
"Snow White"*5 Seven Dwarfs interpretation, please watch the untitled video first

author:Happy listening to and reading in English

*5 Seven Dwarfs(/dwɔːfs/ Dwarf, Dwarf (plural of dwarf))

Seven dwarfs stomped( /stɒmpt/ heavy stomp, heavy pedal, past tense of stomp) into the house.

Picks( /pɪks/ n. cross pickaxe (pick plural)) and bags fell (/fel/ v. drop, fall past tense)) to the floor( /flɔː/ n. floor, ground; floor).

"Whew( /hwjuː/ int. (Sounds made when surprised, relieved, or feeling hot or tired) Yo, oh)!" one dwarf said.

"(/maɪnz/n. mine (plural of mine)) (verb phrase as subject, working is verb noun) is hard work.

I'm starving(/stɑːvɪŋ/ adj. Hungry)!"

"Me too," the second( /ˈsekənd/ adj. 第二(个)的) dwarf said.

The third(/θɜːd/ adj. Third) dwarf nodded( /nɒdid/v. nod (nod's past tense)). "And me!"

The dwarfs sat down at the table.

"Um . . ." The fourth(/fɔːθ/ adj. Fourth) dwarf stared( /stɛəd/ v. gaze, gaze (stare past tense)) at his plate.

"Where's my dinner?"

The other( /ˈʌðə/ adj. Other, in addition) dwarfs looked at their plates.

There were seven gasps(/ɡɑːsps/n. (due to fright, etc.) inhalation gasp plural).

The fifth(/fɪfθ/ adj. Dwarf jumped( /dʒʌmpt/ v. jump (jump's past tense)) out of his chair.

"Somebody robbed(/rɒbd/ vt. Rob, plunder (rob's past tense)) us!"

The seven dwarfs looked under furniture( /ˈfɜːnɪtʃə/ n. 家具).

They peeked( /piːkt/ v. peep, peek) inside(/ˌɪnˈsaɪd/ prep. at...... Inside) the cupboard(/ˈkʌbəd/n. cupboard; food cupboard).

"I don't see anyone," the sixth dwarf said.

"And nothing else(/els/ adv. Other) is missing( /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ adj. Missing)."

Next the dwarfs searched(/sɜːrtʃt/ v. search, search (search of the past tense)) their dark( /dɑːk/ adj. Dark) bedroom.

"Ouch! Who stepped(/stept/v. step; walking (step's past tense)) on my foot(/fʊt/n. foot)?"

"Sorry, I—oof!"

"Pardon(/ˈpɑːdn/ vt. Forgive; forgive) me!"

"Shh!" the seventh dwarf said.

"Someone is sleeping in my bed!"

He (/held/ v. hold; lift, lift (hold past tense)) (extended) a candle.

The six other dwarfs hurried over.

They peered( /pɪə(r)/v. gaze, stare, peer past tense) at Snow White.

"She's beautiful," one said.

"Should( /ʃʊd/ aux. 应该) we wake(/weɪk/ vt. 唤醒) her?" another asked.

The first dwarf shook( /ʃʊk/ v. 摇动(shake的过去式)) his head. "Let her sleep."

The seventh dwarf ed ( /əˈraʊnd/ adv. Surroundings; surroundings) (look around, look east and west).

"But I don't have a bed."

The first dwarf shrugged(/ʃrʌɡd/ vi. Shrug's past tense).

"We have six other beds.

You can sleep in each one for an hour."

"Okay," the seventh dwarf mumbled( /ˈmʌmbld/ vi. Vaguely, muttered, mumbled past tense).

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