
Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

author:Encounter beauty


Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

"Weakness" is based on the real story of michael Oher, a popular star in the National Football League. Mrs. Taussi stumbles upon Michael Oher, a homeless black orphan, who brings him home out of compassion and decides to adopt him. With the meticulous care and caring help of Mrs. Taussi's family, Michael Oher, who is full of confusion about life, not only succeeds in his studies, but also his potential in rugby is soon discovered, and finally grows into a dazzling star who gallops on the pitch...

When the heroine, Mrs. Tossie, first meets Michael and asks him why he went to the gym. Michael shivered and said it was warm there. Seeing this, his tears flowed out uncontrollably in an instant. There is no deliberate sensationalism, and as the film deepens, pity and sympathy are so naturally revealed. The emotions, understanding and tolerance between different races, no human indifference only human warmth, the selfless love that changes a person's fate is infectious, attracted by the story to laugh together, accidentally moved by the movie from beginning to end for 2 hours, have to admit that this is really a seamless true love story.

This is a touching and warm spring movie, everywhere warm surging, let people feel warm, after watching not only let people feel warm in their hearts, but also the mood will be inexplicably comfortable and comfortable. Courage has always accompanied, everyone should not give up their ideals and pursuits at any time, the kindness of human nature, the great maternal love, and "When Happiness Knocks" gives me the same feeling, both warm and touching, like this movie.

I like the pair of children, SJ and Collins, a cute and lively person, a gentle and beautiful person, and I like two clips in the film about the two of them: SJ on the grass as a coach to train Michael's skills; in the library, Collins took the initiative to sit next to Michael and read and learn together.

A little help and a little love can change the fate of many unfortunate people.

Title: Weaknesses

The Blind Side

Also known as: Warm Rugby / Attack it unprepared

Directed by John Lee Hancock

Writers: John Lee Hancock, Michael Lewis, Michael Lewis

Starring Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron, Kathy Bates, Tim McGraw, Lily Collins, Andrey Lennos Adriane Lenox

Genre: Drama/Sports

Publisher: Warner Bros. Pictures Co.

Release Date: November 20, 2009 (USA)

After-view feeling: 9.1/10 (9.0-10, feel very good, highly recommended. )


When happiness comes knocking

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

"When Happiness Knocks" is based on a true story, the male protagonist Chris works very hard to maintain the family, but the reality does not improve, and his wife chooses to leave because of the pressure of life. As a single father, the poverty of life and all kinds of unsatisfactory, so that Chris is extremely depressed and helpless, but for the happiness of his son, under his continuous efforts, he finally achieved success, at this time happiness finally came...

A very typical Hollywood inspirational and touching movie, the performance of Will Smith father and son is very good, making the story real and real, full of appeal, no very sensational scenes, but touching, motivating, very close to our ordinary life, let people feel real and realistic, the plot touching ending is also perfect, this is the greatness of the ordinary people.

Despite all kinds of bad luck and dissatisfaction, Chris still does the responsibility of a father, takes care of his son, teaches him the truth of being a man, and faces the life and work around him with a smile with his love for his son and the pursuit of happiness. At the same time, his son is also very sensible, and has become a strong driving force and support for Chris to overcome all difficulties, and jointly interpret a song of father-son true feelings, which makes people moved.

There is a scene in the movie that is particularly touching, Chris and his son sleep in the toilet in the subway, someone knocks on the door outside to go in and finally even smashes the door, Chris desperately uses his legs against the door, he chokes hard, tightly holding his sleeping son in his arms, afraid of waking him up, at this time the tears can't help but flow down, this is the first time he shed tears in front of the predicament, but not succumb to difficulties, but he feels very sorry for his son, let his son suffer with himself.

In several scenes, Chris is constantly running, running for time, running for work, running for his son, running for life, and of course running for happiness, happiness can only be obtained through pursuit, and happiness can only be pursued through hard work.

The film also reflects the plight of people living at the bottom of society in big cities in the United States from one side, which country has poor people, but no matter what kind of people, as long as they have their own firm belief and the courage to persist, enough will and determination, they can create and change their own lives.

Chris in the movie can be described as bad luck, bad luck, one bad luck after another, no financial resources, Chris and his son are homeless, so they are forced to sleep in hotels, subways, toilets, shelters, etc., anywhere they can find a place to spend the night. Chris's positive attitude towards life shocked me, and his deep love for his son, which is the greatness of the ordinary.

