
It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

author:Luo Zhuang release
It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express
It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

The fourth batch of first secretaries sent by the whole district and the city held a symposium on the expiration of their term of office

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

On June 9, the fourth batch of first secretaries sent by the whole district and the city held a symposium on the expiration of their term of office. Peng Bo, secretary of the district party committee, Song Jiaqing, head of the first secretary of the luozhuang district and high-tech zone of the city, Wang Jiancheng, member of the standing committee of the district party committee and director of the organization department, and Sun Wei, member of the standing committee of the district party committee and secretary of the party working committee of Luozhuang Street, attended the meeting.

In his speech, Peng Bo expressed his heartfelt thanks and high respect for the hard work and selfless efforts of the first secretary of the municipal party committee on behalf of the district party committee and the district government. He pointed out: Over the past three years, the first secretaries have been full of deep affection for the people of Luozhuang, and with a high degree of political responsibility, a good mental state, and a down-to-earth work style, they have taken root in the grass-roots units, sincerely helped each other, mingled with the party members and cadres and the masses in the villages where they worked, worked side by side, and developed hand in hand, and achieved work achievements that are obvious to all and won wide praise from all walks of life. In their work, the first secretaries have assumed the "first" responsibility in the grass-roots frontline, set a good "first" example, made the "first" performance, fulfilled the original mission with loyalty and dedication, hard work and actual performance, and helped the high-quality economic and social development of Luozhuang District.

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

Peng Bo pointed out that the people who draught water did not forget to dig wells, and the people of Luozhuang were full of gratitude for the hard work of the first secretary in the past three years, deeply moved by the silent persistence of the first secretary, always grateful for the first secretary's true feelings for the people, and full of gratitude for the first secretary's continued support. I hope that the first secretaries will always regard Luozhuang as their second hometown, often go home to see, and provide more suggestions and suggestions for the development of Luozhuang, more inclined support for the construction of Luozhuang, more for the promotion of Luozhuang's image, more for Luozhuang's investment matchmaking, and more for Luozhuang to provide a solid foundation guarantee and intellectual support for promoting the high-quality development of Luozhuang.

Song Jiaqing said that during his tenure of office, all the first secretaries deeply felt the valuable qualities of the Luozhuang District leadership team of being diligent in serving the people, forging ahead, and benefiting one party, and felt the strong atmosphere of unity and cooperation, overcoming difficulties, and efficient implementation of the Luozhuang District leadership team. In the past three years, the first secretaries have led the team to promote the increase of income, do practical things for the people's livelihood, grasp the rural customs and promote civilization, and practice their oaths with practical actions, and have not failed to live up to the heavy trust of the municipal party committee, the expectations of the villagers, and even more the glorious title of the first secretary. In the future, no matter where you are, you will not leave your post, you will not leave your responsibility, Luozhuang will always be the second hometown, and will, as always, have the unshirkable responsibility to worry about Luozhuang, pay attention to Luozhuang, support Luozhuang, care for Luozhuang, and continue to provide suggestions and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Luozhuang!

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

At the meeting, Wang Jiancheng read out the "Decision on Giving Commendations and Rewards to Liu Fanggang and 16 Other Comrades", and the leaders attending the meeting jointly issued honorary certificates to the 16 first secretaries of the fourth batch of the municipal party. (Zhang Shilong)

The inspection team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress came to our region to inspect the legal supervision work of the procuratorial organs

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

On June 10, Liu Jimin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, led a team to our district to inspect the legal supervision work of the procuratorial organs. Peng Youju, chairman of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Wu Qingming, deputy director of the District People's Congress, and Li Pingping, secretary of the party leading group and chief procurator of the district people's procuratorate, accompanied him.

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

Liu Jimin and his party inspected the maker space of the district procuratorate on the spot, watched the demonstration of the app for compulsory reporting of minors, the propaganda film "Comprehensive Use of Procuratorial Suggestions to Actively Help Social Governance" and the demonstration of the platform for connecting the two laws, and listened to the report on the comprehensive strengthening of legal supervision in our district. The inspection team fully affirmed the results achieved by the procuratorates in our region in carrying out legal supervision work in recent years.

