
The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

author:Two or three miles of information

Today I would like to tell you about a case during the Tang Dynasty, in which qi qi lost the lives of nine people in one piece of money.

It is said that there is a Jingdezhen in Fuliang County, the capital of Raozhou in Jiangxi, which is today's Jingdezhen City. Jingdezhen has produced porcelain since ancient times, presumably everyone knows this, right?

There is a family of three living in the town, and the man's name is Qiu Yida, a blue-collar worker with porcelain burning technology.

His wife, Yang, 36, is a restless woman with a bad reputation.

The couple had a son named Qiu Chang'er.

Because Qiu Yi was busy with work and neglected the education of his son, the eldest son was contaminated with gambling money, and at the age of 14, he did not know how to find a proper job, and spent all day playing with Liu Sanwang's son Liu Zaiwang and some fox friends.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row


One day, the eldest son's mother, Yang Shi, was upset, and Qiu Yida was busy going to work, so he gave his son a piece of money and asked him to go to the medicine shop to buy some herbs and come back to his mother to boil soup and medicine to drink.

The eldest son took a piece of money to the street, and on the way he met Liu Zaiwang, The son of Liu Sanwang. ZaiWang asked the eldest son, "Where are you in a hurry?" ”

The eldest said I would go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine.

Zai Wang thought to himself, "I must have money in my hand when I buy medicine, so I said how about we gamble?" ”

The eldest son said no, my father gave me a penny to buy medicine, how to buy medicine if the bet is lost!

Zaiwang gambling addiction came up, saying: "Why do you always want to lose, and if you win the bet, you will still earn a penny!" Seeing that the eldest son was still hesitating, Zai Wang continued: "Well, let's gamble, if you win, two pieces of money will go to you; if I win, you will owe me first, and you will still use the money in your hand to buy medicine." ”

This condition was indeed attractive, and the eldest son finally wavered.

Two people agree to throw money to gamble to win or lose, two copper coins face up, the eldest son wins; back up and then win, one positive and one reverse does not count.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

The two men decided who threw the stone scissors cloth first, and the eldest son threw it first. He should also be lucky, and the two copper coins thrown out landed on the ground and faced upwards.

The eldest child picked up two copper coins and said that he would not play anymore and that he would go to buy medicine. Zaiwang stopped doing it, saying, "If you win, you can go, no, let's continue to play." ”

The eldest son insisted on leaving, and then Wang went up and pulled, and the two fought together.

Looking back, Yang Shi did not see the eldest son at home for half a day to buy back the medicine, and he came out to look for it in a hurry, and saw his son and Zaiwang fighting at a glance. Yang's calves were eager, pulled away the two and scolded Zaiwang, and Zaiwang was wronged and cried and cried and returned home.

Zaiwang's mother, Sun Shi, is a violent temper and is known as a "tigress". Seeing that his son was crying and going home, he pulled his son to find Yang's theory in anger.

The tigress stood in front of the door of the eldest child's house and jumped on her feet and scolded, saying, "Yang's watery Yang Hua is raising han outside, wearing a green hat for the boss, and saying that although she looks ugly, she will not wear a green hat for the boss and other ugly words..."

When he was scolding happily, Qiu Yida came home from work and heard these words, and his face was red with anger.

At this time, Zaiwang's father Liu Sanwang also got off work, and there was a way to "expose people without revealing shortcomings", he also felt that his wife scolded a little too much, and he couldn't help but pull his wife and Zaiwang back home.

People thought that the disputes caused by the quarrels of children would soon fade away. Actually wrong, this is the beginning.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

The tigress was angry, but the ugly words she scolded made Qiu Yida unable to hang her face.

The more Qiu Yida thought about it, the angrier he became, scolding his wife for not keeping the woman's way, and Yang Shi hurriedly defended himself that he had not cheated. Qiu Yida was angry and said, "I want to prove your innocence, unless you hang yourself in front of the door of the tigress's house." ”

After speaking, Qiu Yida picked up the quilt and turned around to go to the East House to sleep.

