
Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

author:Tianshan Demon

When Cao Yunjin was most proud of his life, he founded Tingyunxuan, and Chi Zi said sharply at that time: Listening to Yunxuan is a group of people gathered together to hear where their "clouds" have gone.

And this "cloud" word was still given to him by Guo Degang, and sure enough, after he and Guo Degang openly broke up, he took away the "cloud" in his name, and his life fell from the cloud.

Teenager Cao Jin

Cao Jin, born in Tianjin in 1986, his father died early, the lack of strict father discipline made him more rebellious and untamed, and his youthful madness also made him famous, and he could not examine himself very well, and the personality problems were more prominent.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Tianjin is the paradise of cross-talk, but also the soil for the growth of cross-talk people, giving birth to many masters, here, Cao Jin heard and saw it when he was a child, and he has a strong interest in cross-talk since he was a child.

He is very talented, he has only heard the cross-talk program a few times, and he has learned it beautifully.

Once in a school art show, Cao Jin did not have good grades, and wanted to take this opportunity to change the views of his classmates and teachers on him, but he did not expect that he actively signed up, and the teacher took him off the list, because he not only did not study well, but also made small mistakes continuously, which made the teacher quite a headache.

This opportunity was naturally left to good students with excellent character and positive progress, which made Cao Jin, who had rebelled since childhood, very angry, and openly confronted him in the classroom, angry to the point of shouting.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

But this setback did not dispel his love for cross-talk, but on the contrary, it prompted him to practice hard, he held his breath, thinking that one day, let the people who looked down on him at that time look up to him,

At that time, there were not many opportunities to learn cross-talk, Liu Baorui's "Officialdom", he listened to it no less than a hundred and ten times, backwards and imitated very realistically, at this time, many people have already impressed him.

Mothers rarely see that their children are interested in something, and they want to take advantage of their children's learning to be happy, and they also want to take this opportunity to let their children find another way, maybe life can really come out of a career.

But at that time, Cao Jin was arrogant, the general cross-talk teacher he did not pay attention to, he could kill them in a second, want him to learn from them, how could it be!

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

What can enter his eyes are several taidou figures in Tianjin, one is Ma Zhiming, the son of the grandmaster Ma Sanli, and the other is the cross-talk master Tian Lihe, who hoped to worship under the door of taishan Beidou in the cross-talk world at that time, and Cao Jin, who was lonely and nameless at that time, really dared to think and dare to do it.

The mother loves the child and takes him to try it despite the difficulties, Tian Li teaches at the Northern Quyi School, and Cao Jin and his mother go to visit the teacher.

However, because he was too young and was rejected on the spot, Cao Jin was very angry, and he showed a period of talent on the spot, and came to a period of basic skills of cross-talk, "Reporting the Name of the Dish" and "Eighteen Sorrows".

Tian Lihe had a bright light in his eyes, but he felt that his age was still too young, so he left him some hope and promised him to accept him when he was older.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Cao Jin spent a few more years in school, and in the blink of an eye, he was not interested in learning, and the family felt that it was not okay to go on like this, so it was better to find a good way out for the children.

Since the masters do not accept disciples, then retreat to the second place, find a famous teacher who is willing to accept apprentices, and not let the children be delayed every day.

In this way, fate brought Cao Jin to Guo Degang's side.

At that time, Guo Degang did not have any reputation, he also came to Beijing from Tianjin from hardships and suffering, he insisted on dreaming for many years, and he always wanted to prove himself with crosstalk.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

At that time, Guo Degang was still suffering for his dreams, his future was bleak, his life was gray, and he also did not know where the way out was, he looked up at the stars and insisted on his dreams, while not stopping part-time, so that he could live.

But Guo Degang is particularly resilient in his work, even if he can stick to the bottom line even if he works part-time, it must be related to his profession, and he has done screenwriting, singing songs, and doing reviews in Beijing.

Through these part-time jobs, we can also see that when life is falling, Guo Degang has never given up his dream of the future, which is a person with a bottom line, integrity and tenacity.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

It is called the master-apprentice relationship than the father-son stage

Cao Jin saw Guo Degang for the first time, psychological doubts, this guy is so young, he He De He can serve as my master, Guo Degang really appreciates Cao Jin, feels that this boy is clever, enlightened, born to say cross-talk materials, in order to accept this apprentice, to dispel his doubts, he showed Cao Jin the basic skills of crosstalk.

