
It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

author:Brother Tempeh chatted

Talk about the world, there are "shells" coming. Between the light and shadow, Fang Xiao was cold and warm. Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tianbei ~

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

As a family ethics film that shows family breakdown, emotional entanglement, and father-son friendship, "Mr. and Mrs. Kramer" shows the complex and unspeakable contradictions and dilemmas between ordinary people's families and careers, marriage and family affection with sincere emotional transmission and plain and simple life atmosphere, and shows the intricate and unspeakable contradictions and dilemmas between ordinary people's families and careers, marriage and family affection, and shows the spiritual comfort and family warmth that modern people need and pay more attention to.

The film won the 52nd Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress. To this day, it is still widely discussed and praised.

The film tells the story of Ted, an advertising clerk who is busy working all day, who has no time to take care of his wife Joanna and his 6-year-old son Billy. And his wife, Joanna, has been influenced by the idea of "women's liberation" and has been reluctant to put her entire life in the family, she is eager to find true happiness, the pursuit of freedom and wonderfulness.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

Finally, one day, Joanna, tired of the busy housework all day, could no longer bear such a life, and she resolutely left her husband and son and ran away from home.

And it is with this as a beginning that the film advances through the small things of Ted and Billy's daily life. In the end, Ted and Joanna's custody struggle gradually and gently shows the film's emotional appeal.

There are not too many ups and downs, no flashy and exaggerated storyline, the film relies on slow lyricism to touch people's hearts and move people's hearts.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

Everyone's emotions in the family are experiencing growing pains, contradictions, misunderstandings and complaints, and many aspects of stress and depression are devouring an originally harmonious and warm home. And this contradiction and conflict has many reasons, both personal helplessness and psychological entanglement, there are irreconcilable contradictions between individuals and society, there are difficult to complete the confusion and confusion of family and career, which make the film's emotions delicate and full, warm and slow, sincere and touching.

The film uses close-ups and close-ups to show the character traits and emotional ups and downs of the characters. In the performance of the male protagonist Ted, the close-up shot will make him feel confused about the sudden departure of his wife and how the family should be maintained.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

Later, when he and his son became more and more emotionally close, and gradually understood and woke up to the departure of his wife, there was no confusion and helplessness, but more determined and hopeful about life.

Ted is a workaholic, even before his wife ran away from home, he was still full of work, he put most of his energy on work every day, even when he returned home, he was busy working, completely ignoring the feelings of his wife and son, and lacking emotional pouring into the family.

In his view, his responsibility to the family is to work hard, even desperately, to earn enough money to support his wife and children. But material satisfaction is far less than spiritual satisfaction can maintain a harmonious home, and the wife is still a person with a prominent personality and an open mind, and when a family is on the verge of collapse, only spiritual appeal can be saved, but it is too late.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

When he and his son Billy got along day and night, he finally realized that he had injected too little affection into the family, and cared for his wife and children too little, and he began to care more about Billy's daily life, and even uncharacteristically in the unit was thinking about what he wanted to buy for Billy, and this emotional growth that he had gained because of frustration and reflection gradually eased his relationship with Billy and began to get along very well.

However, after he regained the warmth and comfort of his family, he was devastated in his career, and he ran around to find a job in order to prevent his wife from taking custody of Billy, and as he waited in the crowd for the company's decision, the helpless expression on his face contrasted sharply with the happy atmosphere of the people around him.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

He ended up losing custody to his ex-wife, Joanna, because his new job wasn't well paid and he had injured Billy. However, the true feelings and sincere feelings in court still impressed the ex-wife, and she decided not to take Billy away, and Ted could finally hold on to the most precious emotion that had never been easy to come by.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

At the beginning of the film, Joanna looks at little Billy affectionately, the tears in her eyes are mottled, and her left hand is holding her chin, as if she is thinking and struggling with some troubles, and the slightly shining ring hints that her marriage is not happy.

