
Life and death stop, what are you thinking when you pass by traffic lights?

author:Birdcage reproduction
Life and death stop, what are you thinking when you pass by traffic lights?

Last night, very late, I rode my bike home. Along the way with me, there were also a lot of people riding battery cars, they were much faster than me, and the size of the vehicles was much larger, so I had to ride as far as I could to the side of the road.

After a while, I saw someone riding a bicycle on the side of the road in front of me. It was a father carrying his son. Their car was moving slowly, the son looked like a high school student, very strong and well-dressed; the father was a skinny middle-aged man in old shoes, pedaling his old-fashioned bicycle with beams.

After a day's work, I felt tired and sleepy, eager to get home, and I overtook them and left them far behind.

At a large intersection, because of the red light, I had to stop the speed of the battery car and wait at the intersection with the battery car. The red light at the intersection was long, and there were still eight or nine seconds to go, when the father carrying his son slowly rode to the intersection and stopped next to me.

What an incredible thing!

Before the sigh in my heart was over, the green light came. And the father had already crossed the safety line at his steady, symmetrical speed a second before the green light came.

Of course, I surpassed them again.

But perhaps there is always a smell of death at the crossroads, and I think of it this way: on the road of our lives, people are as fast and slow as they are on the real road, and the power and wealth they have are like different means of transportation. But those who rode back to the battery car earlier did not save much time earlier than me, and I did not save much more time than the father. We hurry up, but it doesn't prolong life or delay death.

It's like in front of a red light, we stop here before and after, and sooner or later we have to go to death.