
The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

author:The side of the ancient road outside the Great Wall

In the Internet age, the earth has become smaller, the information has increased, the historical vision has been wandering, the angle and the observation have become the weakness of the headline creators, the Chinese civilization has lasted for a long time, and the descendants of The Chinese who once fought for thousands of years to get rid of the warhorse can now only look for the story of the Ma Totem culture from the old paper pile, and Zhangjiakou gradually entered the historical stage after returning from the Mongolian Yuan Emperor to the grassland.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Ma Yuan, a famous general of the Eastern Han Dynasty's Northern Imperial Xiongnu Wuhuan, said: "The sky is like a dragon, and the land is like a horse." Horses, the basis of armored soldiers, the great use of the country", "boys should die in the wilderness, and bury their ears with the body of Ma Ge", and later, in the army of illness and death, in response to the oath of Ma Ge's shroud, he raised the breeding of warhorses to the important position of the state of Qi and Rong.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Since ancient times, China has had several major natural pastures, basically in the nomadic area north of the Great Wall, the southern part of the desert is in the area of Chahar Chengde Paddock in Zhangjiakou, the western part of the desert is in the area of the Inner Mongolia River Loop in Liangzhou, Gansu, the northern part of the desert is in the area of the present-day Outer Mengkent Mountain, and the Tang Dynasty horse government has a combination of wild animal husbandry and the supervision of thick horses and thin horses, which well solves the combination of natural pastures and stable breeding, making the Tang Dynasty warhorses the most prosperous.

The Chinese nation pays attention to farming, horses to pull the cart, farming, transportation and ride and war, the demand for horses is very large, the Han people's experience and nature of breeding horses, compared to the nomadic people, almost a thing, can only use silk to change horses and conquest, has been working hard for the cultivation of horses and horses, successive dynasties have listed horse politics as one of the "important politics of the country".

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

"Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Tang Ma has been the most prosperous, and tianzi has also been keen on martial arts, so it is weak in the northwest." Tang Dynasty horse government continued the Sui Dynasty horse government, but also inhibited the Han dynasty horse breeding, Han people can only engage in farming, but allow civilian soldiers to raise horses, the soldiers are hereditary military status, in case of war, the required weapons and horses, pots and curtains must be brought by themselves.

The Tang Dynasty introduced horse breeds from the western regions of the Great Wan, samarkand good horses, improved the horse breeds in the northwest region, alleviated the shortage of horses, horses could not compete with people for cultivated land for beans and omnivorous, the ancients calculated, the land needed to raise a horse was used to grow grain, it could feed twenty-five people, the Qin Dynasty promulgated the "Stable Garden Law": "Horse thieves die, cattle thieves shackles", killing cattle and slaughtering horses must be approved by the government, and have been used forever.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

The Tang Dynasty set up a post of superintendent and pastor, recruiting for the nomads with high salaries, An Lushan was a horse dealer who could speak the language of the Six Kingdoms, but he was not hired, when stealing sheep was caught by officers and soldiers, he almost beat him to death, he shouted: "Doesn't the doctor want to destroy the two tribes?" Youzhou Jiedu Zhang Shoujue saw that his language was strong, and ordered him and Shi Siming to spy and capture prisoners, and gradually became a general due to their bravery in battle.

In 744, during the Tianbao period, An Lushan served as the envoy of Fanyang Jiedushi, and the jurisdiction area was basically the later Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, in order to invite rewards for border merit, provoke the Khitan people, cause war, and the leader of the ancient ethnic group xi in the north, slaughtered thousands of Khitan chiefs, the Xi people, meaning the people with comb braids, nomadic in Zhangjiakou, Dushikou, Gubeikou Yan Great Wall north and south of the area.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Horse sculpture artwork

An Lushan supported the army to respect themselves, in Zhangjiakou Mo ma soldiers, build Xuanhua, wash marlin, Longguan and other castles, mint coins in Wei County, this area belongs to the developed water system of the middle temperate zone, is also an excellent pasture, An Lushan when the army was called 200,000, the number is a bit virtual, but most of the cavalry is true.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Zhangjiakou Chicheng Longguan Tang Dynasty Heavy Light Pagoda

