
"Gentleman Detective" Qin Xiaomanben is a bit "idiot", You Jingru and the director discussed this change

author:Beijing News

In the recent movie "My Pet is an Elephant", You Jingru played the ruthless and wayward Miss Jessica, and fought with the circus owner Lao Qi played by Liu Qingyun. You Jingru has always been a girl with a very good idea, she admits that her mentality has changed a lot in the past two years, and in the process of growing up, she has also seen clearly what she wants, she said, it is great to be able to do a good job as an actor.

"Gentleman Detective" Qin Xiaomanben is a bit "idiot", You Jingru and the director discussed this change

Beijing News reporter Guo Yanbing photographed

You Jingru

Live date: March 14

Graduated from: Beijing Film Academy

Representative works:

TV series "Gentleman Detective", "Spring Wind Ten Miles, Not as Good as You", "Qin Shi Mingyue"

Movie "My Pet is an Elephant"

"Gentleman Detective" Qin Xiaomanben is a bit "idiot", You Jingru and the director discussed this change

Poke the video to see You Jingru's performance and customized benefits for fans. The Beijing News moved the news production

After talking to You Jingru for a few words, you will soon find that she is a particularly assertive girl, a child who has not been very attached to her parents since she was a child, and whenever she encounters any difficulties or problems, her first reaction is not to cry and go to her family and friends for help, but to find her own way first. Basically, the choice of several important nodes in life is Yu Jingru's own decision. For example, when she went to college, she scored well in the art test at that time, exceeding the score line of many schools, and finally choosing which school to go to was her own idea.

The first time I acted on the scene, I dubbed myself

When she went to college, You Jingru was one of the students valued by the teacher. "When I was in school, I didn't come out to shoot a drama, our teachers didn't let go, the teacher still hoped that I would finish the graduation drama, and I would learn what I should learn in a down-to-earth manner, and lay a good foundation so that I would not be so panicked after graduating and entering society."

You Jingru's first official filming was after graduating from college, "graduating in June. Entering the group in July, it is a costume drama called "Qin Shi Mingyue". The first time I filmed, it was still a costume play, You Jingru was a bit confused, "First of all, I don't know how ancient people should talk and how to walk." Then the characterS I played would do martial arts, and there were some big moves, and I watched a lot of fight scenes with post-production and special effects, but at that time I didn't know how to do it, so I often dubbed myself when I played, such as 'XiuXiu'. Then the director would be very helpless to tell me that you don't want to add sound effects to yourself, it was quite embarrassing at the time (laughs). ”

"Gentleman Detective" Qin Xiaomanben is a bit "idiot", You Jingru and the director discussed this change

Stills from "Qin Shi Mingyue". The picture is from the artist's Weibo

The little Man in "The Gentleman" was originally different

You Jingru and Bai Yu starred in the web drama "Gentleman Detective" members officially ended, in this play You Jingru played Bai Yu's detective partner, recalling the role modeling, You Jingru said: "In fact, the setting of Qin Xiaoman in the original script is not like this, she was originally a bit silly and sweet, dragging her legs, and there are many '100,000 whys'. When reading the script, Bai Yu also said to You Jingru very seriously and seriously: "'You' (referring to the role of Qin Xiaoman in the play) Why do you have so many problems?" You Jingru said: "As soon as I said why in the play, he had to explain, and then there was a long line. In fact, the director does not want such a hostess setting, he may prefer that the actor can give the role something different, I think this is also a reason why the director came to me to play. ”

You Jingru did make some suggestions for the role in the process of filming, and after being adopted, she became the current Xiao Man, "Xiao Man has rarely asked very idiotic questions, such as two people getting out of the car, and a cemetery appears in front of them, and Xiao Man will ask: Which is this?" These were later removed. I think xiao man is also very good in the police academy, and so able to fight, all majors are among the best, she is actually a little better than ordinary people, the focus should still reflect her growth process in practice. ”

Qin Xiaoman has a very special significance and challenge for You Jingru. Xiao Man is the martial arts director in the play, there are many martial arts scenes, for which You Jingru also received a period of martial arts training.

"Gentleman Detective" Qin Xiaomanben is a bit "idiot", You Jingru and the director discussed this change

Stills from "The Gentleman Detective".

■ Evaluate yourself

- The idea is getting more and more correct

In the video interview of the new forces of actors in the Beijing News, we have a link that is a quick question and answer of 2 choices and 1, and You Jingru often says "Before it would, now it won't." The reporter asked her, when did the division between the past and the present begin? She tilted her head and thought, "I'm not sure about a particularly specific time, but in the past year or two, I've become more and more aware of the path I should take in the future." I may have been confused, I would have had a lot of wild ideas, and I used to think that I would become a businessman in the future. But in the past two years, I think it is great to be able to do this one thing well as an actor.

■ Cooperation with Bai Yu


"Gentleman Detective" Qin Xiaomanben is a bit "idiot", You Jingru and the director discussed this change

In "Gentleman Detective", he collaborated with Bai Yu.

Teacher Bai is a sunny boy, humorous and simple, especially real, especially grounded. What he shows to everyone now, he is also like this in his life, there is no baggage at all, he is friendly to people, whether it is staff or fans, he is like a friend, he is a particularly good person to get along with.

■ Cooperate with Liu Qingyun

He showed me what dedication is

"Gentleman Detective" Qin Xiaomanben is a bit "idiot", You Jingru and the director discussed this change

"My Pet is an Elephant" Liu Qingyun stills.

Teacher Liu Qingyun is my role model, he really let me see what is dedication. "My Pet is an Elephant" is a movie I made three years ago, when I first started the industry, and before working with him, I was in contact with actors of the same age, and I didn't have such a senior predecessor as him. After cooperating with Brother Qingyun, the deepest feeling is his dedication, for example, after the filming of this scene, the actor may sit next to take a break, adjust the state, and need our words to go over, but Brother Qingyun has been standing there, and the test will come by himself, and the degree of cooperation is very high, which is worth admiring.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Kunyu Editor Tian Kaini Proofreader Li Shihui

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