
The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?

author:Li Yukop

There has always been a theory that dinosaurs did not go extinct, but evolved into other species, such as birds.

Did birds really evolve from dinosaurs? The large-scale fossils found in Heyuan City may be a proof of this.

The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?

Some bird features of Huang's River Source Dragon

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > the size of dinosaur fossils in Heyuan</h1>

Since the first nest of dinosaur egg fossils were unearthed in March 1996, nearly 16,000 dinosaur egg fossils, 84 dinosaur skeleton fossils, and more than 200 dinosaur footprint fossils have been excavated so far.

They come in all shapes and sizes and belong to at least forty species of dinosaurs.

The world's rare dinosaur eggs, dinosaur bones, dinosaur footprint fossils "Trinity" discovery site.

The most numerous of these are huang's river source dragon (in honor of huang dong curator who made important contributions in the process of fossil excavation and conservation)

The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?
The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?
The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?
The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?

Dinosaur eggs of all kinds

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > Huang's River Source Dragon</h1>

Huang's Heyuan was a 2 to 3 m long oviraptorosaur dinosaur, good at preying on lizards and small mammals, with no teeth on the upper and lower jaws; the length of the forelimbs (including humerus, radius, ulna and metacarpal bone) was at least 40.1 cm, and there should be flexible graspable "hands", each "hand" had 3 sharp claws.

Oviraptorosaurus dinosaur: This is a named oolong event, the skeleton of the oviraptorosaur to which the Hwang haulosaurus belongs, which was first discovered by Russian paleontologist Drus in 1923 on the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. “...... This bird-like dinosaur skeleton, the skull is broken. Beneath it, there is a nest of fossilized proto-horned dragon eggs. Drus thought it was "clearly a daring theft ... When the protocephosaur returned to its nest, it found that another dinosaur was trying to steal its eggs..." For this reason, this dinosaur that was "trying to steal eggs" was named "Egg Stealing Dragon".

In fact, it is using its long claws to care for young life. However, according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, names that have already been determined cannot be changed. So the name of the oviraptorosaur has been used ever since.

The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?

Artificially restored pictures based on fossil bones and feathers

The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?
The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?

Look at the pictures, it's already a bird!!!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" Why are there so many fossils in the river source >? </h1>

The red sandstone area is a "natural delivery room"

Dinosaurs like to wander around, after laying eggs to raise their legs to go, so dinosaur eggs are used to naturally hatch at surface temperatures, so dinosaur mothers have extremely high requirements for the place where eggs are laid, in addition to temperature, humidity, environmental indicators should be suitable, but also very hidden and safe. The dinosaur egg fossils unearthed in Heyuan are mainly concentrated in the red sandstone area on both sides of the Dongjiang River in Heyuan City. Located between longitude 114.413 E and latitude 32.443 N, this area has a subtropical monsoon climate.

65 million years ago, this is an open swampland, mild climate, abundant rainfall, abundant water and grass, from the topographic point of view, here is a leeward to the sun inclined side, neither deep mountains, but also away from the tide salty and wet, is a comfortable and safe place, is simply a natural dinosaur delivery room

The evidence is overwhelming! Birds evolved from dinosaurs? Heyuan Huang's Dragon is a good proof of this heyuan dinosaur fossil scale Why are there so many fossils in Huang's Heyuan Longheyuan?

Iridium makes it impossible to hatch

In the Jurassic era, the number of dinosaurs was larger, and the hatching rate of dinosaur eggs was relatively high; and in the Cretaceous era, the number of dinosaur family members was relatively reduced, the hatching rate of dinosaur eggs also began to decline, and the probability of dinosaur shells was reduced, producing a large number of dinosaur eggs that could not be properly hatched, providing a possibility for the formation of dinosaur egg fossils, and also laying the groundwork for dinosaurs to eventually decline.

In the eggshell of the dinosaur egg unearthed in Heyuan, scientists found a strange chemical element "iridium", which is mainly present in the earth's core on the earth, while in outer space there is a large number of "a large number of iridium enrichment appears, there can only be two possibilities, one is a meteorite hitting the earth, the other is a volcanic eruption." This is consistent with the explanation of the demise of the dinosaurs.

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