
A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

author:I'm Mommy Seven
A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

David was an acute. Whenever he saw what he wanted, he clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and his heart beat faster, eager to get it right away.

One day, David tiptoed into the bedroom, looked left and right, confirmed that his mother was not there, and closed the door while listening attentively to the sound of the door lock.

David opened his closet and knelt on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Elton." He said softly.

Elton is a purple elephant doll.

In fact, Mr. Elton is not only a big-eared friend, he is also a pretender. The shoebox under Elton is David's treasure chest.

David's heart pounded, and he opened his backpack and reached for something.

A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

He pulled out a smooth-skinned Superman. Superman's red cloak sparkles. David couldn't help but say, "That's cool. ”

David felt a little guilty that Superman had been his best friend Peyton's. David "borrowed" it, but he didn't get Payton's permission, which he thought was "borrowing" something. When David saw Superman at Payton's house, he clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and his heart pounded, and he wanted to get it right away.

David and Payton had been playing together all morning, but David's mind was filled with that shiny cloak, that pair of red boots, that big patch of red.

When Payton's mom shouted "Let's have lunch," David hesitated, but his chance came. He grabbed Superman in one fell swoop, faster than a bullet.

A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

David put Superman into his treasure chest, which was "borrowed" without his permission.

He pressed a button on the reindeer brooch, and the reindeer's red nose began to sparkle, which had originally belonged to Aunt Rhonda.

In his hand was a St. Patrick's Day pencil that had belonged to his teacher, Mr. Jude. The pencil topped with furry green feathers, like the flowers of a dandelion.

The apple-sized pumpkin lamp was smiling with its mouth wide open, as if it were still on Lady James's porch.

He squeezed a small rubber ball, remembering that day he and his neighbor Charlie had bounced it higher than her house. David wanted to cut it open and see what was inside.

He told himself he would return these things in the future. Of course, if the rubber ball is cut in half, it will not be returned to Charlie.

But what he cares about most in the world is his baby bike, which is bright yellow in color, with raised tires and bumblebee striped seats. This is his Bumblebee bike.

Every morning, David rode his bike and rode out a big 8.00.

Every afternoon, David, his mother and his sister Messi ride their bikes to the park.

Every night, David and Dad rode on the trails near their home.

Dad often reminded David to put his bike in the garage: "Don't lose your bike." ”

One unlucky morning, David found his bike lost!!!

A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

He was taken aback and suddenly remembered that he had left his bike outside yesterday. Someone stole his bike.

David was sad. Why would someone take someone else's stuff?

His stomach churned, and at this moment he remembered his treasure chest, the treasures that he had "borrowed" without the permission of others.

When Dad called the police, David was sulking in his room and "borrowing" something in this way, which was really bad.

But what made David even more uncomfortable was that what he had done before must have made others sad too.

A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

He plays football and draws circles, and he can draw a big 8, but it feels different from before.

He and his mother put Messie in her stroller, but it didn't feel the same as before.

He casually played rugby with his dad, but it was different from before.

Because his heart was too uncomfortable, David began to hide from Payton and Charlie. When they knocked on the door, he looked at them and said, "Let's go." ”

David also hid from Ms. James. When she called him, he pretended not to hear.

At school, he pretended to be busy and deliberately did not look at Teacher Jude.

One night, Aunt Rhonda came to visit the house, and David took a deep breath, and he wanted to do the right thing.

"Aunt Rhonda," David stammered, "I have one of your things here that I took without your permission, sorry. ”

Aunt Rhonda hugged him tightly. He didn't break away like he used to.

David was ready to return every treasure to its owner.

Each time, he would say, "I have one of your things here, and I took it without your permission, I'm sorry." ”

Mrs. James said, "Oh, I thought the wind had blown the pumpkin lamp away." ”

Payton said: "I want to know what happened. If you had asked me at the time, I would have lent it to you. ”

"I thought I lost it!" Charlie said. She was happy to return the ball to David before he cut the ball in half.

Mr. Jude rubbed David's hair.

David was upset because the bike hadn't been found yet, but the treasure chest had become lighter and he had become lighter.

A few days later, a police car stopped downstairs from his house. David was so nervous, did the police come to arrest him?

A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

The policeman uncle opened the trunk, took out David's bicycle, smiled and asked him, "Do you still recognize it?" ”

A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

The bike was dirty, there was weed in the chain, and the striped saddle was worn out very unsightly. But, this is his bumblebee.

David and Dad removed the mud and weeds from the bike, and Mom gave David a small bag with a small license plate that bore his name: David.

Mom said that now everyone knows who this bumblebee is.

"Yes," said David, "I also know what is mine. ”

A picture book story about taking other people's things casually " It's not okay to take other people's things casually "

Words for Parents:

Children tend to have poor control over their behavior in the face of temptation, and while they feel guilty and ashamed, they are likely to escape it. At this time, as a parent or nurturer, it is necessary to help the child learn from the lessons of oneself or others and learn to be patient. This in turn fosters the child's empathy and ability to be responsible for the consequences of the action, thus forming a decent social behavior.

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