After saying a paragraph of "Selling Cloth Heads", halfway through, Cao Jin's admired five bodies fell to the ground, and the confusion in his eyes was the look of worship.

Showing solid ability and skill, Cao Jin followed Guo Degang to learn.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

In life, Guo Degang is very concerned about his apprentices, even to the point of spoiling.

Cao Jin ate and lived in his house, took care of his daily life, and when he had good food, he must leave a copy for Cao Jin, and he came back with a generous hand when he worked part-time, and he also took Cao Jin to the restaurant to eat a meal.

But Guo Degang's requirements for apprentices are very strict, not only in the cross-talk line, but also in each line and every profession, the master is so strict with the apprentice's skills.

To put it bluntly, crosstalk depends on the audience to eat, you have to have the ability, and ability is the basic skill.

a thousand songs and then xiaosheng, look at a thousand swords and then recognize the instrument.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Without spending a lot of time training, repeatedly sculpting yourself every day, how can you have a solid foundation.

Get up at five o'clock, take Cao Jin to run in the morning, expand his chest and lungs and then start practicing his throat, cold and summer, and then after eating breakfast, he began to teach knowledge, the basic skills of cross-talk were manifested in ventriloquism, exercise eloquence, talk, qi rhyme, doukou, clouds and fog, but even if there is a little flaw, the basic skills can not be practiced at home.

In addition to practicing well, in addition to one breath to the end, it is also sonorous and powerful, the words are clear, and the breath is calm and idle, not breathless and tired, which is not a few years old, and it really cannot be done.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

In that hard training foundation, for three whole years, Cao Jin's progress was rapid, and Guo Degang was very pleased.

Among all the apprentices, regardless of character and others, in terms of talent and talent, Cao Jin was the one who satisfied Guo Degang the most, and it was also the one that made him most chilling.

In those years, he regarded Cao Jin as closer than his son, and the degree of eating and wearing was all wrapped up by Guo Degang, and his life was taken care of extremely meticulously, and Guo Degang completely took Cao Jin as his successor to cultivate.

The professor personally taught each other, and had deep feelings for Cao Jin, and Guo Degang, as a master, still maintained the responsibility of a master like a father in the traditional industry.

Love each apprentice as his son.

Even if Yue Yunpeng, who was a year younger than Cao Jin, was very talented later, when everyone in the Deyun Society wanted to drive Yue Yunpeng out later, it was Guo Degang who tried to exclude the public opinion, and on that occasion, he did not say talent and did not have the ability to accept it.

With only one word, Yue Yunpeng could only sweep the land for a lifetime, and my Deyun Society also raised him.

This sentence warmed Yue Yunpeng for a lifetime.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

These details Yue Yunpeng never forgot in his life.

When Yue Yunpeng was at his worst and was looked down upon by everyone in the Deyun Society, his mother fell ill, and there was no hope and future for Yue Yunpeng at that time, and After Guo Degang knew about it, he told Yue Yunpeng to bring your mother to Beijing. I asked her a doctor.

Guo Degang not only fulfilled his promise, used his relationship to arrange famous doctors to operate on Yue Yunpeng's mother, and gave his mother more than 100,000 yuan to see a doctor.

This love, Yue Yunpeng remembered for a lifetime.

When Yue Yunpeng got married, Guo Degang contracted all the expenses for the banquet, the celebrant, and the venue.

This warmed Yue Yunpeng for a lifetime.

Lao Guo loved his apprentice like his son, not to mention Cao Jin, who was the most loved by him at that time, but warmed everyone, but he failed to warm Cao Jin.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

At that time, when there was no performance, the two would often go out for a walk, and Guo Degang arranged for Cao Jin to go to the restaurant, playing the side stove, mutton soup, or stir-frying a small dish, the two gossiped about wine, and lived a comfortable life.

Once Cao Jin's high fever did not recede until the middle of the night, Guo Degang was worried and anxious, dragging him to the hospital in the middle of the night, at that time, Cao Jin also regarded Guo Degang as both a master and a father.

When Guo Degang established the Deyun Society, the first disciples who followed him were all on the Yunzi generation, and Cao Jin became Cao Yunjin from that time on.