In the middle of the night, the more Yang Shi thought about it, the more afraid he became, qiu Yida was a careful person, doubting that his future life would not be better.

"Thinking about it, I can't let the tigress live happily." Yang got dressed, went to the outhouse to pick up the rope, and he really went to hang herself in front of the tigress's house.

The mother tiger's home was six households away from the Yang family, and the Yang family was in a trance, estimating that he had reached the door of the tigress's house, and he tied a rope and hanged himself.

Something wrong happened, and because it was dark and Yang's spirit was in a trance, she did not hang herself in front of the tigress's door, but in front of a blacksmith's door.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

Coincidentally, the blacksmith rushed to the toilet that night. The blacksmith's latrine was next to the street, and as soon as he opened the door, a black object hung in front of his door, startling the blacksmith.

After stabilizing God, he had the audacity to touch a man who had hanged himself.

The blacksmith secretly cried bitterly, how could he be so unlucky? In order to avoid a lawsuit, the blacksmith carried Yang's body on his back and threw it in front of a house facing the street, and then hurried home and then slept back to the cage.

When it came to dawn, Qiu Yida felt that what he said to his wife last night was a bit excessive, and he got up and went to the main house to apologize to his wife, but when he entered the house, he saw that there was no wife and the rope was gone.

Qiu Yi panicked and hurried to the door of the tigress's house, and saw that there was no shadow of his wife.

Qiu Yida believed that Liu Sanwang's two sons hid his wife's body, so he immediately asked the counselor to write the complaint and take the complaint paper to Fuliang County to accuse Liu Sanwang and his two sons of forcing his wife to die.

Fuliang County ordered permission and sent someone to bring Liu Sanwang and his wife and their neighbors to the county court.

The tigress did not know the whereabouts of the Yang family, but she usually did not accumulate virtue in her mouth, and the eight neighbors did not speak to him.

In the end, the county officials judged that Yang's disappearance was inseparable from the tigress, so he took the tigress into custody and put her in prison, and then sent a servant to escort Liu Sanwang to find Yang's body.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

Two flowers bloomed, one on each table, and let's take back the topic and talk about where the blacksmith threw Yang's body that night?

In the middle of the night, the blacksmith hurriedly threw Yang's body in front of a hotel on the street, which was opened by an old couple: the prince and the princess, and hired a young man, Wang Xiao'er.

On that day, when the prince went out for a walk, he almost tripped over something dark, and a closer look at it was a corpse, which frightened him to hurry up and call Xiao Er.

"Little two, hurry up, I don't know who threw a corpse in front of the store, it's really obscure, this will affect the business of our hotel, and if you don't get it right, you will also get into a lawsuit." The prince said anxiously.

Xiao Er listened and said that this was easy to deal with, I threw the body into the river, the water washed away, and the gods did not know that it was over.

When the prince heard the good idea, he hurriedly said, "Then you should quickly carry the corpse and throw it into the river, and I will not treat you badly in the future." ”

In this way, Xiao Er picked up the corpse, the prince flashed a flashlight in front, and the two ran to the river.

When they reached the river beach, Xiao Er and the prince vaguely saw that several people had come over, and xiao Er was frightened to throw down the body, and ran home with the prince with a cigarette.

The few people who came over were led by Zhu Chang, a big household in the town.

Zhu Chang is a local tycoon in the town, usually sinister and cunning, and he has the money to do some pit collapse and deception, and to cover up lawsuits.

Early in the morning, Zhu Chang took the housekeeper Bu Cai and five or six male and female servants to find the rich man Zhao Quan on the other side of the river to fight, and it turned out that the two families had a dispute over buying a piece of land.

Coincidentally, Zhu Chang saw Yang's body.