During the Tang, Song, Liao, and Jinyuan dynasties, the area around Zhangjiakou was a noble territory of the Mongolian plateau that believed in the Yuan religion, and was sparsely populated, and Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty placed the prisoners of war of the Yuan Dynasty and the Chahar people who surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty within the Great Wall of Xuanhua or farming or pastoralism, zhu Di "Heavenly Son Guarding the Gate of the Country" after the establishment of the capital in Beijing, Zhangjiakou Huailai Wanquan and other places became Qidian, and gradually developed into an agricultural and nomadic staggered area.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou
The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Zhu Di was the Emperor of the Horse who won the world, and he commanded Ma Zheng: "The Ancient One is in charge of the Sima of the Political Commissar of the Army." Ask the king's wealth, count the horses. It is the horse that is the most important to the country. ", set up two major Taibu temples in the north and south, encourage folk horse breeding, set up Gyeonggi Yuan Horse Temple in Beijing, and set up official pastors in Zhangjiakou Wanquan Xuanhua, "official pastors for border defense." "The official pasture was cultivated and pasted by military households, and the peasant craftsmen were not allowed to enter, and demanded tribute horses from the vassal states and Goryeo, and set up a tea horse division in Shaanxi, Sichuan, to exchange tea for horses.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

"In Yongle, he placed the grassland in Kidian. More than 130 miles from the Shunsheng River to the Sanggan River, the water and grass were beautiful, so that the aether servants rode a thousand horses, and the Huailai guards divided the herds, which was later increased to 12,000 horses. At the beginning of Xuande, Jiumafang was restored to Bao'an Prefecture. "The State of Bao'an is Zhuolu.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

The ideal is very full, the reality is very bone, the Ming Dynasty for the war horses to cultivate horses and mules, made unremitting efforts, the implementation of military and civilian horse breeding, but the effect is not ideal, "Ming History": "According to the Ming Dynasty horse government, the law has been long and evil. Because of its prosperity and eventual decline, it is mostly destroyed by the grassland. Taizu has set up grasslands in the north and south of the great river, and restored the pasture land in the north... Those who are not military and civilian breeders listen to the kings' horses and even the military and civilians in the vicinity to collect and graze their own animals, and they are not allowed to occupy themselves in the border provinces... After that, the fields of the villages increased day by day, the grasslands were reduced day by day, and the soldiers and civilians were trapped in breeding... The disadvantages are extremely bad. ”。

During the Ming Zhengde period, harsh government and corruption led to the rebellion of Liu Liu and Liu Qi, the imperial court mobilized a large army to quell the rebellion, paying a heavy price, the southern and northern Taibu Temples were basically paralyzed, ming orthodoxy for three years, in Datong opened a horse market, and the chief of the Walla also exchanged markets first, and later due to the middle official Wang Zhen cut down the price of horses, there was a military dispute, which led to the civil engineering change in Zhangjiakou Huailai, and the horse market was abolished.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

In 1531, jiajing ten years, the Ming Dynasty opened a horse market in Datong, silver for horses, because Zhangjiakou is closer to the capital, known as the "North Gate" of Beijing, the Ming Dynasty has a hundred years of time, do not allow Zhangjiakou tea and horses to exchange market, Jiajing twenty-seven years into the Kou, Datong, Wei County horses, plundered.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Zhangjiakou old photos, Weixian paper-cut window flowers, Weixian paper-cut is engraved and rendered, different from the Shanxi and Northwest paper-cutting of the Wufu class.

Under the impetus of Wang Chonggu, the governor of Xuanda, and Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant, during the Longqing period, the switch was opened to the sea, and Zhangjiakou opened the horse market at Dushikou and Xinhekou, and only later opened the horse market at the Dajing Gate of Zhangjiakou, initially with the name of Shuyima, not allowing tea trading, and later there was a tea horse trade, "Its price, Liaodong is made of rice cloth silk, Xuan, Da, Shanxi to silver." Whoever has a tribute horse outside the city shall give it in banknotes. ”。

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou
The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

In the late Ming Dynasty, the Jurchen chief of Jianzhou, Nurhaci, quietly rose, in order to store weapons, using shajin to trade iron with naturalized and Zhangjiakou merchants, the merchants loaded iron agricultural tools such as iron nails such as ploughs into large vats and transported them to Liaoyang, Shengjing, Qiqihar and other places.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

