
Little fox and old hunter

author:Muzi Youge

There was a heavy snowfall in the night. It's more than a foot thick.

In the morning, the wilderness is white and there is no edge in sight. I don't know where the snow ends.

There was an old hunter walking one foot deep and one foot shallow on the snow. He was over the age of a man with a beard that was elongated. Wearing a thick cotton coat, hot air in his mouth. Carry a shotgun on your shoulder and a hunting bag on your back. Both eyes are shining brightly. As he walked, he looked around.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared at the firewood stack not far to the left. Listening quietly, there was a loud noise from inside. The old hunter alertly removed his shotgun, raised his hands, and approached cautiously.

I found that from the nest of firewood, a yellow, furry little head protruded, quite cute. The figure gradually appeared.

It turned out to be a small fox, only to see it drinking and flashing, stretching its loins, and opening its eyes to take a look. Finding a black hole hole in the muzzle of the gun pointed at himself, he squatted on the ground in fright. After calming down, I knew that I could not escape. With a twinkle in the eye, the cunning of the fox was revealed.

The little fox, pretending to be pitiful, used his two front paws to plead with the old hunter for forgiveness and said, "Grandpa, you are so little bit with me." The skin is small and meaty, and it is not worth a few dollars. Why don't you raise your hand and let me go." I will find a way to repay you. I knew that there was a cave not far from the forest, and there was a fat and large wild boar hidden in it. Now I'll take you to catch it, how do you see it"?

Little fox and old hunter

No matter how cunning the fox is, it can't hide the hunter's eyes. As soon as the old hunter heard it, he knew that the little guy was deceiving himself. There were some wild boars there, and they clearly wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

The old hunter looked at the clear paw print of a bird falling and flying on the snow in front of him, and counted his mind. He agreed to the little fox's request.

So the little fox took the road in front and pretended to go looking for wild boars. The old hunter followed behind.

Walking, walking, the little fox took advantage of the old hunter's inattention and went into the forest and disappeared.

The old hunter smiled and didn't rush to chase it. Follow the footprints left by its escape, quietly tracking.

The little fox ran for a while, and did not see the old hunter coming after him, thinking that he was safe. It danced happily and walked home in a jump.

As soon as the little fox arrived at home, its parents, two sisters, and a brother all surrounded it with long and short questions.

It turned out that this little fox had gone out to play with his family on his back yesterday afternoon. It was dark before I remembered to go home, and in a hurry I couldn't tell the direction of my homecoming. Not to mention the darkness, it was snowing heavily. The little fox did not go home, so he found a pile of firewood and went inside. The family was worried about it, and they were hungry, thirsty and afraid. It was so easy to stay up until dawn, just out of the nest, and met the old hunter again. Almost couldn't come back.

Little fox and old hunter

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