
"See you and hate it late"

author:Tongzhou Xiaoxing

We will always meet some people in our lives, always feel that it is late to see each other, always feel that all the missed time is worth comforting, in fact, after thinking about it carefully, in life is like this, there will always be encounters that should be encountered, accept things that cannot be changed.

The process of conquering anything is not so simple, not so easy, and all the unexpected encounters in life are actually reserved for those who are prepared. But life will always let us learn that there is no shortcut to any place that needs to be reached. It all needs to be down-to-earth step by step.

Everyone illuminates each other in order to meet each other in the future, and in order to meet with a beautiful day, people's sweat and hard work have never stopped. All the nights should belong to the galaxy, and the brilliant spring light in the book should be scattered on the fence of the courtyard of the old house, and people's former addiction and non-return should eventually be returned to the past self.

Don't believe that if you can't lose at the starting line, who cares about the starting line at a short distance? Life is actually a marathon, and those who can persist to the end are in the winning team, (the leftovers are king)!

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