It is understood that since 2019, the district procuratorate has faithfully performed its legal supervision duties, served the overall situation of economic and social development, made criminal procuratorial supervision stronger and more powerful, continued to accelerate the procuratorial supervision of civil administration and public interest litigation, adhered to reform and innovation, comprehensively enhanced legal supervision capabilities, and comprehensively promoted the comprehensive coordination and full development of the "four major procuratorates". It has been rated as "Provincial March 8th Red Flag Collective", "Ping An Linyi Construction Advanced Unit", "Ping An Luozhuang Construction Advanced Unit", "Citywide Procuratorial Work Advanced Unit". (Liu Yongting)

The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized an on-site inspection of the construction of the Baihua Lake Experimental School in Linyi

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

On June 9, the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress organized an on-site inspection of the construction of Linyi Baihua Lake Experimental School in the key people's livelihood projects in the district in 2021. Yang Cuixiao, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, attended the inspection. Song Lianzong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Management Office of the District Circular Economy Demonstration Zone, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the District Finance and Finance Group, accompanied him.

The inspection team inspected the construction site of Baihuahu Experimental School at the scene to understand the basic situation of the project and the progress of the project construction, and held a symposium. At the symposium, the project builder introduced the construction situation, and Yang Cuixiao commented on the project construction and work.

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

Yang Cuixiao pointed out that Linyi Baihua lake experimental school, as a key people's livelihood practical project in the whole district in 2021 determined by the deputies of all the people's congresses of the 19th People's Congress of the district, the project construction is of great significance and high social concern, which is both a people's livelihood project and a development project, which is of great significance for improving the supporting facilities of urban construction and meeting the enrollment needs around the Baihua Lake area.

Yang Cuixiao stressed that the construction of the Linyi Baihua lake experimental school project must further accelerate the construction progress under the premise of ensuring the quality of the project, and at the same time do a good job in management services and safety guarantees during construction to ensure that the project is completed on schedule and with high quality. (Zhang Wen)

The Municipal Red Cross Society research team came to our district to investigate

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

On June 10, Yu Changjiang, secretary of the party group and executive vice president of the Municipal Red Cross Society, led a team to our district to investigate the construction of grass-roots Red Cross organizations. Zhang Qiwei, deputy governor of the district government and director of the district finance bureau, and He Xue, vice chairman of the district CPPCC committee and president of the district red cross society, accompanied the investigation.

The research team visited Wantong Community and Baoli Community successively, listened to the work report of the District Red Cross Society on the construction of red cross grass-roots organizations, watched the special film "Building a Party-Red Community - Luozhuang District Red Cross Society To Build a Red Cross Work Documentary Around the Masses", learned in detail about the integration of community Red Cross work into community party building and community governance, and fully affirmed the innovative practice of the Red Cross Society in our district to actively reform and make breakthroughs, and realize the innovative practice of party building to lead the Red Cross work to improve quality and efficiency.

It is understood that the Luozhuang District Red Cross Society has actively explored the "Six Ones" project of party-red joint construction in urban communities in the whole district, created a "party-red joint construction community", realized the deep integration of red cross grass-roots organization construction and red cross volunteer service with urban community party building and grass-roots social governance, gave full play to the positive role of the red cross in urban grass-roots governance, and carried forward the red cross spirit of "humanity, fraternity and dedication" and the volunteer spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress". In order to promote economic and social development, a strong humanitarian force has been gathered. (Meng Lingfei)

Study the century-old party history and draw strength to forge ahead

The party branch of the office of the district party committee carried out the theme activity of "Dragon Boat Festival of Zong'ai - Our Festival ▪ Dragon Boat Festival"

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, vigorously carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, create a patriotic and family-loving, civilized and peaceful festival atmosphere, and actively practice the commitment of "I do practical things for the masses", on June 9, the party branch of the office of the district party committee jointly carried out the theme activity of "Double Report" Xincheng Community and Wei Sangang Community of "Holding ▪ Hands and Building Together" Wei Sangang Community.

In the zongzi wrapping link, office party members and community representatives were enthusiastic and wrapped their love for life into the zongzi, and this activity allowed the party members and the masses to feel the strong atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival and the charm of traditional Chinese festivals in advance in a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

In the next step, the party branch of the office of the district party committee will continue to combine the study and education of party history with serving the masses, carry out various theme volunteer service activities, and through specific practical activities, effectively enhance the awareness of party members and cadres to serve the masses, truly make the study and education of party history grounded and popular, and promote the work of party branches to a new level. (Yu Yonghui)

Yitang Town carried out special rectification of the resident farmers' market

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

In order to promote the transformation of the results of party history study and education, do a good job in the "I do practical things for the masses" activity, and help the "two cities to create together" work, on the morning of June 10, at the time of the Yitang Town Station Gathering, in order to effectively rectify the problems of occupying the road, the large number of mobile vendors, the poor environmental sanitation of the masses, and the many hidden dangers in traffic, the Yitang Town United Market Supervision Office, the Chengguan Law Enforcement Squadron, the Nanyitang Village Committee and other departments and units carried out special rectification of the local farmers' market.