According to the thinking of ordinary people, it is enough to walk around when encountering such things. Zhu Chang was different from others, and he ordered his butler Bu Cai to bring the body to the ship.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

The crowd did not explain that this would cause a lawsuit, and Zhu Chang smiled and said, "When I met this corpse, I had a brilliant plan." ”

What good idea did the crowd ask? Zhu Chang pretended to be profound and said: "When the ship arrives on the other side and we and the Zhao family fight, the Zhao family will definitely fight back, then we will lead them to the boat, and then deliberately overturn the boat, taking advantage of the chaos to say that the Zhao family has killed people."

It turned out that Zhu Chang wanted to use this corpse to pit the Zhao family.

Sure enough, as Zhu Chang expected, after Zhao Finished getting the news, he ordered the butler Liu Yilang to take more than twenty family members to confront Zhu Chang and the others.

According to Zhu Chang's plan, the Zhu family led the Zhao family and others to the ship. At once, the boat came up with more than two dozen people, and with the chaotic fighting, they were overwhelmed and swayed into the water.

At this time, Zhu Chang shouted, "Someone has fallen into the water, and the Zhao family has killed someone!" ”

Liu Yilang, the housekeeper of the Zhao family who fell into the water, and the dings of the zhao family were dumbfounded, afraid of provoking a lawsuit, and swam desperately to the shore one by one.

After landing on the shore, I saw the Zhu family fishing a corpse from the water, and listened to Zhu Chang's housekeeper Bu Cai crying loudly, crying and nagging: "Daughter-in-law, you died a good death, you were beaten to death by the Zhao family, I will definitely avenge you." ”

It turned out that Zhu Chang had consulted with the housekeeper and asked Bu Cai to take the body he had picked up as his daughter-in-law. While crying, the housekeeper said, "I will carry you to the Zhao family to reason." Liu Yilang, the housekeeper of the Zhao family on the shore, ran back as soon as he heard the leg, and he wanted to inform the old man to make preparations early.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

At this time, Zhao Quan and his son Zhao Shou were waiting for good news at home, and the housekeeper Liu Yilang ran into the house like a wet water chicken, breathlessly saying: "Lord, it's not good, there is a human life, we have killed the Zhu family!" ”

Zhao Quan's father and son were stunned, and the greed for human life was troublesome.

Zhao Wanru walked around like ants on a hot pot, and just at this moment, the family members also ran back, and as soon as they entered the door, they said to the old master: "No, the Zhu family is carrying the corpse, and forty or fifty people have come to the door." ”

It turned out that when the fight on the ship was lively, Zhu Chang secretly sent someone to his home to bring rescue soldiers.

Zhao Quan sighed and said to the housekeeper and son, this time the Zhu family is full of people, we have killed another person, but what to do?

Zhao Shou looked at his father's sad face, and suddenly had a plan, saying to his father that I had a plan, and Zhao Finish looked at his son in surprise.

Zhao Shou said, "Didn't we kill them all?" This time let them kill one of us. ”

Daddy didn't understand what he meant, and said what to say.

Zhao Shou whispered to his father, "Isn't Ding Wen, who cooks for the long-term workers, old and sickly?" There was not much use in keeping him, it was better to beat him to death with a stick and marry the Zhu family. ”

Zhao Guan was also a man with a black heart, and when he heard that this idea was good, he sent the housekeeper Liu Yilang and his son to the kitchen to kill Ding Wen.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

Zhao Shou went to the kitchen with a wooden stick in his hand, and killed Ding Wen when he was not paying attention. Just when solving Ding Wen, the servant Wang Ma saw all this, and Zhao Shou killed Wang Ma with a stick in order to kill people.

The housekeeper Liu Yilang was stunned, and he couldn't imagine that Zhao Shou was even more fierce than his father. At this time, in order to stabilize Liu Yilang, Zhao Quan promised to give him a share of the family business afterwards, on the condition that he was tight-lipped.

The father and son of the Zhao family did not stop, put the two corpses behind the door, and when the Zhu family broke through the door, they claimed that the Zhu family had killed two servants with wooden sticks.

Both sides said that the other had killed someone, and the incident alarmed the county court.

Due to territorial reasons, the lawsuit reached Wuyuan County.

