
Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

author:Wet music

The streets and alleys of Lijiang Ancient City are playing a song in a loop - "Lijiang Xiaoqian"

It was at this moment that I found out

You're right next to me

The person who sang this song is very mysterious, she is a legend in the ancient city of Lijiang, only hear its voice and do not see her people.

In the disturbing world, her songs bring a touch of freshness and warmth, presenting a quiet and beautiful musical world.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

Han Hong once said bluntly: I am a fan of hers, and my car has been playing her album.

This person has achieved himself because of Lijiang, and he can only stop in Lijiang.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

The name Li Qian is rarely known.

Most people are still familiar with her stage name: Lijiang Xiaoqian.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

Upon hearing this name, many people misunderstand that she is a native of Lijiang.

She was truly born into a traditional family in The Hills of Lake Beijing.

Her father was a middle school teacher, her mother was an accountant, and her parents always wanted her to live a simple and stable life.

Becoming popular and becoming a singer were things her parents never expected.

"My parents felt that if they wanted to sing, they were dreaming of stardom, unrealistic, and they wanted me to be able to do finances."

But in Xiao Qian's heart, there has always been a "musical dream".

When she was very young, the family opened a KTV with only two rooms.

As soon as she got home from school, she would rush into the room and pick up the microphone and sing.

Xiao Qian liked the state at that time, "The most popular song is "Wait for a Thousand Years", and I think singing is very fun."

Her parents did not agree to her going to music classes, so she did not go to class every day to "demonstrate" with her parents, and ran to the window of the music class students' piano room to listen to them practice.

As she went, she and the music class students were very familiar with each other.

Her rebellion also ended up with compromise from her parents.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

In her third year of high school, Xiaoqian transferred to the music class to officially start piano studies, which she described as "the closest to my dream."

"I've had a dream since I was a kid to be a singer, and when I used to listen to tapes, I would close my eyes and recite the lyrics in my mouth, thinking that I was singing on a big stage."

Even with a passion for blood, coupled with daily practice, it is always a "halfway out of the house", and the foundation is not as solid as other students.

The results of the college entrance examination came out, and the conservatory really fell off the list.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

At this time, the people around her said to her: "Forget it, maybe you are really not the material for learning music." ”

But Xiao Qian was a little reluctant.

Although she attended a teachers' college, she actively participated in singing as long as she had the opportunity to sing during college, and won many awards for it.

In 2006, Xiao Qian signed up for "Super Girl" with a musical dream, that is, the year that gave birth to champion Shang Wenjie and runner-up Tan Weiwei.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

After singing a few songs in the Guangzhou division, the judges looked at her with a little embarrassment and said, "The singing is not bad, but your appearance is not well packaged." ”

This was a big blow to Xiao Qian, who was only 22 years old at the time, and her love for music could not withstand reality after all.

The grassroots draft dream was shattered, and after graduation, Xiao Qian went to a kindergarten in Shenzhen as a teacher.

Although it did not achieve great wealth and great wealth, at least there was an "iron rice bowl" in the eyes of parents.

According to this trend, Xiao Qian's life trajectory should be the same as ordinary people: falling in love, getting married, having children, returning to the family...

She herself was about to accept this ordinary time, and went to Lijiang to travel.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

It was in Lijiang that Xiao Qian went from an ordinary "music dreamer" to a folk singer who was popular in the streets and alleys.

"I have been exposed to some people and some ideas that I have never been exposed to before.

Lijiang has blue skies and white clouds, and there are so many friends who love to play music, Lijiang is a paradise. ”

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

During the trip, Xiao Qian, who likes to sing, sang a song "A Thousand and One Songs" in the bar, and the owner of the bar heard it and said to her: "The little girl sings well, and when you have time, come and sing." ”

Often some of the guests who had left, turned back after hearing her singing.

After listening to her sing, the guest said to her: "Your voice is like the feeling given by Lijiang, clear and quiet." ”

After staying in Lijiang for a while, Xiaoqian met more and more friends who loved music.

People from all over the world sang, played the piano and played drums together.

Whenever someone writes a new song, they share it together, and everyone there is both the audience and the performers.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

"You will find that this kind of life is very good, the whole person is empty, there is no joy and sorrow, no time, no one, no past, no future."

There are no rules and restrictions there, she said, and no one cares where you came from, your past, whether you're professional or not.

This atmosphere successfully inspired the musical seeds that she had long buried deep in her heart.

The longer she stayed, the more she could feel her love and reluctance for Lijiang.

The money she makes in the bar is not much, but it is enough to support herself, and a voice in her heart keeps repeating: This is the life you want.

She eventually decided to resign and stay in Lijiang to sing.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

It's not that her previous job was bad, it's just that she still wants to fight again for her dreams while she's young.

When I first came to Lijiang, I didn't have much savings, so I got rid of my daily needs and bought an electronic keyboard for the last 2,000 yuan in my hand.

Like many singers with dreams, in order to ensure their own livelihood, they sometimes have to run four performances a day with a keyboard on their backs.

