
Shanxi Ganqun: Do not forget the original heart and remember the mission for a long time for the merits and courage to step on a new road

author:Yellow River News Network

Do not forget the original heart and keep in mind the mission for a long time for the merits of the brave new road

Forge ahead, the three Jin Dynasty land fruitful; attention to the grand event, 35 million cadres and the masses are connected.

In the past five years, from the once systematic collapse of corruption and the economic cliff-like decline, to the political ecology from "chaos" to "governance", development from "fatigue" to "prosperity", to the transformation and development of a good momentum, the political ecology is clean, and then to the all-round promotion of high-quality development, Shanxi's various work has shown a steady upward and sustained gratifying trend.

Looking at the land of the Three Jins, everywhere is full of infinite vitality and vitality: the fenhe river is rushing, the Taihang Lüliang is dressed in green, the thousand miles of wild farming are busy, one project site after another is drummed up, and the mass officers are passionate about starting a business... A huge picture of all-round high-quality development is slowly unfolding. The Shanxi Provincial Party Committee united and led the people of the province, deeply and systematically studied the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shanxi, fully implemented the decision-making and deployment of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, maintained the sustained and healthy development of the economy and the stability of the overall social situation, and handed over the "new answer sheet" in the historic rush examination.

Always keep in mind the original mission, and resolutely achieve "two maintenance"

In June 2017 and May 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited our province twice, delivered an important speech and made important instructions, encouraging Shanxi to take the lead in forging a new path in transformation and development. This has greatly encouraged, inspired and confident the people of Shanxi, fully embodied the ardent expectations and high trust of the party leaders in Shanxi, the greatest support for Shanxi's work, and is an important milestone in the history of Shanxi's development, which is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance.

Sincere advice, words are still in the ears. The vast number of cadres and masses in our province have expressed one after another that they should further enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," achieve the "two safeguards," support the leader, closely follow the leader, and inject loyalty into the blood, integrate it into the cause, and write it on the ground.

Rows of bungalow courtyards with white walls and cornices reveal the characteristics of traditional houses in northern Jinbei, simple and generous, neat and tidy. On May 11, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Fangcheng New Village, Xiping Town, Yunzhou District, to visit farmers, ask about people's livelihood, and understand the work of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation. Liu Shigui, deputy mayor of Xiping Town and secretary of the Fangcheng Xincun Branch, was a provincial party representative, and before getting up to go to Taiyuan to attend the Twelfth Provincial Party Congress, he went door to door, held forums, and listened to the voices of the masses. "Everyone said that we must bear in mind the leader's entrustment, consolidate the achievements in poverty alleviation, plant yellow flowers well, manage our own small days well, and run on the road of rural revitalization, and I will bring the heartfelt words of the masses to the conference." Liu Shigui said.

Everything is leisurely, and the people's livelihood is great. General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the people's livelihood and has always regarded the small things of the people as the top priority, demonstrating the deep feelings of "the people's yearning for a better life is our goal". "In recent years, we have thoroughly improved the living conditions of the villagers, and the people's livelihood work that everyone is generally concerned about, such as going to school, seeking medical treatment, transportation, and environmental sanitation, has reached a new level every year." Han Shifei, secretary of the party committee of Songjiagou Town, Ganlan County, said with full confidence that everyone is looking forward to the convening of the Twelfth Provincial Party Congress and looking forward to our better and better days!

This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, our province has deeply promoted the study and education of party history, party members and cadres have integrated their original intentions into their blood, shouldered their mission, and have a firmer belief in not forgetting their original intentions and following the party. Recently, the Youth Theoretical Study Group of the Youth League Provincial Committee was full of expectations for the upcoming Twelfth Provincial Party Congress in the collective study and exchange. Everyone said that the party flag refers to the direction of the regiment banner, and will combine the study and education of party history with the study and implementation of the spirit of the twelfth provincial party congress, leading the young people of the province to fully grasp the new development pattern and new opportunities, and shoulder the historical mission of promoting high-quality development in an all-round way.