Thinking about my own unfortunate experiences and lives, which are nothing compared to what happened to Chris (and maybe I'll encounter more unfortunate things later), the only way to deal with these unfortunate things is to be persistent and optimistic.

The film does not have too much deliberate heaviness to show the difficulties that Chris encountered, and adopts a comedic style to show the difficulties that Chris has encountered, so that the audience is more moved, there is laughter in sympathy, and there is more sympathy in laughter, which is a very special and worth watching movie.

Title: When Happiness Comes Knocking

The Pursuit of Happyness

Also known as: the pursuit of happiness / the pursuit of happiness

Directed by Gabriel Muccino Gabriele Muccino

Writers: Steve Conrad

Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Sandy Newton Thandie Newton, James Karen, Jaden Smith, Andy Anis Andy Arness

Genre: Drama/Biography

Publisher: Sony Columbia Columbia Pictures

Release Date: December 15, 2006 (USA), January 17, 2008 (China)

After-view feeling: 9.0/10 (9.0-10, feel very good, highly recommended. )

This man is from Earth

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

"This Man from Earth" runs through the entire 80 minutes in the form of dialogue, but its plot makes people's thinking undergo a thorough baptism, people's reverence for God, reverence for life, the depiction of history, and fantasies about the future are condensed in this simple story of this self-proclaimed 14,000-year-old "caveman".

Today was originally intended to watch the latest fantasy movie "Loch Ness Monster", open a look, it is actually a fake movie, is an old film, hanging sheep's head to sell head meat, not the latest, so I changed to watch "This Man from Earth", because many people on the Internet are recommending this movie, saying that it is definitely worth watching.

Telling you a story, explaining the world in a way you never thought of, and being completely drawn into the story from the beginning, it is no exaggeration to say that I was as nervous as the professors, and I became a full audience, even a little deeply trapped in it.

The simple statement about the evolutionary history of the male protagonist in the first half feels like listening to a popular science story, which is fascinating, interesting and interesting. The second half of the conversation about Jesus seems a little difficult to understand, and it should be a thorough interpretation and reflection on the worldview and outlook on life, and some places are very profound.

Finally snapped, the male protagonist actually said that these are not true, the movie suddenly denied the authenticity of all this, the main line of the story was suddenly cut off, at this time I felt an inexplicable and ingenious burst of nothingness, there was no main line as attachment, I felt that the thoughts were floating lightly, the feeling that I could not say it, fortunately, the movie finally turned around, which barely grasped the main line of the story landing, because the male protagonist deliberately did so, I really can't bear to see his friends suffer from this difficulty.

The whole movie except for a few poor outdoor shots, the only scene is the living room, only a few people sit around the fire, art, religion, history, geography, biology, medicine, all kinds of questions and questions, eloquently, it is simply a clash and collision of various ideas, can be called a master's conversation, really feel what is "listening to the king's words, better than reading ten years of books".

The same form of dialogue, compared to "The Lion into the Mouth", this movie is obviously higher, more exciting, more attractive, content and way, not boring.

In fact, it is not a science fiction film, more like a philosophical film, there is no visual shock, only a wave of unfazed conversation, some are just the feelings of the heart, from the beginning to the end are plain and unhurried mysteries make people excited, after watching it, I feel that my brain is like being baptized, from the beginning to the end, it is indeed worth a look.

Would you believe it if the story told in the movie happened around us? Would you believe that one of your friends lived 14,000 years? I will believe that anything is possible, even if you dare not imagine.

If the film appears in front of us in the form of telling a story while recreating the scene of the story, it is estimated that it will not have much appeal and will not have too much shock, and the beauty of this movie is that only a few people are talking in a simple room while listening and arguing, exploring a real and unreal story.

Title: This man is from Earth

The Man from Earth

又名:Jerome Bixby's The Man from Earth

Directed by Richard Schenkman

Starring John Billingsley, William Carter William Katt, Annika Peterson, Alice Thorpe Alexis Thorpe, Tony Todd

Category: Sci-Fi/Drama

Publisher: Anchor Bay Entertainment

Release Date: November 13, 2007 (USA)

Rat Noble

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

"Alvin and the Chipmunk" A talented songwriter Dave is in a series of dilemmas, just when he is about to give up music, but in his home suddenly met three singing chipmunks, and quite musically talented, with the help of three chipmunks Dave regained confidence in music, the four of them are like a family. The three cute chipmunks brought hope and blessings for the festival, but the good times were short-lived, and the big boss Ian deliberately broke up Dave and the three chipmunks in order to make money for the three chipmunks to tour the world. So can the three cute chipmunks get rid of human greed?

