
Star Wars Dark Warrior Darth Vader died at the age of 85
Star Wars Dark Warrior Darth Vader died at the age of 85

According to foreign media reports, the British actor David Prowse, who played the black warrior Darth Vader in the Star Wars canon trilogy, died at the age of 85.

David Prouss' agent, Thomas Bollington, announced on Twitter that Prouss had died of a sudden illness. "We are deeply sorry to announce this heart-wrenching news to millions of fans around the world."

Star Wars Dark Warrior Darth Vader died at the age of 85

Born in 1935 in Bristol, England, Prouss initially entered the show business as a bodybuilder and weightlifter. Before he appeared as the main villain in the Star Wars film series, he was already a familiar face for audiences in British television. George Lucas, after watching his performance in Kubrick's film Clockwork Orange, invited him to star wars.

In Star Wars, the Black Samurai's armor is made of leather and fiberglass and weighs up to 40 pounds. In his 2005 memoirs, Prouss wrote, "As soon as I put on my mask, I was almost blind, and the heat generated by my clothes rushed straight up, like rolling into the mud." ”

However, due to Prouss' heavier country accent, his role as Black Samurai was voiced by American actor James Earl Jones. The fight scene was done by former Olympic fencer Bob Anderson.

Compiled from foreign media

Image credit: Sky News, The Hollywood Reporter

Editor: Wu Yu

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