
Enshi Prefecture cadres announced before their appointment: Deng Zhenghong and 9 others intend to nominate candidates for the president of the county and city courts and the chief procurator of the procuratorate

author:China Net Hubei

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Cadres are announced before they take office

(No. 154 of 2021)

In accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations on the Work of Selecting and Appointing Party and Government Leading Cadres," the situation of the cadres to be appointed is hereby made public.

Deng Zhenghong, male, Tujia family, born in December 1984, full-time university degree, bachelor degree in law, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the chief of the cadre section of the Political and Legal Committee of the Prefecture Party Committee. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for the president of the county and municipal courts.

Shi Changfu, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 1984, full-time university degree, bachelor of arts degree, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the director of the Trial Management Office of the Prefecture Intermediate People's Court and a senior judge of the fourth level. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for chief procurator of the county and municipal procuratorates.

Liu Qingsong, male, Tujia family, born in August 1979, full-time university degree, bachelor degree in law, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the deputy head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Prefecture Intermediate People's Court and the first-level chief section member appointed by the Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for the president of the county and municipal courts.

Li Long, male, Miao, born in March 1980, full-time university degree, bachelor degree in law, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the deputy director of the Political Department of the State Intermediate People's Court. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for the president of the county and municipal courts.

Yang Ming, male, Miao, born in June 1979, full-time university degree, bachelor degree in law, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the director of the office of the State Intermediate People's Court. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for the president of the county and municipal courts.

He Rong, female, Miao, born in December 1969, full-time university degree, bachelor's degree in agriculture, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the deputy secretary of the party group of the Jianshi County People's Procuratorate, the deputy chief procurator, and the fourth-level senior procurator. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for chief procurator of the county and municipal procuratorates.

Zhang Ju, male, Tujia family, born in October 1985, full-time university degree, bachelor degree in law, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the director of the First Procuratorial Department of the State People's Procuratorate and a senior procurator at the fourth level. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for the president of the county and municipal courts.

Zhou Xiaowei, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1985, full-time university degree, bachelor degree in law, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the State People's Procuratorate and a senior procurator at the fourth level. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for chief procurator of the county and municipal procuratorates.

Qu Wanbing, male, Tujia family, born in February 1972, on-the-job university degree, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the deputy secretary of the party group of the Lichuan Municipal People's Procuratorate, the deputy chief procurator, and the fourth-level senior procurator. It is proposed to nominate a candidate for chief procurator of the county and municipal procuratorates.

Publicity period: September 18, 2021 to September 26, 2021. If the vast number of cadres and the masses find that the target of the publicity has problems that affect their appointments, please report them to the Organization Department of the Prefecture Party Committee during the publicity period. Please inform me of my real name and contact information, the content of the report must be true and accurate, and try to provide specific clues. Organize the protection of whistleblowers in strict accordance with law. It is strictly forbidden to take advantage of the opportunity to spread rumors and slander, false accusations and frame-ups.

Letter address: Cadre Supervision Section, Organization Department of the Enshi Prefecture CPC Committee, Postal Code: 445000.

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Reporting telephone: 0718-12380; SMS reporting number: 15971812380.

Organization Department of the Enshi Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China

September 17, 2021