, especially the protagonist Amusement Prince, a mouthful of Guangpu mixed with Minnan cavity, how to listen to how funny, for a time became the source of everyone's joy. As this work is hot again, the current situation of the protagonists has also become a topic of discussion, and today a friend asked me if I remember the actress of Ling Meixue in the work, I don't know how she is now, I do have a little understanding of this problem, but Miyuki's actors are not only one person, but there are three.

What is the current status of Miyuki's 3 actors in "Balala Little Magic Fairy"? Some people grow longer and more beautiful

Generally everyone mentions the first live-action drama of "Ba la La Little Devil Fairy", in this work, Ling Meixue's actor is named Huang Anyi, born in 1997, she is a Shenzhen native, born to learn dance, and was only 12 years old when filming "Ba La La Little Devil Fairy". After this work, she has also participated in some TV series, but it is not the main role, and today, she has slowly faded out of the show business circle, and in 2015, she once said that she graduated, but it seems that she has not seen any new trends. In 2018, she once shared photos of herself on the Internet and seemed to have matured a lot.

What is the current status of Miyuki's 3 actors in "Balala Little Magic Fairy"? Some people grow longer and more beautiful

In addition to Huang Anyi, another of Ling Meixue's main actors is Liu Daixi, an actor in several subsequent live-action dramas and movies, who has starred in many "Ba la La Little Magic Fairy", perhaps starting from her, "Ba La La Little Devil Fairy" has plans to be built into a series of works, so she has starred in many series of works.

What is the current status of Miyuki's 3 actors in "Balala Little Magic Fairy"? Some people grow longer and more beautiful

Born in 2005, she is still a Mixed Chinese-British child, who first starred in "Ba La La Little Magic Fairy" in 2013, and the last time she starred in "Ba La La Little Devil Fairy" was in 2015, and she also participated in many variety shows. However, these years are also relatively rare to see her related news, considering the age of the problem, these years are also her days of concentrated study, she also from time to time on the Internet to share their campus life, but the frequency of updates is not high. Personally, though, she seems to be getting more and more beautiful.

What is the current status of Miyuki's 3 actors in "Balala Little Magic Fairy"? Some people grow longer and more beautiful

There is also a role, her relevant information is relatively small, that is, Yi Mi'er, who once starred in Ling Meixue in the big movie of "Balala Little Magic Fairy", basically can't find any useful information. Perhaps this is also related to the limited influence of the big movie itself.

What is the current status of Miyuki's 3 actors in "Balala Little Magic Fairy"? Some people grow longer and more beautiful

However, speaking of a series, why do the actors change again and again? Perhaps because "Balala Little Magic Fairy" is actually not a single work, but a relatively large series, live-action dramas, live-action movies alone have produced many films, and there are animation works. When I first filmed this work, I probably didn't even think about shooting it into a series, and not all of them were professional actors, so there was a matter of changing actors later. Like the protagonist Of the Prince of Pleasure, the actor himself was born to learn Cantonese opera, although the performance may be OK, but the lines can be more bitter, Mandarin is completely bad.

In this way, the 3 actors of Ling Meixue in "Balala Little Magic Fairy" have basically faded out of the entertainment circle, and I don't know if I will have the opportunity to see your performances in the future.

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