When Nurhaci unified the Jurchen tribe, he clashed with the Mongolian Lin Dan Khan, and gradually disintegrated the Mongolian Chahar tribe by means of marriage and other methods, in 1633, Ming Chongzhen five years, the battle brave second only to Dolgun Azig, chased after Lin Dan Khan on the way back, led a large army in Zhangjiakou Great Wall outside the western border gate of Zhenggou, camped and rested for eight days, in fact, it was a show of martial prowess.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou
The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Mongolian guide of the foreign expedition team outside the Dajing Gate of Zhangjiakou.

Inspector Shen Jie of Xuanhua Province and the general soldiers sent envoys, with cattle and sheep to reward Azig's army, and gave Azig the reward of "satin cloth skin (worth silver) 12,500 taels" that was originally prepared to be given to Lin Dan Khan of the Mongolian Chahar Department, and Azig forced Xuanhua Province to open a border exchange market in Zhangjiakou, "so that peace was agreed, and the big city was in Zhangjiakou."

Nurhaci and Emperor Taiji are both horse Khans, the Eight Banners of Manchuria decided the final victory or defeat with the main cavalry force, after emperor Taiji of Tiancong Khan conquered the Chahar department of Mongolia, the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry exceeded 10,000, and it was said that "the Manchu Qing cavalry is not more than 10,000, and more than 10,000 are invincible", Chahar Iron Horse accompanied the Emperor Taiji to march east to Korea, and fought North Korea to pieces, which was worse than the destruction of the Southern Song Dynasty, and more than 40,000 Korean wealthy women were taken captive in Liaoyang, ransomed with gold and Korean ginseng, and then used gold and silver to buy iron from Hebei and Zezhou, Shanxi. As a result, there were many Shanxi households in Zhangjiakou, most of whom later became imperial merchants of the Qing Dynasty's internal affairs office.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Manchu riding archery warriors

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Mongol cavalry

Nurhaci immediately started his family, followed the example of the Tang Dynasty's horse administration before entering the customs, implemented strict horse administration, set up a military horse farm in Shengjing, often inspected, raised a bottle of wine, bad personally whipped, stable long wear yellow coats, shepherds wear red tassel hats, use Korean tea and Mongolian Khalkha tribe Yima.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

In August 1643, Emperor Taiji died of illness, the 6-year-old Fu Lin (Shunzhi Emperor) took the throne, Dolgun took the illness to assist the government, and did not intend to enter the customs, in 1644 the traitor Wu Sangui in revenge for killing his father, led the Qing army into Shanhaiguan, when the Chahar Iron Horse stationed more than 90 miles outside the Zhangjiakou Dajing Gate Lion Valley, after receiving the order, haohao entered the customs from the Dajing Gate, through Wanquan through Wei County Feihuyu to Shanxi, chased li Zicheng's army, during the Kangxi period, Chahar Iron Horse participated in the pacification of the San Francisco War, The predecessor of the Chahar Iron Horse was the cowardly Xue army personally formed by Genghis Khan, which was quite powerful.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

The Qing army entered the customs

In the second year after the Qing army entered the customs, that is, the Great Boundary Gate was built on the Great Wall of Zhangjiakou to expand the border kou horse market, allowing officials below the Manchu and Mongolian five pins to raise horses, and in the third year of Shunzhi, the Qinchahu Part Division was established in Zhangjiakou, which is now Zhangjiakou Sishui Street, which is responsible for the tax collection of Zhangjiakou Biankou.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou
The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Old photograph of Zhangjiakou taken by the Japanese