Recently have been looking for a comedy movie to relax the mood, but has not been as desired, the first two comedy movies to see are very disgusting to me, the mood is more and more bad, in order to avoid disappointment again, very conservative choice of this animated movie, although the online rating is very low, IMDB now only a pitiful 5.7 points, but has been looking forward to this movie, is has not had time to watch, last year in the Christmas schedule released, released almost half a year.

The CG animation modeling of the three chipmunks is very realistic, very cute, the songs in the movie are very good, cheerful and lively, happy mood, although the plot of the movie is a bit old-fashioned, there is no too brilliant plot, the ending of the reunion is also expected, but the story is concise and smooth, the plot is simple and funny, funny and warm, it is definitely an excellent comedy movie that cannot be missed for all ages and children to watch together.

Three live chipmunks: Alvin in a red hoodie can be said to be the leader of the chipmunk trio, with a flamboyant personality who loves to play pranks, a bit of a grandfather; Simon, a tall man in a blue hoody, is a guy who loves quiet and has a brain full of wisdom, wearing a black-rimmed glasses and is short-sighted; Kita, who wears a green hoodie, looks much more well-behaved, like a girl, but especially likes to eat. Among them, I like Kita the most, it is so cute, I can't sleep when I have nightmares, I am afraid, it is really very cute. The voice of the chipmunk is very special, a sharp and novel voice, which feels particularly fresh and has a pleasure of wanting to laugh.

There is nothing else to say, the point is that this movie makes me very relaxed, very happy, very happy to laugh, after watching it is really very regretful! I hope you all like these three very cute and mischievous chipmunks, these three chipmunks and the little mouse chef in "Ratatouille" are really a fight, just looked at it, the global box office of this movie is as high as 358 million US dollars.

Title: Rat Noble

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Also known as: Alvin and chipmunks / Chipmunk Star Club / Art Rat Bold

Directed by Tim Hill

Written by Jon Vitti

Starring Jason Lee, Cameron Richardson, David Cross, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Justin Long, Jane Lynch Jane Lynch

Genre: Animation/Comedy/Family/Song and Dance

Publisher: 20th Century Fox 20th Century Fox

Release Date: December 14, 2007 (USA)

Food Story

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

Even the most insignificant little person in "Food Story" has the right to dream, even if he is just a little mouse, and the dream of the little mouse Remy is to become a great chef. One day it stumbled into the kitchen of a high-end restaurant in Paris, and because of its unparalleled talent for smell, it worked with an unlucky young man in the kitchen to make one exquisite meal after another, showing the world the incomparable enthusiasm of the little mouse to love the kitchen...

A very interesting animated movie, at the beginning of the old lady actually hit the mouse with a destructive shotgun, it is really exaggerated to the home, but also humorous enough. The eyes, expressions, and movements of the rats are real, vivid and interesting, and spiritual. Perfect characters, excellent animations, dynamic music, all impeccable.

The friendship between the mouse Remy and the human can be seen warmly in people's hearts, and in it you can see the shackles of breaking through traditional concepts, the persistent pursuit of ideals and extraordinary gastronomic creativity.

There are many truths that the film wants to convey, honesty, bravery, friendship, family affection, ideals, family, and so on. Friendship is based on mutual trust, even between humans and mice, and between humans, and all friendships are based on mutual trust. The choice between family and ideals, and the importance of family affection, should be handled exactly.

Those rats are not exactly cute cartoon images, but very similar to the real mice, after all, the mouse is an animal that is not pleasing to humans, and the rats on the street are shouted and beaten, especially when hundreds of rats are finally unified in formation, cooking in the kitchen, and it is indeed a big challenge not to make the audience feel disgusted. I wonder if you felt nauseous at the time? I didn't, but I felt imposing.

During the summer vacation, after leading your children and families to the cinema or watching "The Secret of the Treasure Gourd" at home, you must not miss Pixar's summer blockbuster "Ratatouille". However, as a reminder, it is estimated that many children will go home and raise a mouse as a pet after reading it, but don't yell.