At the foot of the Great Wall in late autumn, rows of sassafras pine, oil pine and spruce stand outside the Yanmen Pass, decorating the 10,000 acres of barren mountains into the sea. On the eve of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, the Central Propaganda Department awarded Zhang Lianyin of Zuoyun County the title of "Model of the Times", commending this old party member for keeping his mission in mind, being loyal to the party, not forgetting his original intention, repaying the people, and leading the villagers to plant trees and afforestation and green barren mountains for 18 years. "Wherever the party points, I will fight, and wherever the party needs me, I will go." Zhang Lianyin said: Take off your military uniform and don't forget your roots, switch battlefields, and then set off. It is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Twelfth Provincial Party Congress, continue to be a propagandist of ecological construction, a combatant of greening barren mountains, and a guardian of forest trees, so as to make Shanxi's mountains greener and the environment more beautiful.

Rolling up the sleeves and working hard, Shanxi's various work continues to expand the new situation

If you don't know how difficult it is, the road must be broken out of the way to the new.

In the past five years, the reforms of the development zone such as "three modernizations and three systems", "commitment system + standard land + full agency" have achieved remarkable results; decisive victories have been achieved in poverty alleviation, all 58 poverty-stricken counties have been removed from the hat, and 3.29 million poor people have all been lifted out of poverty; social security coverage has continued to expand, and the supplementary old-age insurance system for urban and rural residents has been implemented in the country; the forest coverage rate has reached 23.57%, exceeding the national average... One major reform after another, one innovative measure after another, and optimizing the development environment again and again have condensed the majestic force of promoting high-quality development in an all-round way.

The Shanxi Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone, which was established in February 2017, undertakes the major task of taking the lead in the trial and exploring the way for Shanxi's transformation and comprehensive reform, and is the main battlefield and main engine for Shanxi's deepening transformation and comprehensive reform. Dong Liang, deputy secretary of the district's party working committee and deputy director of the management committee, said that in recent years, the comprehensive reform zone has explored and implemented hundreds of reforms and innovations, 42 replicated and promoted in the province, implemented the reshaping reform of the system and mechanism, and made every effort to build 4 100-billion-level industrial clusters and intelligent manufacturing in precision electronic manufacturing, synthetic biology, photovoltaic industry, and modern service industry, and a number of tens of billion-level emerging industrial clusters are taking shape. "In accordance with the overall deployment and requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to promote high-quality development in an all-round way, we will walk in the front, set an example, create first-class, and strive to play an exemplary and leading role in the transformation and development of the new road."

Our province has achieved major strategic results in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, so that the spring of life has arrived as scheduled. "Last year, 14 medical staff of Jiexiu People's Hospital took the initiative to ask for help and take the initiative to participate in the war, worthy of the title of 'angel in white.'" Fan Jinrong, president of the People's Hospital of Jiexiu Medical Group, said that the convening of the 12th Provincial Party Congress is a major event in the political life of party members, and as the vanguard of the reform of the Shanxi Medical Community, we will transform the great anti-epidemic spirit and valuable anti-epidemic experience into a strong driving force, strive to protect the health of the people in an all-round and full-cycle manner, and contribute to the construction of a healthy China.

"The 12th Provincial Party Congress is related to the development direction of Shanxi in the next five years or even longer, and we are full of expectations." Geng Pengcheng, deputy director of the Comprehensive Management Center of Yingze District, Taiyuan City, said that in recent years, relying on "informatization + grid", Taiyuan City has improved the integrated operation mechanism of the comprehensive management center and grid service management, becoming the first city in the province to design and fully implement the "general grid" management from the municipal level. Geng Pengcheng said that he will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, strengthen the overall planning of the grid, and build the urban and rural grid into a frontier position for investigating potential safety hazards, resolving contradictions and disputes, publicizing policies and regulations, and serving the people.

Seize the opportunity, take advantage of the momentum, and make contributions in promoting all-round high-quality development

Five years of achievements are not easy to come by, and five years of enlightenment are precious. Based on the new development stage, the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, and the strategic opportunity of building a new development pattern, Shanxi is marching forward with sonorous steps, and the future development can be expected.

