
The memorial service for Zhang Lingfu's widow, Ms. Wang Yuling, was held in Shanghai, and director Dai Wensheng waited to be present

author:View of the tall building

At 10 o'clock this morning (October 16, 2021), the memorial service of Zhang Ling-Fu's widow Wang Yuling was held in the Chang'an Hall of the Shanghai Pudong Funeral Home, Dai Wensheng, director of "Chinese Good Spring Festival Gala"; Zhang Xiaomei, a special actor of Song Qing-Ling; Fan Yongxin, head of the China-Australia International Film Festival; Liu Jing, daughter of Lang Genying, president of China Modern Poetry Shanghai, and other people from all walks of life, international friends, celebrities, celebrities, and family relatives... Attending the memorial service, I mourned Ms. Zhang Ling-Fu Feng Wang Yuling.

Ms. Wang Yuling died peacefully at the age of 94 at her home in Shanghai on October 9, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. due to illness.

Ms. Wang Yuling, a widow at the age of 19, has never considered remarrying until the old man. She painstakingly raised her son to grow up, mother and son depended on each other for their lives, and walked through her high and frank life.

She used her life to interpret the greatness of maternal love, the steadfastness of love, she always sat upright, the spring breeze was strong, warmed countless friends who came to visit, in addition to honoring Madame, everyone is more willing to shout "Mother Zhang", the Si people have passed away, but kind and warm, graceful rest, forever in our hearts.

Madame grew up in Changsha, the family lineage is a wang family, and Zeng Zuojun is married in-law, the year of birth, the whole country is unified in the Northern Expedition, since childhood deep national consciousness; during the War of Resistance, the royal palace also moved away to avoid the fire of war, the lady always in the hometown dialect, mentioned the "walking soldiers" that is, the escape of the past, overwhelmed with emotion; the victory of the War of Resistance, the general and his wife met in Changsha, which celebrated the triumphant song, did not have a good relationship for a long time, the age gap, never let the two people have a gap, glue paint Yan is good, is the envy of all parties.

The general is very busy, and the day of the real reunion with the lady is actually less than a year, but every minute and every second is the most profound attachment and memory of the lady's life, and the general has no time to talk about history and heart with the wife, or the range of victories in the zijin Tai xie, he always remembers the wife, but is not a romantic husband. Madame once laughed and said that the two of them went to the restaurant to fight tooth sacrifices, and the general was still a soldier, and even ordered the most time-saving fried rice on the table, which made her feel the killing scenery and shake her head while smiling. The lady who always sympathized with her husband's military book was the pillar of the general's heart.

After the death of the general, the nineteen-year-old lady, the world in front of her was shattered, but on her shoulders, there were still a thousand jun heavy burdens, when the general died, the young son Dao Yu brother had just been born for ten days, the general's ink "hope to nurture" four words, became the wife's heart of the eternal sustenance, from Nanjing to Taipei, things for the stars, personnel are all wrong, in the ruthless waves of the times, she struggled for the children, out of a path of their own. Mrs. Went to the United States alone to study, learned the major of finance and accounting, based on a foreign country, she said, although she was alone, but on her own, she looked up and stood tall, independent, open and frank; Madame pulled the only son Dao Yu Brother stood brilliantly, became a pillar, and did not forget the homeland, and made many contributions. In the photos of going back and forth between overseas and between the two sides of the strait, the lady is tall and confident, smiling and smiling, she left the sleepiness and bitterness in her heart, but carved the most beautiful image in front of everyone's eyes.

In her later years, the lady who lived in Shanghai was like a living mirror of history, she sat on the top of the hall, smiling at friends from all walks of life who came from all directions, or who had known each other for a long time, or who had just seen for the first time; she did not bother her, and told the figure of the general's horse; she and the portraits and photos behind her let many people see in person, and the style of the people who stood forever; the conversation and laughter between her and her only son, Brother Daoyu, did not sound like an old mother of eight or ninety years ago, but still a few decades ago, taking care of the situation of the young son. "Let's go see Mother Zhang these two days", countless friends have proposed that every time we see her, we will see a great mother, see the noble quality, feel her kindness, these, not in the distant pages, just in front of your and my eyes, one by one seemingly ordinary afternoon, Mother Zhang has left extraordinary time memories for everyone.

It is also because of the hospitable spirit, so that the lady is tired, suffering from a stroke, surrounded by illness, once again facing the fate, she does not want to crouch down, but with a step by step rehabilitation and exercise, to regain their vitality, the lady laughed, this is the Hunan people stubborn and do not accept the personality of the people, her glowing eyes, seems to have infinite strength, to give others encouragement, this is in everyone's mind, forever Zhang mother.

Only this time, madame was probably tired, in the middle of the night, died peacefully, walked through ninety-four years, insisted on more than seventy cold and summer for the general, and was full of the instructions of the four words of "hope to nurture", what regrets? Although everyone knows that Zhang Mama's health is not good recently, they always believe that her surging vitality and ability to cross the corridor of time will never be frozen.

The memorial service for Zhang Lingfu's widow, Ms. Wang Yuling, was held in Shanghai, and director Dai Wensheng waited to be present
The memorial service for Zhang Lingfu's widow, Ms. Wang Yuling, was held in Shanghai, and director Dai Wensheng waited to be present

We should feel lucky for the lady, and offer blessings, the long journey of life came to an end, the bitterness and bitterness are no longer, the general and the lady can get together again, they ride on the horse, smile under the ancient city wall of the dragon and the tiger, taste the last time, have not tasted enough of the good feast, talk about the last time, have not said enough in the heart, never need to separate Ms. Wang Yuling, frost and snow in the summer, leaves fall and flowers, a thousand autumns.

The memorial service for Zhang Lingfu's widow, Ms. Wang Yuling, was held in Shanghai, and director Dai Wensheng waited to be present
The memorial service for Zhang Lingfu's widow, Ms. Wang Yuling, was held in Shanghai, and director Dai Wensheng waited to be present

We gather here to commemorate a great mother, to witness a strong love; we are here to send condolences to Brother Dao Yu and his relatives and friends; and to warm up the joys and smiles of the past - to mourn Ms. Wang Yuling, the wife of General Zhang Lingfu, Yaxiu Mijian, and Yi Deyong. Mother Zhang's gentleness and beauty have always been in the minds of us and the world.

The general and his wife have spirits, and when they are in heaven, looking at us on earth, they are praying sincerely for them!

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