"Everyone can cook", go home and try to cook. If there are really mice that can cook, I guess I definitely don't have the courage to taste it.

Title: Food Story

English name: Ratatouille

Also known as: RatAtouille / Mouse Chef / Five-Star Rat

Directed by Brad Bird, Jane Pickwa Jan Pinkava

Writers: Brad Bird, Jane Pickwa Jan Pinkava, Bob Peterson

Starring Brad Garrett, Patton Oswalt Patton Oswalt, Brian Dennehy, Janeane Garofalo, Gianian Gillao faro Janeane Garofalo, Ian Holm, Peter O'Toole, Will Arnett, James Remar

Genre: Animation/Family/Comedy

Publisher: Buena Vista Pictures

Release Date: June 29, 2007 (USA), October 19, 2007 (China)


Psychic transporter

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

The people who possess the superpower of "teleportation" in "Teleporter" are called "Teleporters", and they can rely on their own minds to reach any place in the world instantaneously, because this superpower possessed by these "Teleporters" poses a great threat to mankind, so a mysterious organization "Holy Warrior" has set off a war to hunt down "Teleporters" hundreds of years ago, which continues to this day...

Wander the streets of New York in the morning, taste sushi in Tokyo at noon, wander among the monuments of Rome in the afternoon, watch the sunset in London at dusk, and spend the night with your beloved... Presumably everyone fantasizes about getting the superpower of "teleportation", if you have this superpower, what is the first thing you want to do? But I certainly don't want to go to the bank to steal money like the male protagonist, the price is too high and too risky, I still go to scare and scare some people.

In fact, superpowers are not only "teleportation", in "X-Men" and "Heroes" (or "Fantastic Four"), there are many characters with superpowers, this movie only takes the super ability of "teleportation" as the main body of the movie, I think it may be because this superpower can bring very exciting visual effects, if this movie is successful (the current situation is already very successful), it is estimated that there will be many similar movies in the future, specifically interpreting one of the superpowers.

With the superpower of "teleportation", I feel that the male protagonist is likely to be shaped into a big hero who saves the world, and I really did not expect that the male protagonist was actually a "villain" image, and even did such a disgraceful thing as robbing a bank at the beginning, with the "aura" of a thief, and the stupidity was really shocking.

In fact, those "holy warriors" are not a good thing, hunting and killing "teleporters" everywhere in the name of justice, and some "teleporters" are not guilty of death at all, they are simply killing innocents indiscriminately, whether good or bad, in fact, their jealous psychology is at work, and the psychology of hatred of the rich is almost the same.

The picture of the movie is very wonderful and dazzling, dazzling, London Big Ben, Egyptian Pyramid Sphinx, Roman Colosseum, from the desert to the North Pole, the sea, etc., there are many scenes in the movie, it is really a landscape around the world instant travel, bringing us a new visual experience. Feel the instantaneous movement of it" visual effects are really amazing, the action of the fight is mixed with time-lapse transfer, one will jump to this, one will jump to that, around the world, the feeling of watching is still very good, very enjoyable, amazing, exciting.

I feel that the male protagonist is very handsome, the female protagonist is still pretty, both men and women are very eye-catching, when they travel together in Rome, the soundtrack is really beautiful, very romantic, I also want to experience that romantic feeling. The heroine always pestered the hero and asked why, and I thought she was really annoying.

The story of the movie is very simple, there are not many characters, the plot is also very single, but there are amazing "teleportation" visual effects as a foil, so that this seemingly simple and mediocre movie is suddenly amazing a lot, wonderful, tense, exciting, watch this movie basically do not need to think about the brain, follow the movie is, last night after watching this movie, the heart is very relaxed, the depression in the heart is instantaneously discharged, a very cheerful feeling, so, I feel that this movie is very good.

