
Can you let me go with you?

author:Username Are you okay in a foreign country?

On the way home from work, I met your friend, who said: You get married on Sunday.

My heart tingled, and I smiled and didn't say anything. When I got home I sat restlessly, walked out of the house, and went to the court, where someone was playing basketball, and I watched in a daze, I thought I would gladly accept the result, but my heart would hurt.

I can't go to you, I can only bless you. On the day of your marriage, I walked out of the house very early and made a wrong choice in my life, I walked into a company, walked into a person's office, and when I entered the door, Liu Ming was very surprised and watched him give me a cup of coffee. I watched him shed tears, and I cried and said: Take me for a ride, okay? Liu Ming did not hesitate, he took me in his arms, along the way Liu Ming did not say a word, just kept holding my left hand, I don't know how long it took, he stopped the car, I saw him in tears, at this time I finally couldn't help but cry bitterly in Liu Ming's arms.

I arrived at Liu Ming's villa that day, and the first time I drank was on that day, and it was also the first time I spent the night outside. I wanted to indulge myself, and at the last moment, I soberly told myself no.

The next day, when Liu Ming sent me to work, he asked me if I could quit my job and go to work at his company, and I agreed.

Liu Ming came to pick me up after work in the evening, and I told him to send me home. Liu Ming handed me a bunch of keys, said that there is a house near his company, let me go to live, I silently took the key, he told me that I don't need to prepare anything, just take a few sets of change of clothes.

At dinner, my parents didn't ask me why I was staying outside, but told me to be cautious. I told my parents what I thought of living outside. At this time there was a knock at the door, it was him who was already married, my parents did not let him in, I also told him that I had nothing to say and did not want to listen to him.

The next day I simply packed up my things and went out, Liu Ming was waiting for me outside, Liu Ming told me that he heard that he had drunk a night of wine on the night of his wedding and did not enter the new house. Liu Ming's friends are also his friends, so Liu Ming knows a lot about him. I listened and asked in my heart why was this happening?

Working very relaxed around Liu Ming, eating a working meal together at lunch, liu Ming and I went back to the residence together in the evening, there was Liu Ming's nanny to make a meal, I could relax while eating while watching TV, go for a walk after dinner, go to the movies, sometimes hide in the sofa together to read, Liu Ming rarely returned to his villa, at night he slept in another room, he knew that I had not accepted him in my heart.

One day he called me to tell me he was going to the south to work hard and wanted to see me, but I didn't say yes, and reason told me he was married and I couldn't see him again.

He left me but finally understood my heart I could not let go of him, I chose to leave the city where I lived, but also far away.

This time I left me into the misery of life, naked marriage, life in a place of chicken feathers. I also know the news of him and Liu Ming, his life is noisy, Liu Ming's career is stable, but he has always been single, or he still goes to see my parents every year.

Three people just missed happiness.

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