
The cold wave in Beijing is coming, and the "heating housekeeper" is on call 24 hours a day

author:Beijing News

The cold wave in Beijing has struck, and recently, various communities have successively started to test the water before heating. Although the official heating has not yet arrived, the "heating housekeepers" have long been ready, they not only need to "look and see" the heating equipment, but also need to carefully check the heating pipes of each household.

The "heating housekeeper" reminds residents that once any problems related to heating occur, they can call the customer service telephone at the first time and close their own heating valves first to reduce losses.

The cold wave in Beijing is coming, and the "heating housekeeper" is on call 24 hours a day

On October 14, In the Shuanghenanli Community of Daxing District, Li Xiangkun, the "heating housekeeper" of Beifang Heat, inspected the heating facilities in his home. Beijing News reporter Wang Zicheng photographed

The "housekeeper" came to the door to inspect the heating pipes of the residents' homes

In the past few days, Wang Wenmin's family, who lives in the Shuanghe nanli community in Daxing District, has welcomed an old friend, who is Li Xiangkun, the "heating housekeeper" of North Combustion Heat. Li Xiangkun knocked on the door of Wang Wenmin's house with a large tool kit full of large and small wrenches, cones, and various heating accessories, "Auntie, I have tested the water these days, and I will come to your house to see if there is any problem." "Li Xiangkun is responsible for the heating maintenance of this community, is an old acquaintance of this community, the young man is diligent in his legs and feet, and he speaks politely. Hearing that Li Xiangkun was coming, Wang Wenmin warmly welcomed him into the house.

"Auntie, these days pay attention to observation, the heating pipe should have a running, running, dripping, leaking situation, you can call me at any time, I will come right away." Li Xiangkun instructed Wang Wenmin to pay attention to the heating situation, while carefully inspecting the various interfaces of the living room heating pipe to check whether there was water overflow. Wang Wenmin replied with a smile: "Everything is fine, I am very relieved to have you check." ”

When inspecting the kitchen heating pipe, Li Xiangkun found that there were several paper bags hanging at the pipe interface, and he quickly reminded: "You had better put away these paper bags, and don't hang things on the heating pipes, especially heavy objects." Wang Wenmin then put away the bag, and Li Xiangkun was still not at ease, and went over to check it again.

Li Xiangkun checked the heating pipe inside and out of Wang Wenmin's house to confirm that there was no abnormality. Before leaving, he took out a card from his pocket, which said the contact number of the "heating housekeeper", as well as the service telephone number of the heating repair, "I suggest that you paste this contact card in a prominent position at home, if there is a problem during the heating period, call our 'heating housekeeper', call the service phone, we are on call." ”

Boiler room heating equipment is checked twice a day

The capital is cooling, although there is no heating yet, but the "heating housekeepers" and technicians are busier, and they have to prepare for the official heating. In the boiler room of the guanyin temple heating plant source network operation and maintenance center in Daxing District, five gas boilers have been "assembled and ready" to welcome the arrival of the heating season. Lu Chao is the manager of the heating plant's source network operation and maintenance center, and he and his colleagues seem to be the "doctors" of the boiler room, and they have to "look and hear" about these huge heating equipment every day.

"After the last heating season, we have carried out a thorough inspection of the equipment. But as the heating season approaches, the necessary checks are also very important. Lu Chao said that the routine inspection before the arrival of the heating season should be checked twice a day, mainly to check whether there is gas leakage and whether the pipeline pressure is normal.

When inspecting the equipment, Lu Chao mainly carries two tools: a flashlight and an olfactor. "Some pipes are narrow and the light is dark, so you need to use a flashlight to illuminate it." Lu Chao introduced that in addition to increasing the brightness in the inspection, it is also necessary to use the olfactor to test whether the gas pipeline has gas leakage, "Although there is no gas supply in the equipment now, our inspection is just in case, to eliminate all possible risks." ”

The reporter noticed that Lu Chao and his colleagues patrolled very meticulously, each of the five tall heating equipment was four or five stories high, they had to climb high and low, bend down, drill, in order to check every point, often check a circle down, it was hot sweat.

The "Heating Butler" connects to the precinct and provides 24-hour service

"The heating housekeeper around you" is a 24-hour uninterrupted "one-stop" heating service measure launched by the North Combustion Heat Company in 2019, "heating housekeeper" is a team as a unit, each team packages a piece of residential building, providing full coverage, zero-distance service, "residents can find the 'heating housekeeper' in their own area with a phone call, to solve various common problems such as heating is not hot, leaky, valve maintenance and maintenance." Wang Kun, deputy general manager of Beiyan Heat, told reporters that in the past, residents found heating problems, most of them called a unified customer service hotline, and then the customer service staff sent a single to the maintenance personnel in the area. Nowadays, the "heating housekeeper" directly connects with the residents of the precinct, and the residents who have problems can find the maintenance personnel who manage their own buildings with a phone call, "which greatly saves the time of the residents and deals with the problem faster." ”

Wang Kun said that each "heating housekeeper" team is composed of multiple members, respectively responsible for maintenance, customer service reception and charging, etc., "Since the suppression of the test, the 'housekeeper' responsible for customer service reception can receive more than ten calls every day, some of which are leaky heating pipes, and some are problems that residents can solve by themselves, such as opening heating valves." For the latter case, we will also provide door-to-door service to help residents open the valve. ”

During the reporter's interview, Li Xiangkun's mobile phone suddenly rang. It turned out to be in the Shuanghe Nanli community, a resident just finished renovating the house a few days ago, but he did not know how to open the heating valve, naturally he could not suppress the water. After learning about the situation, Li Xiangkun did not say a word, and went to the resident's home with a heavy tool kit on his back, "Although some situations can be explained on the phone, but since we are 'housekeepers', we can help the residents more." ”

Li Xiangkun said that from past experience, during the test of water suppression, residents' homes are more likely to run and drip, "it is recommended that residents can call us at the first time, and at the same time, close their radiator valves first, which can minimize losses." ”

The "thermometer" can transmit heating problems at the touch of a button

Although the main job of the "heating housekeeper" is to solve the problems of residents during the heating period, in fact, their work is far more than that simple.

Liu Dongyang, deputy director of the Guanyin Temple Heating Plant, said: "There are many old communities in our area, and there are relatively many elderly people, and they encounter more problems. A while ago, the "heating housekeeper" received a phone call, an old man's heating pipe has a small problem, the maintenance master came to the door to solve the service quickly. Liu Dongyang recalled: "The customer is a widow and an elderly person, old age, with limited mobility. Our 'housekeeper' is worried that the old man will encounter difficulties at home, so he left the 'housekeeper contact card' to the old man, telling the old man that if something happened to the old man, he would call the 'housekeeper' if necessary. ”

In Liu Dongyang's view, since the establishment of the "housekeeper" team, it is necessary to be "intimate" with the residents, "We have to become friends with the residents, and the service work can be better promoted." ”

A while ago, the North Combustion Heat Company installed a "temperature collector" on a pilot basis in the homes of residents in some communities, if the room temperature in the residents' homes is not up to standard, the abnormal room temperature situation will be immediately uploaded to the company's central platform, without residents to call the customer service phone, the "heating housekeeper" can directly go to the door to check the problem.

At the same time, there is another purpose for installing the "thermometer". Liu Dongyang said: "Especially the elderly, widows and widows, if they have an accident or have any need, press the alarm button on the thermometer, and we will immediately arrange technicians to come to the door to help." ”

Beijing News reporter Wu Tingting photojournalist Wang Zicheng

Edited by Bai Shuang proofread by Liu Yue