Title: Psychic Transporter

English name: Jumper

Also known as: Moving Worlds / Space-Time Hacker / Skywalker

Directed by Doug Liman

Writers: Jim Os Jim Uhls, Steven Gould, David Gould David S. Goyer

Starring Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Jamie Bell, Diane Lynn Diane Lane, Rachel Bilson, Anna Sophia Rob Annasophia Robb, Max Thieriot, Jace James Jesse James

Genre: Action/Thriller/Adventure/Drama/Sci-Fi

Release Date: February 14, 2008 (USA)

After-view feeling: 9.2/10 points (9.0-10 points, feel very good, highly recommended. )


Robot Story

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

"Robot Story" takes place in 2700, due to the excessive destruction of the environment by humans, the earth has become a big garbage ball floating in space, and humans have to move to the spaceship, waiting for the day to be able to return to life on the earth. WALL· E is the only robot left to clean up garbage on Earth. One day, WALL · E sees Eve, a female robot searching for signs of life on Earth, and falls in love with her at first sight, for her own love, WALL · E dead grabbed the spacecraft carrying Eve and went into space...

In September, I watched the first half, I didn't finish it at the time, until yesterday I watched it again with my classmates in the dormitory, and finally I finished reading it. There is almost no use of too much language in the film, just some robot sounds, most of which are some eyes, expressions and actions, without too much language expression, it has shown us the essence of this movie very well.

Who says robots can't fall in love? Love at first sight is not a unique emotional element of human beings, there is love, everything is possible, never seen such a love movie, cold robots also have a hot flame of love. Of course, it can also be seen as a very good comedy movie, in fact, it is full of comedic elements, there are some small details and humor everywhere, some simple expressions, actions and eyes, which can make you smile and relax your mood. The eyes, expressions and movements of all the robots are very realistic, very vivid, some places are extremely cute, some places are humorous, and some places are touching and attractive.

Little Wall-E is simply too cute, and very romantic, the most brilliant part of the body is its two telescope-like eyes, a pair of big eyes that vividly express infinite feelings, as if the feelings of real people. Through its large eyes, we can clearly see its inner world, read its joy, happiness, fear, timidity and bravery.

Compared to the rusty Walle, Eva is indeed very beautiful, a bit of a savage girlfriend, sometimes fierce, sometimes brave and spontaneous. And the robot M-O, which is responsible for inspecting foreign contaminants, was replaced by WALL · E tortured a little madly, seeing it tirelessly scrubwing Wall · The garbage brought by E did not feel that it was pitiful, but felt that it was a little cute. The "psychotic" robots are also very interesting.

A scene in the movie, it is likely that it will become a reality in the future, I don't want to become a big fat man in the future, lying on the chair all day as long as you move your fingers can do what you want, do nothing, such a life, I don't want, no longer lazy can not be lazy into that ah, oh, forget a little, I can not live that time.

No, Pixar production, must be a good product, an almost perfect animated movie, a masterpiece of whimsy, feel very comfortable after watching this movie, gently shake his (her) hand, let's watch it together.

It is simply depressed, write these hundreds of words, the middle actually played like a power outage three times, the first blackout was not saved in the browser, all lost; the second time to learn to be obedient, with a notepad record; the third time do not care, you guys although the power outage is it, just wait for you to blackout it, lean, really obedient, stopped.

Title: Robot Story

English name: WALL · E

Also known as: Robot Wall-E

Directed by: Andrew Stanton Andrew Stanton

Writers: Jim Reilton Jim Reardon, Pete Docter

Starring: Ben Porte Ben Burtt, Alyssa Knight Elissa Knight, Sigourney Weaver, Jeff Gelling Jeff Garlin, Fred Willard, John Ratzenberger

Genre: Animation/Sci-Fi/Adventure/Romance

Publisher: Disney Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Pixar Animation Studios

Release Date: June 27, 2008 (USA)

After-view feeling: 9.5/10 points (9.0-10 points, feel very good, highly recommended. )

I grew up in Iran

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

"I Grew Up in Iran" is adapted from the comic strip of the same name created by Iranian female illustrator Mazan Shatabi, telling the growth story of an Iranian little girl in an autobiographical way, who experienced the overthrow of the Iranian king, the Islamic Revolution, the Iran-Iraq War and other national events, in fact, it tells the story of Mazan Shatabi's own growth experience.

Seeing this film, my biggest feeling is that the black and white animation is relaxed and lively, very interesting, visually refreshing, although the political issues discussed in it about ethnicity, faith and religion are very sensitive, serious, heavy and depressing, but through such a relaxed and interesting animation form, it makes the film easy and not depressed, and it will not be boring.

The film maintains the style of the comic, the style is unique, the use of simple lines and black and white contrast, pulling out a shocking story, a large number of black and white contrast use makes the picture full of shocking power, giving people a strong visual feeling, making this movie more distinctive.