At that time, Xiao Qian was under a lot of pressure, and she wanted to prove herself by making more money and making decent music and albums.

As the old saying goes: opportunities are reserved only for those who are prepared.

In 2009, Xiao Qian recorded two discs in her friend's recording studio, including "A Moment", which later spread throughout the streets.

Fame is also a moment.

It is precisely because of this song that she has changed from one of the many singers in Lijiang to a well-known singer in Lijiang, "Lijiang Xiaoqian".

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

After releasing "A Moment", Xiao Qian sang another cover song of "Red Rose".

I am a beautiful red rose

Spring comes and goes

Bloom until dark

Get passers-by drunk

Look at yourself blandly as withered

The song continues Xiao Qian's usual quiet style, and when she took the song to the "Voice of Chinese Dreams" competition, the process did not go smoothly.

First of all, Han Hong said bluntly at the scene: I am her fan, and my car still has her CD.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

But Li Wei believes that Xiao Qian's singing voice is too quiet, there are no ups and downs, and it is not suitable for the stage of "The Sound of Dreams".

Han Hong defended her "idol": "Just the opposite. I just think the current stage and singers are too dazzling. Suddenly there was a person sitting there so quietly playing the piano and singing, which was very rare. ”

In the end, Xiaoqian successfully advanced, which also gave her the opportunity to enter the mainstream music circle.

Her singing voice is becoming more and more well known, and when asked, "Do you think Lijiang Xiaoqian has brought you more fame or something else?", she replied: "It is a label".

This label has advantages and disadvantages.

"I don't want to be labeled, especially if my music and I as a person don't get limited by this label."

She knows that her biggest limitation is that there is no original song, and the biggest controversy about her is from this.

Breaking through the self is not just talking.

In 2015, her own original song "Soft Time" was officially released, expressing the comfort and tranquility of life in Lijiang, which won unanimous praise from netizens.

There were also some voices that were a little disappointed in her: "How can it be related to Lijiang again..."

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance
Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

From 2008 to 2015, Xiaoqian stayed in Lijiang for 7 years.

She suddenly realized: "If you want to go forward, you have to leave the place under your feet now." ”

"I am very grateful to Lijiang, but the two words Lijiang are not my name, and I hope to take it off in due course." I prefer people to call me Xiaoqian. ”

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

She traveled to Beijing to develop, often receiving notices, going to various places to attend shows, participate in commercial performances, and occasionally make cameos in friends' shops.

When Xiaoqian left Lijiang, she became anonymous again, and everyone was not familiar with her new songs, and rarely heard her name.

Lijiang Xiaoqian, Cheng also Lijiang, defeat also Lijiang.

The original song "A Moment" was particularly suitable for Lijiang, a place of literature and art and petty bourgeoisie, so she quickly became popular.

The same is true of the later "Little Baby" that once again became popular in Lijiang.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

The two songs contain similarities in the rhythm of the tambourine, the chorus of instruments, and the melody.

It can be seen that Xiao qian's cover songs will only stand out in Lijiang, or in cities with the same style as Lijiang.

Because her songs are also the representatives and characteristics of this city.

When she left Lijiang for Beijing to develop, it was difficult to find her original feelings.

It is not that Beijing is not inclusive, but because Xiao Qian's songs are not easy to resonate in Beijing.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

What song resonates with the North Drifters?

Not the soft warmth and comfort, but the blood boiling forward struggle.

Occasionally there is loneliness and helplessness, but still unwilling to accept fate and continue to move forward.

For example, Wang Feng has two songs: "Beijing Beijing":

I'm laughing here and I'm crying here

I live here and I die here

"Free like a Dream":

I want to be as free as a dream and as strong as the sky

Experience the meaning of life on this winding road

Whether it is a pop musician or a folk musician, what can stand out from many people must be different enough.

Therefore, Xiaoqian can do it in Lijiang, but she cannot become "Beijing Xiaoqian" in Beijing.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

Leaving this aside, Xiao Qian, who went to Beijing in the later stage to break through herself, did not step out of the "comfort zone" in time.

Perhaps accustomed to the free atmosphere of Lijiang, Xiaoqian did not choose to sign a music company, and her requirements for the release of the album were not high, and it was two years ago since the last new album "When I Fell in Love with You".

Compared with the same period and similar singers, such a "leisurely" attitude is not enough.

In this era of excellent musicians, the slightest carelessness will be replaced.

Xiao Qian's "slow pace" obviously cannot compete with these people.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

It is precisely because of this that when Xiao Qian went on a tour everywhere, she sang the most classic "A Moment" and "Red Rose".

Whether it was red or not, at least she had been on the path of her love, and that was enough.

Lijiang Xiaoqian: Singing soft time, thinking about you in the distance

She once said: "I just want to be a little girl, I used music to build a utopia for myself and others, and I want to continue to be naïve and innocent in the future." ”

Bless this girl who goes farther and farther on the road of music, looking for her true self.

May her original intention not change, even if the storm changes, she is still the original free music dreamer.

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