Deyun Society's fame is getting bigger and bigger, Cao Yunjin has such a platform, and his popularity is getting higher and higher.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Now many people also have such a cognitive misunderstanding, feel that they are omnipotent, and feel that the platform limits their own development, but his popularity and applause are precisely brought by the platform.

Cao Yunjin mistakenly regarded the platform as a personal ability, and he felt that the audience was coming for him.

Later, he even said many times that he contributed half of the performance of the Deyun Society, and even the vast majority of the performance was obtained by cao yunjin.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Cao Yunjin has not experienced many difficulties, especially in the cross-talk industry to become famous, he feels that it is too easy and too easy, because all the pressure is lao Guo is carrying, and lao Guo has been carrying the weight forward.

Even in 2003, xiangsheng was still a declining industry, deyun society was struggling, and the survival embarrassment was becoming more and more difficult, but no matter how much pressure, Lao Guo did not leak any decadent words in front of the apprentice, gave the apprentice a bright smile, and gave them a life of pampering.

In order to maintain daily expenses, Lao Guo went to participate in variety shows, at that time he was neither a horn nor a wrist, and he did not care about his own image in the variety show, but Lao Guo did not shy away from his past at all, and that humiliating period still seemed to be lamentable, and few people could withstand such pressure.

Lao Guo was arranged in a transparent glass window, for the effect of the program, he had to say crosstalk in the cabinet, the time was 48 hours, and there were people watching at dinner and sleeping, Lao Guo felt ashamed, but life was getting more and more embarrassing, for himself, for the apprentice, for the Deyun Society, he had no choice.

The remuneration of 4,000 yuan did not seem like much even in 2003, which shows the difficulty of the Deyun Society facing pressure at that time.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

But Cao Yunjin has not experienced these, and the suffering has been filtered by Lao Guo, so he feels that it is too easy to become famous, and the glory that has not been easily obtained without experiencing suffering is often easily thrown away by himself, and he will not cherish it very well.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

No matter how difficult Lao Guo was, he had never treated any apprentice badly, let alone Cao Yunjin, who had high hopes.

As long as the dream is persistent, it can always be kept in the clouds and the moon.

The opportunity came suddenly.

Beijing Radio launched a cross-talk program to contact Guo Degang, his dream was finally revealed, for this day for a long time, ready to perform on stage, the program is extremely sensational.

Then phoenix satellite TV, then the local Spring Festival Gala, and then each David TV have thrown olive branches.

Overnight, the Deyun Society was all over the country, there was no rehearsal and no rehearsal, and suddenly it was on fire, the reason is not strange, Lao Guo has turned every day into a rehearsal, he seems to know that he will one day usher in such a highlight moment.

The most excited is Cao Yunjin, who has Guo Degang's protection when the crosstalk is lonely, and when the crosstalk is hot, he enjoys all the glory, he thinks that it is his own ability to promote, he thinks that his talent is cast, this is where he is too arrogant, but also can not examine himself.

Such excessive blind self-confidence, wait until the platform is withdrawn, only to find that the fame of teenagers is really not a good thing.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

After the Deyun Society was on fire, it was widely disseminated with the help of television stations, and it was even more fiery to cook oil and flowers, in addition to the TV station, Lao Guo also developed his own theater offline, so that Cao Yunjin picked a beam in Zhang Yiyuan's teahouse, and one person took on a stage.

It was precisely this focus on cultivation that completely stimulated Cao Yunjin's ambitions. At that time, his special show was very popular, and it was rumored that flower baskets in the surrounding shops were sold out, and they were all piled up at the stage door by enthusiastic audiences.

Cao Yunjin felt that he had become a pillar of the stage, he took the audience's praise as a reality, often said that as long as he appeared, the audience's call was a landslide, no Cao Yunjin, not to say that there is no Deyun Society today, and even today's Deyun Society will not exist, it has long been collapsed.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

By 2008, Cao Yunjin's popularity had reached its peak, and his conceit had reached its extreme, and he felt that the Deyun Society could not accommodate his talent.

At that time, not only was it full, but even many viewers begged for a position, even if they could stand for hours, he was self-absorbed, and he also had to engage in a cult of personality in the Deyun Society.