The staff advised and guided the operation of occupying the road, setting up stalls randomly, operating outside the stalls, etc., and persuaded the mobile vendors to the newly established placement points. At the same time, the town will further improve the long-term management mechanism of the market, strengthen the main responsibility of the market organizer and the linkage management mechanism of relevant departments, adhere to the principle of combining the treatment of the symptoms and the root causes, rectification and standardization, and further standardize the operation and management behavior of the farmers' market through the long-term management assessment of the farmers' market, create a civilized, safe and secure farmers' market, and provide a safe, comfortable, clean and orderly shopping environment for the masses. (Wang Tengfei)

Teachers of the middle school of Linyi No. 40 Middle School held an activity to study party history

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party history study and education mobilization conference and guide the teacher system to comprehensively carry out party history study, the junior high school of Linyi No. 40 Middle School recently once again carried out special training for teachers' party history study and education.

All the teachers carefully studied the 41st and 42nd lectures of the "100 Lectures on The Story of Party History", and everyone took notes while listening, and after studying, everyone wrote out their experiences. Subsequently, the teachers collectively recognized the materials of the Party History Corridor, and everyone exchanged their experiences while visiting.

The event opened a new round of the school's journey to study party history. We have profoundly comprehended the party's glorious course and great contributions, and everyone in the school will draw wisdom and strength from the history of the party, and turn the passion for party history study and education into a driving force for practical action. (Gao Minmin)

Watch the video to learn the history of the Party

Episode 6! "Thunderbolt Riot"

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On the eve of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, Mao Zedong traveled back and forth between Anyuan and Tonggu, and when he was passing through Liuyang County, he was interrogated by Tuanding, who was not afraid of danger and escaped with tact. On September 9, Mao Zedong arrived at Tonggu and launched a full-scale autumn harvest uprising. The flag of the sickle and axe became the first military flag in the history of the people's army. (Source: People's Daily News)

Past Period Review:

[Watch the video Learn Party History] Episode 1! Groundbreaking

[Watch the video Learn Party History] Episode 3! "Anyuan Strike"

Party history study and education, "twin cities co-creation"... Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

Department, street news

The District Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau held a meeting on the scheduling and deployment of beautiful rural construction

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

On the morning of June 9, the District Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau held a meeting on the scheduling and deployment of beautiful rural construction. Responsible persons of each neighborhood and town attended the meeting. In 2021, our district plans to create 2 provincial-level beautiful rural demonstration villages, 10 municipal-level beautiful rural demonstration villages, and 1 beautiful rural demonstration area and 1 rural revitalization demonstration area in the whole region, and at the same time carry out the creation of district-level beautiful rural demonstration villages to continuously improve the coverage of beautiful villages in Luozhuang District.

Since the implementation of the construction of beautiful villages in 2017, Luozhuang District has conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the province and the city on the construction of beautiful villages, and through the full implementation of the beautiful rural construction project with the content of "doing special and excellent industries, bigger and brighter villages, and making beautiful and fine villages", fully enhance the strength of the ecological economy, carry forward the vitality of ecological culture, highlight the charm of the ecological environment, and promote the overall improvement of rural material civilization, spiritual civilization, political civilization and ecological civilization, and strive to build a "beautiful village, family entrepreneurship, A beautiful countryside where there is harmony everywhere and everyone is happy" At present, Luozhuang District has invested a total of more than 110 million yuan in various types of funds, and has built 8 provincial-level beautiful rural demonstration villages, 15 municipal-level beautiful rural demonstration villages, and 2 municipal-level beautiful rural demonstration areas. Two provincial-level beautiful rural demonstration villages, including Qishan Subdistrict, are under construction. (Li Qun)

Linyi Housing Provident Fund Center Luozhuang Branch Center carried out the theme practice activity of welcoming the Dragon Boat Festival

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

In order to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and carry forward the patriotic spirit contained in the Dragon Boat Festival, on June 9, the Luozhuang Branch Center of Linyi Housing Provident Fund Center carried out the theme practice activities of the Dragon Boat Festival. Everyone gathered together to recite classics and wrap rice dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.

