
Schumacher is back in F1! The son of the car king made his debut with this result, and he was 90% satisfied

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu one-point reporter Wang Xiaoying compiled

On 28 March, a 22-year-old, wearing the surname "Schumacher", made his debut at the Formula One World Championship (F1). Although the performance was not very eye-catching, it still attracted the attention of the crowd, because he was Mick Schumacher, the son of the legendary car king Michael Schumacher. Although Michael Schumacher has said that he does not want his son to compete in motorsport, Mick "debuted" in 2014, joined F2 in 2019 and ran into F1 this year. Speaking about the surname "Schumacher", Mick said, "It's as light as a feather to me", he just loves racing.

Schumacher is back in F1! The son of the car king made his debut with this result, and he was 90% satisfied

Mick Schumacher

The name that carries the reputation of his father and the expectations of thousands of people may make many people feel stressed, but Mick Schumacher only feels proud. 30 years after his father, Michael Schumacher, made his F1 debut, Mick followed in his father's footsteps. On 28 March, he raced the race for Haas in Bahrain, becoming the season's most eye-catching rookie.

Before the race, Mick said: "Of course I want to have a good race, but coming to F1 with the surname 'Schumacher', especially with the name written on the car and going around the field, it's really a little different. But the biggest expectation comes from myself. ”

Schumacher is back in F1! The son of the car king made his debut with this result, and he was 90% satisfied

At this moment, Mick had been waiting for a long time. Born into a family where both his father and uncle were racing drivers, Mick may have racing ideals in his dna. At the age of 2, he drove a small go-kart to play in the garden. By the age of 11, he had aspired to become a professional racing driver.

In order to avoid excessive media attention and break out of the future with his own talent, Mick initially did not use his father's surname in the car, but chose his mother's premarital surname "Becher", appeared on the field under the name of Mick Becher, and gradually grew up in the junior racing competitions in Europe. "It allowed me to compete without being disturbed, and I went through the necessary stages of growth and grew step by step." Mick said, "I can take it slow, don't have to be in a hurry, and don't need any media attention." It's important because I'm just a kid who loves racing. ”

Schumacher is back in F1! The son of the car king made his debut with this result, and he was 90% satisfied

Michael Schumacher and childhood Mick.

In 2013, Michael Schumacher fell into a coma after suffering a severe head injury from hitting a rock while skiing in Grenoble, France, resulting in severe brain damage. Michael Schumacher said in 2003 that he would rather his son play golf than compete in motorsport, but if his son just wants to get on the track, he will be fully supportive. The year after Michael Schumacher's accident, the 15-year-old Mick pseudonym Mick Junier (transliteration of "Xiaomik") competed in the German Karting Championship, the European and World Karting Championships, all finishing second. Mick said in an interview that he was proud of the results and that "this is just the beginning of my career." I'm also well aware that my goal is to become a world champion. ”

It wasn't until Mick qualified for F4 that he started using the surname "Schumacher". At the time, many in the media already knew that Michael Schumacher's son was competing, and Mick decided to confront everything that the family name brought. "It was the perfect time to adapt to outside attention. I got into the Formula stage and made some progress in the junior races. Every time I improve a little, the media attention increases a little. ”

Schumacher is back in F1! The son of the car king made his debut with this result, and he was 90% satisfied

In 2015, Mick competed in the German F4 Championship, a formula race designed for juniors. Mick joined the Dutch "Van Almsfoor Team" and won the best rookie award for that race. He grew up quickly, finishing second in 2016 in his second season of German F4. He made his debut in European F3 in 2017, finishing only 12th at the time, but won the title a year later. Mick joined F2 in 2019 and won the overall title of the year last year. He laughs and says: "I think that's proof that I know how to drive and that I deserve to race in F1. ”

Michael Schumacher created a legend in racing history – he won seven F1 Drivers' Championships in 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, and his ferrari red car has become the sentiment of a generation of fans. But Mick was too young to fully understand what it meant to be a father at his peak. All he knew was that his father was a great driver.

Today, he has also become a driver like his father, and he can also see his father's traces and driving style in him, and he does not shy away from comparing with his father. "There may be very few places where we are different," said Mick, who couldn't compare himself to his father at his peak, but he could compare himself to his father when he first came to F1. "I'm honored to be able to compare myself with him and see the different choices he's taken over the years, and that's all I can learn from him."

Schumacher is back in F1! The son of the car king made his debut with this result, and he was 90% satisfied

Before the start of the race in Bahrain on March 28, Mick said he was a little nervous but was well prepared. "The race will be fun and it could be a 'hellish' schedule." His Haas team is the only team to use two new players in the new season.

After all, the novice is still a novice, Mick's F1 debut slipped sideways at Turn 4, and finally finished only 16th; his novice teammate rushed out of the corner, triggering a safe car to play. Despite mediocre results, Mick's F1 debut has surpassed his father and uncle of the same period – Michael Schumacher's F1 debut for Jordan lasted less than one lap 30 years ago and was forced to retire due to clutch failure; Ralph Schumacher's F1 debut in 1997 also failed to finish. Mick said he was "90 percent satisfied" with himself.

Schumacher is back in F1! The son of the car king made his debut with this result, and he was 90% satisfied

Mick Schumacher with father Michael Schumacher (right)

Steiner, the manager of the Haas team, said that it is more important to gain experience. "I'm very happy with his performance, he's improved in every stage of the game, he's good, calm and communicating well with the team. Apart from that slip, he didn't make any other mistakes. My advice to him is: Keep up the momentum and soon reach a decent level. ”

From the moment he fell in love with racing, Mick never had a "Plan B." While the other kids were still thinking about being astronauts or presidents, Mick's only dream was to race on the track. Today, the dream of driving to F1 like a father has come true, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

"You have to have a certain talent for everything, and in racing you have to adapt quickly to new things. I learn new things very quickly, especially in sports. "I think in this sport, if you love it, have a little bit of talent, and are willing to work hard for your dreams, you can invest time on the track, invest everything you need." If you're willing to put every day, every minute into it, and dedicate your life to the sport, you're likely to succeed — and that's exactly what I'm doing.

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