
"I am the guardian" meets in the late autumn, and the father and daughter of Shangyuxian Wang Yanhui "lose their place of affection"

author:Freedom 2021 Films

"Meet in late autumn, let's accompany and warm." Directed by up-and-coming director Jing Ran, starring Shang Yuxian, wang Yanhui specially starring, and Lin Jingzhe starring, the Chinese word-of-mouth masterpiece "I Am the Guardian" will be released nationwide on October 29. In the film, the young girl Shilu watches her father and brother intimately, and the neglected self can only be alone, and the scene is full of bitterness.

"I am the guardian" meets in the late autumn, and the father and daughter of Shangyuxian Wang Yanhui "lose their place of affection"

The movie "I Am the Guardian" is a work that focuses on the issue of the original family and shows the topic of contemporary family relations, and since its debut, it has won many honors at home and abroad with its keen social insight and the wonderful interpretation of powerful actors. Compared with previous family affection films, "I Am the Guardian" touches on the themes that are less displayed in domestic films, starting from the reorganization of family relations, and in the seemingly chaotic life, sorting out the contradictions and entanglements between contemporary youth and their parents, which has a strong universal significance and triggers the empathy of the public.

"I am the guardian" meets in the late autumn, and the father and daughter of Shangyuxian Wang Yanhui "lose their place of affection"

The film "resembles a mirror of contemporary family relations" and "exudes the power to touch people's hearts in reality." Starring Shang Yuxian and Wang Yanhui, the new and old power factions in the same frame are also recognized as "enjoyable acting feasts".

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