When the master and disciple see themselves, they must shine with light, they must be pious, they must sing praises and praises, and when they do not agree, he will carry them over and reprimand them again, and then let them repeat the words of praise.

Such an act, not only in the backstage, even when performing on the stage, the audience may remember that when performing in Henan, he and Yue Yunpeng were on the stage, and they beat Yue Yunpeng violently without a word, and the audience also thought it was a stage effect, and later found that it was not right, and the stage had become a pot of porridge.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Then there was the Weiyang Palace incident, deliberately making a big fuss about the birthday party on Guo Degang's birthday, pretending to be crazy with wine, indulging in anger, and throwing anger and scolding to vent.

That day, Cao Yunjin came very late, and when he arrived, he began to drink bitterly one after another, and after toasting at each table, he dropped the bowl. Quite Qiao Feng's arrogance in Juxian Zhuang, but unfortunately he is not Qiao Feng, and cutting off the robe and breaking the righteous life performed the feeling of seeing profit and forgetting righteousness.

After the bowl was dropped, his disciples and elders persuaded him one after another, and he said in a pun: I don't have enough to eat here, and I will never be able to eat enough.

The words reveal that they are not better treated for their abilities! He probably felt that what he said was not strong, so he knelt down in front of Guan Gong and said fiercely: I Cao Yunjin swear, and then return to the Deyun Society, I will be xx!

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Rao is Guo Degang used to see strife, a lifetime of fighting, sinking and falling, but this night was proud of the apprentice hurt too deeply and too deeply, Yu Qian teacher knows Guo Degang, several times looked, saw the always strong old Guo borrowed the opportunity to wipe sweat, several times secretly wiped away the tears in the corners of his eyes.

Old Guo has been shaking the sky and the earth all his life, only for his own apprentice, he has never been cruel to his heart, that is the softest corner of his heart, but today he was hurt too deeply, nevertheless, Old Guo did not say a hard word, he really regarded Cao Yunjin as his son.

Cao Yunjin was retained by his disciples, and under the sadness of his master, he left proudly,

When he left, he also poached several disciples of the Deyun Society, Liu Yuntian, Ma Shuang, and Li Chunyi.

Later, he was even more crazy to change Li Chunyi's name to Jet Li.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Ma Shuang changed his name to Ma Lianliang.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Jet Li everyone knows that Ma Lianliang may be very strange to many people, he is a famous Peking Opera artist in China, an absolutely respected predecessor in the cross-talk industry, and two generations longer than Guo Degang in the cross-talk industry.

Such an act of his, in the cross-talk industry that attaches importance to teachers and apprentices, attaches importance to inheritance, and respects teachers and respects teachers, is undoubtedly an act of deception and extermination of ancestors, and later it was jointly resisted by the cross-talk community, or it stemmed from his arrogance, trampling on basic standards, and violating the bottom line of being a person.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Immediately after he left, he set up Tingyunxuan and began to borrow the residual heat, which was really good.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

However, if morality is not worthy of the position, it will suffer, and reputation is carried by character, the ancients said that the terrain is kun, and the gentleman carries things with thick virtue.

Virtue and thickness can have a length in life, so he should not not understand such a simple reason.

Later, people were destroyed, and scandals continued

Divorced vicious ex-wife Tang Yun

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Tearing ex-girlfriend Xiao Han

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Short love Jiang Ruolin

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Let's talk about Zhang Haoyou again

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

Soon the audience is completely tired, the actors need to be cultivated, and the stage needs character to bear in addition to talent.

Various reasons have led him to go farther and farther away from the audience. Listening to Yunxuan gradually became Xiang Ridge Xuan.

It became the place where the Menkro finches were.

Now Tingyunxuan had gone to the empty building, and the spider silk was full of Zhu Liang.

Deyun's first brother, Cao Yunjin's revenge began and ended

I suddenly thought of a passage from "Dream of the Red Chamber", which is a hint of the ending of the characters in the Red Chamber, and there are some shadows of reality.

The wolf of the mountain, the ruthless beast, does not read the root of the day.

Blind extravagance and lasciviousness.

Looking at the Houmen Yan quality with Pu Liu, the lowly gongfu is like a vulgar.

Sigh the soul, a long time.

#趣谈八卦 #

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