It is worth mentioning that don't look at the Zhu family and the Zhao family are only separated by a river, but the two families are under the jurisdiction of the two places. The Zhu family is under the jurisdiction of Fuliang County, and the Zhao family is under the jurisdiction of Wuyuan County, that is, one belongs to Jiangxi and the other belongs to Anhui.

At this time, Wuyuan County's ling Li Zhengshengtang, after an inquest of three corpses, found that Zhu Chang's body had strangulation marks on his neck, which obviously did not meet the signs of falling into the water after fighting.

Instead, the two corpses of the Zhao family met the signs of being beaten to death with sticks.

Through the use of torture, Zhu Chang honestly confessed that the body was picked up, and Li Xianling did not believe who would pick up the body, suspected that Zhu Chang was lying, and even more believed that Zhu Chang killed two servants of the Zhao family.

While interrogating Zhu Chang, Li Xianling coerced Zhu Chang's butler Bu Cai into confessing: "Your master has already confessed to killing three people, and you are still carrying it hard, And Bu Cai was beaten to point out random evidence, and finally confessed that he and Zhu Chang killed three people."

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

Subsequently, Zhu Chang and Bu Cai were imprisoned and prepared to be beheaded in the autumn, and the Zhao family finally won the case.

The case on the Wuyuan county side had just subsided, and there was another life lawsuit on the Fuliang county side, and it turned out that Wang Xiao'er in the hotel had killed the boss Wang Gong.

The course of events is as follows: Didn't we say earlier that in order to get away the body of Yang Shi on the door of the hotel as soon as possible, the prince promised to give Wang Xiao'er some benefits afterwards.

But it had been almost a year since the incident, and the prince did not mention black or white, and Wang Xiao'er did not get anything.

One day Wang Xiao'er really couldn't bear it, so he asked the prince for benefits, and the prince denied promising to give him benefits, so angry that Wang Xiao'er pushed the prince.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

The prince stood unsteadily and fell, his head just touching the stone and whimpering for his life.

When Wang Po saw the neighbors, with the help of the neighbors, Wang Po sent Xiao Er to Fuliang County.

The county order that had tried Qiu Yida, through Xiao Er's description and time speculation, coincided with the time when Qiu Yida's wife Yang Shi disappeared.

Xian Ling thought to himself that the corpse of Xiao Erbei and the corpse that Zhu Chang had picked up were the same person? The county commander hurriedly sent someone to find Qiu Yida and ask him to identify the body that Zhu Chang had picked up.

Qiu Yida opened the curtain to see that it was his wife Yang Shi, and he cried loudly and told him how the tigress insulted his wife.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

The county order sent someone to escort the tigress, that is, Liu Sanwang's wife, to the lobby and order both sides to be tortured, and as a result, the tigress died of a recurrence of heart disease.

The county order looked at this situation and said: The daughters-in-law and children of your two families are dead, even if they are evened, they will stop making trouble in the future, and go back to see their children live a good life.

Not long after, Zhu Chang and his housekeeper Bu Cai, who were in prison, died of malaria.

Here, Zhao Quan's father and son were more relieved after hearing the news.

The father and son of the Zhao family were relieved, but the housekeeper Liu Yilang raised his heart.

It turned out that Zhao Wan's promise to give him a family property was delayed. Later, Liu Yilang knocked on the side to remind the Zhao family father and son, and the Zhao family father and son repented of everything because the case had been closed.

The two rich men fought for land, and a corpse killed nine lives in a row

The zhao family's father and son's act of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge angered Liu Yilang, who went to the county court to report zhao Shou's killing of two people in a row. The Zhao family's father and son were immediately detained.

After the trial, Zhao Shou confessed to the crime of killing Ding Wen and the servant Wang Ma, and finally the Zhao family father and son were sentenced to death, and the case of nine people who died because of a piece of money came to an end.

(The nine are: Yang Shi, Tigress, Wang Gong, Xiao Er, Zhao Family Father and Son, Zhu Chang, Ding Wen and Wang Ma)

Source: Fukuko says history

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