I think "I Grew Up in Iran" is a very good cartoon, much better than "Ratatouille" ("The Simpsons" unfortunately did not see it, it is not easy to compare).

On the surface, the film is only a tortuous growth story about an Iranian girl, but in fact, through her oral account, combined with Western popular culture, let us feel the politics, religion and war in Iran, and feel the long road of the Iranian people's pursuit of democracy and freedom...

I'm just wondering if the people living in Iran are really as depicted in the movies, without freedom of speech, not allowed to drink, not allowed to watch DVDs, not allowed to wear makeup, not allowed to hold hands, not allowed to party... No freedom of speech is conceivable, but isn't the other a little too outrageous? Although Iran is likely to have so many "constraints", we cannot rule out that the West deliberately demonized Iran.

What is democracy? If from another perspective, Iran is strong and the United States is weak, then is the United States democratic in the eyes of Iran? In fact, these are all Western countries using their own eyes to see those foreign cultures, the people of their own countries can not manage it, but also so enthusiastic about whether the people of other countries are democratic, it is really funny, the world is really "good people" ah.

To be human is to "watch ... village...... as...... One".

Title: I grew up in Iran

English name: Persepolis

Also translated: Jasmine Life

Directed by: Vincent Paronnaud, Marjane Satrapi

Writers: Vincent Paronnaud, Marjane Satrapi

Starring Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, Danielle Darrieux, Simon Abkarian, Tilly Mandelbrot

Genre: Animation/Drama

Publisher: Sony Classics Sony Pictures Classics

Release Date: December 25, 2007 (USA)


The old man has nothing to rely on

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

"Old Man" is based on the pulitzer Prize winner Cormac McCarthy's novel, the story takes place in 1980 on the border between the United States and Mexico in a desolate and barbaric village, where drug violence is raging, a drug deal, a huge amount of money is lost, a veteran Moss accidentally found this huge amount of money in hunting, so he saw the money eye open to take the huge money for himself, but the trouble was caused, the underworld people were bloody, and a series of money and killing incidents began. It paints an unforgettable picture of the American West.

Sneaking around, not disappointing himself in the end, finally saw a movie that felt really good, the film revolved around three core characters, Anton is a killer with his own principle of killing, Moss is a veteran who is greedy for money, and Tom is an honest policeman, and the personalities of each character are vivid and vivid.

The movie story is very strong, although there is not much novelty, but the storyline is gripping and scary, although the pace of the story is a little slow, but every minute and every second will make people feel extra nervous, very exciting, there can indeed be enough reasons for you to watch it without distraction, I have been tense nerves to watch.

At the beginning of the violent scenes look a little infiltrative, so after the inexplicable feeling of the vast grassland empty let me extremely terrifying, through the vast and clear picture, the psychological endurance is a little fragile, almost can not bear, more powerful than those bloody horror pictures, more ferocious, but let me horror and fear at the same time, but also deeply shocked and attracted by the movie.

The killer who didn't need any reason to kill without blinking was really a great actor, a superb character, but his hairstyle was so ugly that I couldn't help but complain when I first saw him front, this guy looks so fucking personal.

The killer's killing weapon is also very personal, that thing was originally used to kill livestock, shooting not bullets but rapid high-pressure gas, no sound is like equipped with a silencer, but the destructive power is great and leaves no trace, killing people in the invisible, it is a very perfect weapon.

What the hell happened at the end? That veteran Moss died a little too suddenly, was it the killer who killed him? Or were they killed by the few Mexicans who were stalking? Whose hands did that huge sum of money end up in? There are a lot of doubts that have not yet been figured out, perhaps deliberately arranged by the movie.

The whole film is full of violence and bloodshed, and although the killer escapes without being brought to justice in the end, the purpose of the film is obviously not to glorify violence or pure juggling of the law, but to express sorrow, accusation and sigh at such social reality. The West of America, a world of depravity, evil and justice, crime and law, humanity and ruthlessness, violence and temptation, survival and death, chaos, darkness, madness, perversion, and even despair.

The film is to let us experience the feeling and atmosphere that when crime becomes an arbitrary act, when society loses control and even the law is powerless, people's lives will be shrouded in darkness and fear, and the sense of security and justice has become empty talk, and at that time we will feel the despair of life or death.

