
Shen Mengyu: The Celtic jersey grows on my aesthetic and I hope that my little sisters can also stay in the ocean

author:Live it
Shen Mengyu: The Celtic jersey grows on my aesthetic and I hope that my little sisters can also stay in the ocean

Live Bar September 9 News Today, the official blog of the Celtic Club published an interview with Shen Mengyu, who revealed her feelings and goals of joining the Celtics.

- What it's like to join the Celtics

First of all, I think the jersey is very good-looking, I like this jersey, this green color is also very good-looking, growing on my aesthetic. Putting on the jersey, I'm looking forward to being able to hurry up at home.

- Why did you choose to join the Celtics

I knew before that the Celtics are a century-old team, and the team has some good Asian players joining, and there are many successful examples. So I just want to exercise in the club and improve myself.

- Impressions of the city of Glasgow

It's raining a lot, it's raining all the time, but I think it's pretty pretty. The place where I live can go out and see a church which is nice to see.

- The difficulties and challenges of playing overseas

I think language and diet are a little bit more difficult, but I don't think it should be a challenge, it should be a very interesting thing. A lot of my teammates are players from different countries, and they are also very friendly and proactive in communicating with me.

——Do you hope that through your own stay in the ocean, you can inspire others?

Of course, I think it's an honor to come to the Celtic club, and I also hope that more players, my little sisters, can come to such clubs to study.

— The goal of the Celts

First of all, I just came to the team, it is a new face, I need to know and get to know everyone. Hopefully, I can integrate into the team faster and then make an appearance in the game as soon as possible.

(Nanling Weeping and Crying)

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