Joanna is an uneasy with the status quo, the pursuit of freedom, the desire to live that kind of life that is not bland and not mechanical, she chose to leave on the one hand because her husband Ted did not care about her own and the feelings of the children, too little care and concern for herself and the children, she felt neglected and ignored.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

On the other hand, it was her own reason, because she was tired of housework and repetitive busy work, and could not stand the life of a housewife day after day, and she chose to leave and live that kind of free life as she pleased.

As she said to Ted, "It's me, it's all my fault, you're just marrying the wrong person, I can't do what you ask me to do..."

She felt that she had no patience to take care of Billy, to take care of the family, and to divide the work with her husband to take care of the family's big things and small things. And after more than a year of the life she wanted, she returned, eager to regain her lost affection and to regain the responsibility of a mother.

In the courtroom confrontation, the film shows Joanna's heartache and Ted's love for her son vividly through simple witness statements and lawyer questioning. This language processing coupled with the nuance of the character's expression fully expresses the wife's guilt and the husband's deep love for her son, showing an important warm scene.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

In the end, she is touched by Ted's true feelings and decides to let Billy continue to grow in his own home, not to destroy his heart's good wishes for home and loved ones. Such a choice must be difficult, it is undeniable that Joanna is deeply in love with her son Billy, the real care is only for Billy's sake, put aside selfish distractions, just for him to be able to grow up healthy and happy, this is a mother's most correct choice, is a mature mother should make a choice, is the emotional growth of all for the child's original intention to make a choice.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

The affection between son Billy and his parents is simple and innocent. At first, Billy grew up under the care of his mother, who was unable to adapt to life with his father for a while, and his father, Ted, did not have the experience of taking care of Billy and the ability to handle household chores.

Father and son also often fight each other, and after the quarrel that angered Ted because Billy did not listen to the discouragement to eat ice cream, both of them calmed down.

Father and son apologize to each other calmly and communicate with each other, compare hearts to hearts, soothe relaxation, which also makes the relationship between father and son begin to ease, and gradually get along harmoniously and happily.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

When Billy falls and asks for a needle, Ted resolutely encourages billy and comforts him, and the father's responsibility and mother's warm care are reflected in Ted's body. He did not apply to appeal again because he did not want Billy to appear in court to make a choice, and this kind of dedication to his son is touching.

At the end of the film, when Ted prepares breakfast again, there is no longer the first time when he was busy, overwhelmed with embarrassment and impatience, and the father and son cooperate tacitly, embracing each other affectionately and warming people's hearts.

At the end of the film, the camera is still aimed at Joanna, the tear-filled face reveals a smile, it is a reflection on themselves and guilt for their son, and when Ted and Joanna embrace each other deeply, because the two people treat each other sincerely and talk to each other, the two people at the end have emotionally resonated and blended.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

Marriage is irretrievable, but emotionally each other has been more understanding and tolerance, can put themselves in each other's shoes, for the sake of the family for the sake of the children, the responsibility of parents to take up, so that children can grow up with peace of mind, meditation, and happiness, which is also their respective emotions have accumulated certain experience and achieved a qualitative leap.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

The film focuses on the daily life of ordinary people, intertwines personal life with ideals, family troubles, and the burden of work, shows that personal emotions are limited by the layers of pressure of family and society, harvests family affection and warmth in growth, and uses sincerity and true feelings to recall warmth and care.

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

Family and career do not necessarily have to choose, but should be clearly prioritized, a harmonious family will not only not affect the career, but also inspire a person to work hard, for him and her to create a superior and worry-free environment.

Children are not the only reason to maintain family harmony, with lovers, family members know each other, love each other, always maintain emotional effective communication and empathy in the position of the place, more understanding, more support, more praise, maybe this is the true meaning of a family long-term harmony, long-term and vivid life

The picture in this article comes from the network

It is not the child who sustains family feelings, but communication and empathy

The clouds are light and the breeze is light, and it is the time to make friends. Here are the rational analysis of the various changes of life in film and television works; there are the words of the green feelings in the football world; there is the true understanding of emotional communication in a good life; there is a deep thinking about the forward force in personal growth. While passing on the core values of socialism, we pay attention to our efforts and growth along the way, and hope that we can all become better selves.