You can not believe my feelings, but at least you should believe the ratings of the IMDB crowd, the rating of this "Old Nobody" has been a terrifying 8.9 points some time ago, it seems to have once entered the top ten of the highest IMDB ratings in the history of cinema, although the rating has declined now, but it is also a high score of 8.6, and it is currently 23rd on the IMDB rating rankings, which is the highest rated movie in IMDB in 2007, and the well-received "Ratatouille" It is only 105th (the third-highest-rated film on IMDB in 2007), and "Old and Alone" is one of the most highly called Oscar films this year.

Man should not be greedy, mo sheng greedy, ill-gotten wealth is not desirable.

Title: Old And Helpless

No Country for Old Men

Directed by Ethan Coen and Joel Coen

Writers: Ethan Coen and Joel Coen

Starring: Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Woody Harrison Woody Harrelson, Kelly Macdonald, Garrett Dilahut Garret Dillahunt

Genre: Thriller/Adventure/Crime/Drama

Producer: Paramount Vantage

Publisher: Buena Vista International

Release Date: November 21, 2007 (USA)


Make a clean sweep of

Excellent movie recommendation, feeling after watching: feel very good, highly recommended.

The handsome mr. Smith, dressed in a black trench coat, wanders a secluded street on a dark night and inadvertently rescues a newborn baby from several killers, and Smith asks the prostitute Donna to help take care of the baby. However, many killers followed, one trap after another appeared, and the vicious killer boss vowed to take back the baby and kill Smith. What is the secret of this newborn baby? Mr. Smith is desperate with Donna and the baby and wants to find out all the truth...

This is a very creative gunfight movie, every shot is very creative, I also say incomplete, or go to see it yourself, find it yourself, some places will definitely surprise you, but also will be amazed, clap your hands.

The film is very energetic at the beginning, from the beginning of the gunfire, the vivid action and gun battle almost never stopped, has continued, Smith often in the seemingly impossible to escape the siege of the interception, in a clapping creative way to escape the siege.

In the rain of bullets, Smith helped pregnant women deliver babies, which can be described as very dangerous and exciting; Smith used the revolving platform hit by the pistol to rotate, so that the gang boss could not aim and shoot the baby lying on it; Smith and the heroine made love while killing people in the rain of bullets, which can be called the essence of combining violence and sex, which is very classic; using a pistol as a ring to wear on the heroine's finger, that moment is really wonderful; jumping off the plane and playing gunplay in the air, playing with cathartic gunfight violence.

Smith even if the finger is broken can not shoot, or can still kill, the most exaggerated is the bullet in the hand seam, with fire, shooting, I served, such a method can be thought of, simply can not be described in words, whether it is real or not, look at the addiction, very exciting. And his carrot, which is also a weapon of killing, a very characteristic sign, it is very likely that the price of carrots will rise sharply, huh.

The male protagonist Smith is cold and handsome, tough and capable, with a calm and determined look and a hidden hint of cynicism, and he has a hot temper and funny, but others do not obey traffic rules and throw banana peels and drive into people's homes. The gangster boss of the villain role is actually a comedic image to a greater extent, adding a lot of color to the movie, and there is a very sexy and beautiful heroine, violence, sex, plus humor, a good combination.

The visual effects of the movie are very good, very impactful, very good gunfight films, sometimes feel like you are not watching a movie, but watching a hot gunfight game, of course, this is also a very good comedy, very exaggerated humor, last night when I watched the movie, it is estimated that half of the time we were laughing.

Watched it with my classmates last night, from the beginning to the end, the blood is surging and thrilling, the big breath is addictive, don't mention it, but unfortunately this movie is only less than 90 minutes, it is too short, I hope that the sequel can continue to watch.

Title: Kill It All

English name: Shoot'Em Up

Also known as: Line of Fire Bodyguard / Mr. Smith / Nameless Fire

Directed by Michael Davis. Michael Davis

Writers: Michael Davis

Cast: Cliff Owen Clive Owen, Monica Bellucci, Paul Giamatti, Paul Giamatti, Greg Bryk, Chris Jericho, Stephen McHattie

Genre: Action/Drama/Thriller

Publisher: New Line Cinema

Release Date: September 7, 2007 (USA)

After-view feeling: 9.5/10 points (9.0-10 points, feel very good, highly recommended. )
