
Antique collection of fine works, bone carving grasshopper cabbage

author:Treasure the world CBTX

The finest collection of antiques, bone carving grasshopper cabbage; bone carving is an extremely ancient carving technique, with a long history dating back to the Paleolithic Age. The cave people at the top of the mountain grind fishbone into needles and make necklaces. A large number of bone ornaments have been excavated at various Neolithic sites.

Bone carving crafts, simple and elegant, can be made from low-priced beef bones. The carvers use wisdom and skill, using the carving knife as a pen, and after careful carving, they have produced exquisite and exquisite and fashionable carving art crafts. Because of the uniqueness of his works, it has become a treasure of antique collection, gifts from guests and friends, elegant room decorations and tourist souvenirs.

Grasshopper cabbage – originally a prestigious bone carving work in Beijing, famous in Beijing in the 30s, when the dignitaries and nobles of the year, the first celebrity of the house, wanted to get this work, and had to book it three months in advance. A fine piece of grasshopper cabbage requires nearly two weeks of careful carving by a craftsman.

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Treasure World Antique Collection Platform, is a professional platform engaged in the collection of appraisal and traceability, art online and offline exhibition transactions and other business, and the director unit of the China Society of Inspection and Testing has jointly created a unique model of "offline museum identification and preservation - online exhibition transaction", forming a comprehensive and three-dimensional memorandum system of art collection, exchange, transaction, investment and collection.

This vessel is made of bone as the material and is carved by complex processes such as circular carving, relief carving, and vertical carving. The carved cabbage cabbage roots must be dense, interspersed and twisted, the leaves are wrapped in layers, and several vegetable leaves stretch naturally, the order is clear, and the staggered is like natural growth. The uneven texture of the leaves is carefully excavated, the treatment of the veins and textures of the leaves is meticulous, and the flowing and gentle parts of the leaves are quite looking forward to it. Crouching on the cabbage leaves adds a lot of agility. Cabbage is also harmonized with "Hundred Fortunes", which means that cabbage is prosperous. The whole carving is exquisite, the lines are smooth, the meaning is rich, and it is rare to see, which is a superior work.

Antique collection of superior works, bone carving grasshopper cabbage; grasshopper cabbage, cabbage is Chinese popular dish, regardless of what status people have a preference for cabbage, is one of the most popular vegetables. It is said that Cixi's health deteriorated in her later years, and she drank cabbage soup to regulate her stomach and intestines and nurture her life. "Cabbage" and "hundred fortunes" are harmonious, meaning to attract wealth and fortune, and gold and silver are called yellow and white things, so that cabbage is regarded as an excellent color head. And because the cabbage is layer by layer, it is regarded as a good omen for seeing wealth layer by layer. In the north, people have a hobby of raising insects, and raising songbirds has accumulated into a songbird culture. There is a gate in the Forbidden City, named after the "cockroach", which is a grasshopper, which means that there are many heirs. When foreign envoys came to visit, the Kangxi Emperor hung a large number of grasshopper cages in the main hall, listening to the grasshoppers "group singing", "grasshoppers" and "country" harmonic sounds, beautiful name: "All nations come to the dynasty!" ”

Antique collection of fine works, bone carving grasshopper cabbage

Collection type: Bone carving

Age of collection: Modern times

Collection specifications: Height: 11cm Width: 19cm

Collection source: Treasure World APP【Certification Zone】

The themes of grasshoppers and cabbage are loved by the public, and the combination of the two makes the meaning richer. The meaning of "grasshopper cabbage" is as far as the country is concerned: the country has all the wealth, the country is rich and the people are strong! For individual families, it is: family wealth, many children and many blessings, step by step! There are live grasshoppers on the cabbage, so that wealth becomes living wealth, metaphorically the source of wealth rolling in. And the appearance of cabbage for white and leafy green is also in line with the ancient Chinese literati doctor's idea of advocating "innocence" to be a person.

Antique collection of fine works, bone carving grasshopper cabbage

Therefore, "grasshopper cabbage" is used by many artists as a theme, using gold, silver, jade, paper, ivory and other carriers to make works of art in the form of casting, carving, painting, as home furnishings. The most famous work of art of "grasshopper cabbage" is the jade jade "grasshopper cabbage" in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Because the meaning of "grasshopper cabbage" is too popular in the minds of ordinary Chinese people, its popularity is very high, it has become the first of the ten treasures of the National Palace in Taipei.

The works of the great painter Qi Baishi on the theme of "grasshopper cabbage" have been handed down many masterpieces and stories. One winter, when the old man of Shiraishi saw that the old man selling cabbage in front of the door was living a hard life, he drew a "cabbage" in the house and exchanged cabbage with the person who sold cabbage. After a misunderstanding, the old man who sold cabbage only recognized the goods and was overjoyed to know the value of the painting.

Antique collection of fine works, bone carving grasshopper cabbage

The themes of "grasshopper" and "cabbage" originate from tradition, imply beauty, represent the connotation of Chinese culture, and are enduring in the connotation of traditional Chinese culture, so that the hearts of a wide range of audiences can deeply feel the artistic beauty presented by "grasshopper cabbage". Each work has an auspicious meaning, pure white or green cabbage is full of vitality, there is a prosperous business; emerald green grasshoppers have wings and whiskers, it seems to have drunk enough to scream at the dew, and they rise step by step; the elegant shape of the whole work, the delicate knife work, the pastoral taste has its own vitality, and it is an extremely precious elegant object.

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