During the activity, the staff successively recited the relevant Chinese classic poems and modern poems of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as "Dragon Boat Festival", "Departure from sorrow", "Dragon Boat Festival Poetry Compendium" and so on. The staff held a rice dumpling contest. At the event site, more than 10 people gathered in a circle, and the necessary materials such as rice dumpling leaves, rice dumplings, red dates, and ropes were neatly placed on the table, and everyone happily wrapped rice dumplings while exchanging methods for wrapping rice dumplings with each other. After a while, a pot of rice dumplings appeared in front of the eyes, and the rice dumplings inside and outside the house were fragrant.

Through the theme practice activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, cadres and workers not only felt the powerful charm of excellent traditional culture, conveyed national pride and patriotic feelings, enhanced humanistic qualities and moral sentiments, but also created a good atmosphere for positive officers to start a business, and stimulated the enthusiasm of the majority of cadres and workers to serve decision-making, pragmatically innovate and do a good job in provident fund work.

Campus News

Linyi Fifth Experimental Primary School held the 13th Reading Festival Commendation and the 14th "Reading Festival" Launching Ceremony

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

In order to strengthen students' reading accumulation, enrich knowledge, cultivate sentiments, and celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Linyi Fifth Experimental Primary School recently held the 13th Reading Festival Commendation and the 14th "Reading Festival" launching ceremony with the theme of "Passing on The Red Classics and Welcoming the Centenary of the Founding of the Party".

At the launching ceremony, the school gave praise and rewards to the outstanding performance of the "Reading Teacher", "Shuxiang Class", "Shuxiang Family", "Reading Star" and "Reading Star" who performed prominently in the 13th Campus Reading Festival, as well as students who performed outstanding in the "Poetry Recitation", "Speech Competition", "Creative Reading Card" and "Reading Notes" activities. The 14th "Passing on the Red Classics and Welcoming the Centenary of the Founding of the Party" Book Festival activity plan was read out, so as to lead the vigorous promotion of China's excellent traditional culture, create a bookish campus culture, encourage and guide students to read more, read more, read well, and cultivate students' good interests and reading habits.

Through the development of the reading festival activities, we will better promote teachers and students to consciously improve their professional quality and educational wisdom, enhance the cultural connotation and heritage of the school, create a strong reading and learning education atmosphere integrating schools, families and society, and solidly promote the construction of "wisdom education". Hand in hand with the classics, read a lot of books, let reading become a habit, let the fragrance of books overflow the campus, and let the fragrance of books moisten our lives. (Xu Hui, Chen Jiyan)

Linyi Qinghe Experimental School carried out the theme education activity of "Our Festival, Dragon Boat Festival"

It's a farewell, it's a departure! Luo Zhuang's "First Secretary" left office at the end of his term and received a certificate! Here comes, Luozhuang News Express

This year's Dragon Boat Festival coincides with the centenary of the founding of the Party, Linyi Qinghe Experimental School firmly seized this educational opportunity and carefully designed the "Taste of the Dragon Boat Festival" series of experience activities: wrapping Zongzi, tasting Zongzi, reading wormwood, weaving colorful rope, making sachets, theme class meetings, hand-copied newspapers... Lead students into traditional festivals, experience traditional culture, cultivate patriotic feelings, and present the centenary of the founding of the party.

On the morning of June 10th, the fun rice dumpling experience activity began. Children learn to wrap rice dumplings with great interest: folding rice dumplings, putting glutinous rice, styling, bundling rope... These seemingly simple actions are not so easy for children: they are either flattened, or they leak rice, and some rice dumplings can't wrap rice... Despite this, their enthusiasm for learning is very high, and a process is not sloppy. For a time, the rice dumpling leaves danced, the cotton rope shuttled, and a zongzi of different shapes was born! Under the patient guidance and demonstration of teachers and restaurant staff, most of the students learned to wrap rice dumplings. Looking at the strange shape of the rice dumplings wrapped in their own bags, the children laughed happily, and the restaurant was full of a strong festive atmosphere.

Many children said that this was the first time to hand-wrap rice dumplings, which was of great significance. They experienced the rich folk culture of the Dragon Boat Festival in their own experience, and enhanced their patriotic enthusiasm in Qu Yuan's story. (Wei Xiuhong)