The Manchu Qing Dynasty was transitioned from nomadic people to agriculture and animal husbandry, sexual hunting, riding and shooting as the foundation of the country, attaching importance to the source of livestock breeding and horse management, after entering the customs, the official pasture was divided into Four parts: Taibu Temple Ranch, Shangsiyuan Ranch, Eight Flags Ranch and Green Camp Ranch, of which the Taibu Temple Ranch and Shangsiyuan Ranch in Chahar were the royal pastures, and the Manchus administered the Chahar people to graze their cattle.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou
The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Chahar Ranch has always been a traditional pasture of "according to the natural power of heaven and earth, raising natural things of heaven and earth", the Liao Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty period is the royal pasture, during the Shunzhi period, in the Zhangjiakou border mouth set up a subordinate to the no. 2 and no. 3 stallion of the military department, now there is Zhangbei No. 2 No. 3 Township, that is, the area of the current Chabei management area, the stall has Korean horses, Mongolian horses, Cossack horses, Kazakh horses, Guizi Dawan horses, northeast Jianzhou horses, northwest Xining horses, Ningxia horses, Taozhou horses, Ganzhou horses, etc., of course, there are also Zhangbei horses with strong endurance by Chahar cavalry.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Ili horse

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Mongolian horse

Chahar Ranch has always been a traditional pasture of "according to the natural power of heaven and earth, nourishing the natural things of heaven and earth", the Liao Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty period was a royal pasture, the early Qing Dynasty imperial court set up a royal horse to supervise the royal horse, in preparation for the emperor to patrol the luck, the gurudwara and hunting during the ride, the royal horse was selected, the body was branded, and the Mongolian horse medical officer provided food for its care.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Gao Shiqi, who was promoted seven grades in a day to the official scene of the Qing Dynasty, specially for the Kangxi Emperor to explain his doubts and comment on calligraphy and painting, he said in the preface to "Sai Wai Mu": "Outside Zhangjiakou are the country's pastoral fields, there are no less than tens of millions of horses, cattle and sheep, and hope for the clouds." In the commentary to the poem, it is pointed out: "There are those who belong to the Inner Ministry of The Interior Andi Temple, and there are those who belong to the Taibu Temple." Cattle and sheep belong to the Uchiha Gyeonghoji. ”。

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

Qingfengsi was in charge of the supply of beef and mutton in the palace, and the sheep were black-headed sheep on the Zhangjiakou Dam.

In ancient China, the country was founded on agriculture, the tradition of respecting farmers and heavy farmers has a long history, the Manchu Qing Dynasty developed agriculture very early, studied Han farming culture and ceremonial culture, every year in the middle of the lunar calendar, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty would lead hundreds of officials to the first agricultural altar, first sacrifice the first peasant god, and then take off the dress, change into pro-farming clothes, and go to the front of the ploughing platform to cultivate the land on an acre and three points.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

The emperor's cattle for personal cultivation were Qingfengsi who went to Zhangjiakou's outer pasture to take cattle, and sent the selected cattle to the inner three circles after branding, at the same time, the cattle that had been out of the palace were sent back to Zhangjiakou, and the Qing court set up three cattle pens outside the Xihua Gate of the Forbidden City, specially for the palace to provide milk, these cows were two bunches of grass and four liters of beans every day, at that time, ordinary people's families, one and a half pounds of rations a day, the imperial horses and royal cattle were more expensive than people.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

In the thirty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, when the Kangxi Emperor personally conquered Gardan, he inspected the pasture of the horse, cattle and sheep, and gave the poem "Reading the Horse, Cow and Sheep".

The borderlands are idle, and the livestock is abundant. Each has its own responsibility, and the water and grass are salty.

Jiang Yuyu drove the strategy, enjoying a feast and abundant livestock. The day is given to the high official, and the year is for the internal stable to ride.

Don't bother to dedicate mu of power, live and breathe frequently. Occasionally, the history of Saiyuan, according to the division of the province.

Thousands of groups of Mu Muzhuang, ten thousand teams of Yun Jinqi. Warm on the slope of the sun, proud to the autumn plains.

Non-exclusive, but also sakuma. Xia Wu broke the cunning and hung a bow in the Heavenly Mountains.

It was time to recuperate. The clouds are thin, and the state uses constant capital.

Drink appropriately, cover up with selflessness.

In the poem, we can see the landscape of the Chahar Royal Ranch at that time, as well as the situation of horses, cattle and sheep in the Qing court's social sacrifices, banquets, palace envoys, military and horse supply, and rewards, etc., to make up for the historical gap with poetry.

The Chinese nation has been fighting for war horses for a thousand years, and the horse politics culture of Chahar Zhangjiakou

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