
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

author:Small courtyard life
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

"Product" is a person's realm and pursuit. "Quality" is the spirit and style of a city; reading the city is the same as reading a person, focusing on reading its character and style.

The dialogue between Roppongi and Lehu is actually a dialogue between two international cities and "products", a dialogue of taste and style between two Asian international metropolises. If Roppongi represents the "product" of Tokyo, Lehu is the endorsement of Shenzhen, the world's youngest international city. Roppongi products are more reflected in the quiet and elegant ancient city charm, just like the urban style of Tokyo; the products of Lehu are more reflected in modern art, multiculturalism, passion and vitality, inclusive young urban temperament, just like the urban style of Shenzhen.

City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

The 1 billion investment-level private comprehensive art museum can achieve simplicity, high-end and efficiency. Modern Western restaurants with first-class quality and service are invaluable. Photo by Qin Gang

The products of the city come from the overall level of planning, design, construction, development, operation and management of many elements; the modern urban complex is not only the concentrated embodiment of the products of the city, but also the highest symbol of the city's taste and urban character. Roppongi and Lehu reflect the urban taste, urban style and urban spirit of their respective cities.

City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

The products of Lehu are not only community-based, but also social. What is different from Roppongi is that the Lehu Urban Complex is first of all an international community composed of immigrants, and the happiness index of 20,000 community residents (including Lehu and all members of the five phases of the Best Community) is a priority given to the development operators of the urban complex. On the basis of satisfying the high-grade life of 20,000 community residents, the Lehu Urban Complex also serves the entire Luohu District and millions of citizens outside the district. Therefore, Best Real Estate has given more consideration to its responsibility to the city in the development, operation and management of urban complexes. Urban responsibility is another element of Lehu's products. Lehu's contribution to the city, in addition to the noble commercial atmosphere and high-quality services, lies more in the guidance of urban civilization, the improvement of urban taste, and the education of citizens' cultural sentiments.

City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

Of the world's five continents, Asia is the continent with the largest population and the highest population density, with a considerable number of cities with a population of more than one million. However, among the many million-person cities in Asia, there are not many cities with international influence, and even fewer international metropolises. The level of economic development, wealth accumulation, urban civilization and population quality are the four major factors restricting the internationalization of Asian cities. In Europe and the Americas, there are hundreds of international metropolises and international cities, especially cities with small populations and high degree of internationalization; in Asia, there are not many international metropolises or international cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, New Delhi, Mumbai, Jakarta, Manila, Kuala Lumpur and other cities although they meet the metropolitan standards in terms of population size, but there is still a gap with European and American cities in terms of urban taste and style. Shenzhen has realized the gap in its urban taste and has narrowed the distance with international famous cities through the construction of "design city", "library city" and "piano city". The Lehu community is a microcosm of the "City of Design", "City of Pianos" and "City of Libraries".

City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

The trend of Asian city taste always originated from Tokyo, then spread to international metropolises such as Seoul, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and then to international cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. Roppongi is a concentrated embodiment of Tokyo's urban taste. The above five points are important elements of Tokyo's urban taste; in the Lehu Urban Complex, Best Community, Xihui City, Besta Building, Art Museum, Design Hotel, and Gallery constitute the spiritual background of Lehu's products; various forms of art and cultural activities such as art exhibitions, art exhibitions, academic discussions, and cultural dialogues constitute the humanistic context of Lehu's products. The taste and character of the city are accumulated little by little and precipitated.

City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

The style of a city is not formed in a day, and the context of a city is the foundation of thousands of years of precipitation. Shenzhen, the world's youngest international city, although the humanistic roots of the city are shallow, but it brings together many people who have a sense of responsibility for the city and has achieved some enterprises with civic consciousness. This is the basis of Shenzhen's urban style and character. From the dialogue between Lehu and Roppongi, and from the exploration of Best's creation of urban cultural landmarks and artistic landmarks, we can see the efforts of Shenzhen people to pursue urban products and improve urban character.

City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"
City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

The picture in this article is the art complex of the fifth generation city, Beijing Luo Hong Photography Art Museum: ecology, humanities, art, social and gastronomy, and fine wine. If you add museums and art education functions, an art complex is perfect, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is a model. Photo by Qin Gang

——Excerpt from Qin Gang's "City Pulse - Building the Soul for the Fifth Generation City"

City Pulse | Lost in Tokyo (Part 4) – Dialogue with Roppongi's "Pin"

Qin Gang

Qin Gang (Urban Strategy Specialist)

Qin Gang, developer of cultural tourism and green community, expert of national high-end think tank, founder of Yasong Institution, partner of Xiaoyuan Technology. He is the author of "City Pulse: Building the Soul for the Fifth Generation of Cities", "City Planning- From Urban Example to Global Benchmark", and "Global Eye in the Micro Window".

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