To stimulate new vitality for high-quality development, we need to work hard in a soft environment. Since the beginning of this year, from the "shop small two" running errands, to the "nanny" assistant, and then to the "housekeeper" agent, the Changzhi Economic Development Zone has enabled the project to be docked and managed, landed with someone, the procedures are packaged, and the problem is solved. Whether the business environment is good or not, the masses and enterprises have the final say. Wang Xiaobin, director of the administrative examination and approval bureau of the district, said that he will come up with real tricks, continue to provide all-round extended services for enterprises, and continuously enhance economic attractiveness, creativity and competitiveness with a high-quality business environment, so that safe businessmen and pro-business and rich businessmen will become a common practice in the shangdang land.

Creating a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing is an important aspect of building a higher level of safety and security in Shanxi. "We will continue to adhere to the party building to lead the grass-roots governance as the main line, do excellent community, do practical services, do live governance, and gradually form a community governance pattern of 'co-construction, co-governance and sharing' of resident units, social organizations, community residents and other multi-subjects, and constantly stimulate the enthusiasm of community residents and the awareness of home, and enhance residents' satisfaction, sense of gain and sense of belonging." Shi Yongzheng, secretary of the party committee of The Qinxian Community in Pingyang Road Street, Xiaodian District, said.

The first time he was elected as a provincial party representative, Zhao Xiaoling, a senior engineer at the Taiyuan Polymer Materials Research Center, got the bright red conference attendance card and immediately put it on his chest. She excitedly said that as a grassroots scientific researcher, she is full of expectations for the conference, and hopes that more and better policies can be introduced and implemented through the conference, and the enthusiasm and creativity of the majority of scientific researchers will be stimulated. "I will conscientiously study the spirit of the meeting, convey it well, implement it well, implement it well, continue to struggle with practical actions, forge ahead, and continuously contribute to the scientific and technological progress and innovation of our province."

To promote high-quality development in an all-round way, scientific and technological innovation is the key. Recently, Shanxi Quan'an Company received the notice of acceptance of the national intellectual property patent application, which is the first invention patent application related to artificial intelligence technology in our province. "We invented a patent for safe and anti-violation technology in the field of artificial intelligence and completed the declaration, which is to greet the victory of the 12th provincial party congress with practical actions." Guo Chunping, the person in charge of the company and inventor, said that as a scientific and technological worker, it is necessary to have a patriotic heart, forge ahead with the aspiration of serving the country, take the initiative to assume the mission and responsibility entrusted by the times, and contribute to the scientific and technological innovation of the province. "As a representative of Shanxi's local entrepreneurial youth, we must increase the intensity of scientific and technological innovation, cultivate high-quality composite technical talents, actively participate in social welfare, and put practical results into the actions of officials to start a business." Liu Sijun, a young entrepreneur, said.

When education is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and if education is strong, the country is strong. Under the guidance of the development goal of "appreciating every child and doing quality education", Wuyi Road Primary School strives to make every child enjoy a fair and quality education, and won the third Shanxi Provincial Quality Award, which is the only school in the province to receive this award. "We will actively explore the construction of a high-quality development system for education and teaching, vigorously promote the high-quality and balanced development of basic education, and strive to do education suitable for every child, discover their potential and help them realize, and achieve a better future for every child." Principal Liu Zhirong said.

Promoting high-quality development in an all-round way is the most distinctive theme and the most exciting melody of contemporary Shanxi. Standing on the vigorous hot land of Shanxi, because we have a good foundation for development, precious red genes, and enterprising cadres and masses, we will always be self-motivated and always self-reliant. The vast number of party members and cadres in our province greeted the 12th provincial party congress with full confidence, and everyone unanimously said that they would always bear in mind the teachings and heavy trust of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, with rock-solid strategic determination, with the momentum of seizing the day, perseverance, and long-term meritorious style, they would face difficulties, swoop down on their bodies, and be full of passion, and strive to be the first and make meritorious achievements in the magnificent practice of promoting high-quality development in all directions. (Reporters Yang Wenjun, Yang Yu, Zhao Xiangnan, Wang Liqiang, Zhao Zhicheng, Chen Junqi, Yang Wen, Deng Weiqiang, Li Lian, Yan Shumin, Li Linxia, Zhang Qian, Li Jiaming)