
"Railway Storm" CCTV hit

author:New Express
"Railway Storm" CCTV hit

New Express News reporter Liang Yanfen reported that "Railway Storm" is currently being broadcast on the CCTV Drama Channel (CCTV-8), which stars Li Haoxuan and Xia Yiyao, telling the story of Cao Mofei and his comrades-in-arms who fought heroically against the invaders in order to build a railway controlled by Chinese himself.

A railway, the vicissitudes of change; A group of enthusiastic men, fearless of sacrifice. The story of "Railway Storm" is set in 1927, when the situation in Binzhou City suddenly changed. In order to resist the Japanese monopoly of the railway in the northeast, Cao Dingbang, the general office of the Binxi Railway Company, decided to build a railway in the northeast that belonged to the Chinese's own control. As a result, he became a thorn in the side of the Japanese, who looked at the railway and tried their best to seize the stake in the railway. At this moment, Jiang Yuchen, the son of the former Northeastern King Jiang Guixue, entered their sights.

The director of the drama, Hao Wanjun, has co-directed TV series such as "Grand Canal", "Pretender", "Invincible", "Believer Invincible" and so on. Li Haoxuan, who has starred in "Young Huo Yuanjia" and "Sending Flowers All the Way", and Xia Yiyao, a young actor who has starred in works such as "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost" and "Do You Know If It Should Be Green Fat Red Skinny", play the male protagonist Cao Mofei and the female protagonist Pan Tao in the play respectively. Yu Zhen, Wen Zhengrong, Hou Changrong, Li Daqiang, etc. also played important roles in the play.