
In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity

author:Classical Literature and Poetry

Five thousand years of culture, three thousand years of poetry.

The "Book of Poetry", Han Le Fu, Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, the poetry rhyme that lasts for three thousand years, have long been integrated into the bones of Chinese.

There is always a poem that, at some point, touches our hearts. There is always a poem that lingers in the heart and is long-lasting.

A pot of wine, a window of wind and moon, those most touching poems, not only touched you, but also touched me, touched him.

Today, let's open our hearts and read those heartfelt verses together!

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent.

Ladies and gentlemen.

- "Shijing ZhouNan Guan Ju"

Love is innocent and beautiful. It was from this poem that people really discovered the charm of language.


The sunset is infinitely better, just near dusk.

——Li Shangyin, "Dengle Youyuan"

Afterglow reflection, sunset full of sky, mountains condensed rouge, weather, such a beautiful scenery, let people intoxicated, more sad, because the most beautiful things, are not long, like life.


Thousands of mountain birds flew away, and thousands of people disappeared.

Lonely boat, fishing alone in the snow of the Cold River.

——Liu Zongyuan, "Jiang Xue"

After crossing the hill, I found that no one was waiting. After walking across the river, I found that there was always one person.

A big part of growth is acceptance. Accept parting ways, accept the impermanence of the world, accept the loneliness and frustration, accept the sudden feeling of powerlessness.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


This can be a memory, but it was already confused at the time.

- Li Shangyin, "Jinse"

After all these years, I still like you very much. But this feeling has become a long-term memory. I can only think faintly, no matter how dazed, I can't go back.


Want to go to the next level.

- Wang Zhizhuo, "Climbing the Stork And bird tower"

The height of a person's standing determines the breadth of his vision and the height of his thoughts, and if he wants to see farther, he must stand higher.


People have sorrows and joys, and the moon has clouds and sunshine,

It's hard to complete.

May people be long-lasting, and thousands of miles will be cherished together.

——Su Shi, "Water Tune Song Head: When is the Bright Moon"

Only by truly experiencing the sense of fate that cannot be resisted by gathering and dispersing will they take such humble expectations as the only comfort. Seemingly open-minded, in fact, is the deepest despair after understanding the helplessness of the world.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


The teenager listened to the rain song upstairs, and the red candles dimmed.

In the prime of life, listening to the rain passenger boat, the river is wide and the clouds are low, and the broken geese are called the west wind.

And now listening to the rain monks, the sideburns have been stars also.

Sorrow and joy are always merciless, before one term, dripping until dawn.

——Jiang Jie, "Yu Meiren"

When I was a teenager, I was chasing joy and happiness, when I was middle-aged, I was lonely and lonely, and all my emotions fell into the sound of the rain. With the wounds of the passage of time, the pain of wandering and turning, the pain of the destruction of the country and the death of the family... That rain lasts a lifetime.


The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground.

Look up at the bright moon and look down at your hometown.

——Li Bai, "Quiet Night Thoughts"

All our emotional, intellectual and volitional pursuits or attempts are nothing but homesickness in the soul. We want to find someone, a thing, a place that allows our bodies and minds to have a settled home in this vast world.


I am born to be useful, and I will come back when all the money is gone.

- Li Bai, "Will Enter the Wine"

I am also very grateful to Li Bai, when I lose money, I will use "a thousand gold scattered and come back" to comfort myself, and when I am frustrated, I will use "I am born to be useful" to encourage myself. Poetry, like music, can heal people.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


Dew from tonight white, the moon is the hometown of Ming.

——Du Fu, "Moon and Night Remembering Brother"

Everyone has their own moon, shining high in the sky, illuminating the unlit room, falling on the face of a sleeping child, with wings called hometown.


Want to buy osmanthus flowers with wine, the end is not like, juvenile tour.

——Liu Guo, "Tang Duoling"

It turns out that the scenery of my youth is really beautiful enough to not be reunited. It turned out that after the separation, the person could no longer be found. Before I realized such a fact, I had already, lost you. The road ahead is long, and it is not like it, the teenager swims. (Zhihu @ nine-year-old)


Long winds and waves will sometimes hang directly on the clouds and sails to the sea.

——Li Bai, "Difficult to Walk, Part I"

Even if you are in a difficult situation, never lose confidence in the future and in yourself.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


Helpless flowers fell, and déjà vu returned.

—— Yan Shu,"Huan Xi Sha"

All the beautiful scenery that can't be returned is a good time like no other in the world. Thank you for the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.


If the two loves are long, they are in the twilight of the dynasty.

—— Qin Guan "Queqiao Immortal"

I don't care about what I once had, I only care about how long it lasts.


Once the sea was shipwrecked as water, except for the Wushan Mountain is not a cloud.

- Yuan Shu ,"Departure from Thoughts"

After seeing the rough and mighty sea, the small rivers and streams cannot be seen. After going to see the clouds of Wushan, I felt that the clouds in other places were not clouds. So, don't meet a good man, a good woman too early, because if you can't catch him or her, you will live in this verse for the rest of your life. (Zhihu @ Qu Xiaoyu)

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


Ask the world, what is love, orthodox life and death?

——Yuan Hao asked "Touching the Fish and The Words of Yanqiu"

In this world, the most desirable thing is that sincere love. This love can overcome all thorns and thorns. Once you fall in love with a person, that love is a lifelong perseverance, willing to love with your life.


People don't know where to go, and peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze.

- Cui Hu, "Title Capital City Nanzhuang"

Peach blossoms burn, shallow smiles like Yan, spring breeze breeze. Although it is a scene of light and brilliant, vibrant, warm and colorful in spring, it is difficult to hide the author's endless thoughts, sorrows, sentimentality and regret.


The teenager does not know the taste of sorrow and loves to go upstairs.

Fall in love with the upper floor, and worry about giving new words.

And now I know all the sorrows, and I want to say goodbye.

I wanted to say that I would like to rest, but I said that it was a cool autumn.

--Xin Abandoned Disease,"Ugly Slave"

Those who like to talk about pain are often teenagers who do not know the taste of sorrow, while the elderly Beethoven, who has experienced human suffering, has played a song of joy.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


White-haired fisherman on the river, used to watch the autumn moon and spring breeze.

A pot of turbid wine is a happy encounter.

How many things in ancient and modern times are in the process of laughter.

—— Yang Shen, "Linjiang Immortal"

This song, ah, always after the age of thirty-five, has a certain life experience, through the wind and rain and frost sword, and then repeatedly chanted, in order to understand the wonders.


Streamers are easy to throw people away, red cherries, green plantains.

——Jiang Jie, "A Cut of Mei Boat Across the Wu River"

Time passes, it doesn't stop. Years are fleeting, life is easy to grow old. Only cherish every moment.


Whoever says anything will be rewarded with three Chunhui.

——Meng Jiao, "Wandering Zi Yin"

In this life, the only thing that cannot be repaid is the kindness of parents.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


Will be the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains small.

—— Du Fu, "Wangyue"

Climb Wudang Mountain. Standing on the golden roof and looking at the mountain that had been climbed below, I realized that the mountains referred to the period when I was confused, miserable, and wandering. The absolute top means that you want to understand how stupid and naïve you are to stand at a higher angle and see your former self. (Zhihu @ Zhang Jiannan)


Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian.

--Su Shi, "Linjiang Immortal, Sending Qian Mu Father"

Life is nothing but a journey, you pass me, I pass you, and then, each practicing, each moving forward.


Poor indeterminate river bones, like people in spring dreams.

——Chen Tao, "Long Xi Xing"

The heroic and magnificent poems of the side, like a raging fire, give me passion and give me strength. And this kind of side poem, like eternal cold seawater, immerses me and suffocates me.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


The same is the end of the world fell people, why should they have met each other!

——Bai Juyi, "Pipa Line"

The two have never met, but they have a kind of encounter with each other. This kind of beauty is a kind of poignant beauty, a bitter beauty that is mixed with a faint sadness in the evening of seeing and hating.


Confidant in the sea, the end of the world is like a neighbor.

—— Wang Bo, "Sending Du Shaofu to Ren Shu Prefecture"

No one has ever written a sad parting so heroically like Wang Bo. Since then, about friendship, about parting, we are no longer only sad, but also the freedom of arrogance.


The belt gradually widened and finally did not regret it, and was haggard for the people of Ishwa.

—— Liu Yong, "Butterfly Loves Flowers"

This poem is not only about love, anything, even if it is done later, it is unbearable and painful, but it is still "unrepentant" because it is worth it for the purpose of its own heart, even if it cannot be successful in the end. For these, it is worth haggarding. (Know @ if the crows laugh more than once)

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity


Alone in a foreign land for strangers, every festive season to think of relatives.

- "Remembering the Shandong Brothers on September 9"

At night, when a person walks alone on the street of a foreign country, the dim street lamp hits him, stretching the shadow obliquely, and he will involuntarily think of this ancient poem of Wang Wei.


Advise the king not to spare the golden robe, and advise the king to spare the youth.

The flowers can be folded straight and folded, and there is no need to fold the branches without flowers.

——Du Qiuniang, "Golden Robe"

How many fanghua there are in the world, how many regrets there are, a person will find out after experiencing many things, youth is really the most beautiful thing a person has ever had.


Thirty meritorious deeds of dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moons.

Don't wait idle, white teenager's head, empty and sad!

——Yue Fei, "Man Jiang Hong, Writing Nostalgia"

For Yue Fei, "Jing loyal to the country" is not only a word stabbed on the back, but also a belief in practicing a lifetime. After Yue Fei, this belief became the belief of the whole Chinese, inspiring countless Chinese people to move forward.

In the past 5,000 years, the most moving 30 poems can be called the best songs in eternity

It is amazing to say that at almost every stage of life, you can find poems that touch people's hearts.

Those sentences with sorrow and joy, those true feelings obtained from life, through thousands of years of time, still touch you and me, as if the poet is around us, with us sorrow and joy.

This encounter across time will bring us more wonderful journeys, so let's find the emotions that make you cry and make you laugh, and make you move in the poems!

Illustrator: Qian Songyan.

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