
"One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" No.6 Golden Three Darts Opening Two Sentences 1 Introduction 2 Haoran Ge Review 3 Related Films 4 Director and Starring

author:Rabbit Island

<h1>Two sentences to begin</h1>

Lately, I have been busy, not to mention writing this series of articles, and even my plans to watch movies have been delayed, and June is almost over, and I have not seen a few in total.

However, the long-term plan of this file, once the middle of the file, directly next month to continue on the line, do not think about the previous pull down to make up for it, that way, it is not over, make more pressure, exhaustion, and finally the effect is worse.

I hope that it will be helpful to those friends who have medium- and long-term plans like me (more than a year).

This issue continues with the "One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" series.

<h1>1 Introduction</h1>

The Golden Three Darts is an Italian Western film directed by Sergio Leone, which is the finale of the dart film trilogy.

The film stars Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cliff and Eli Walleck as the good guys, bad guys and ugly guys as the English title refers to.

The film tells the story of three people who take advantage of the political chaos during the American Civil War to use each other and conspire with each other, resulting in many interesting jokes and tense dramatic confrontations.

The film was released in Italy on December 23, 1966.

"One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" No.6 Golden Three Darts Opening Two Sentences 1 Introduction 2 Haoran Ge Review 3 Related Films 4 Director and Starring

<h1>2 Haoran Brother reviews


Released in 1966, this classic old film is very long, 178 minutes, three hours.

I watched these longer films on and off.

The original name was Italian: Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo

英文名:The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The film is in the Western style, set in the American Civil War. It is interspersed with various elements such as liars, hooligans, killers, religions and so on.

The seemingly absurd expression profoundly reflects reality.

The character in the ugly, always feel similar to the expression of some characters in Kurosawa's film, read the director's profile to find that it is really from Kurosawa Akira has adapted some works.

<h1>3 Related videos</h1>

"One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" No.6 Golden Three Darts Opening Two Sentences 1 Introduction 2 Haoran Ge Review 3 Related Films 4 Director and Starring

The Italian Western was pioneered by Sergio, and if you're interested, you can check out the other two films in the "Dart Trilogy", which is the third.

The other two: "Red Dead Redemption" and "Twilight Double Dart".

And, of course, his adaptation of Akira Kurosawa's "Stick of Hearts."

<h1>4 Director and lead actor</h1>

4.1 Director: Sergio Leone

"One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" No.6 Golden Three Darts Opening Two Sentences 1 Introduction 2 Haoran Ge Review 3 Related Films 4 Director and Starring

Sergio Leon, a famous Italian director, is the son of the famous Italian silent film era director Roberto Roberti and the star Bedini.

In 1961, his directorial debut was Rhodes Giant. In 1964, Akira Kurosawa's "Heart Stick" ("Darts") was adapted into "Red Dead Redemption", which created a boom in Italian Westerns.

Sergio Leone began studying film at the age of 18 and spent many years working as an assistant director, especially in The Hollywood blockbuster film shoot in Italy. His debut film was Rhodes Giant in 1961.

In 1964, he adapted Akira Kurosawa's "Heart Stick" ("Big Dart") into "Red Dead Redemption", which created a boom in Italian Westerns.

After the success of the "Dart Trilogy", he was invited to Hollywood to shoot a film, but he was unfavorable and refused the opportunity to direct "The Godfather". But Sergio Leone's contribution to cinema remains significant, a world-class director.

Main works:




In 1948

The Bicycle Thief (Italy)

Assistant Director Assistant Director Actor

In 1949

Fabiola (Italy)

Assistant Director Assistant Director

In 1951

The Tyrant Burning the City (USA)

In 1954

Night of Love (Italy, France)

This Is Life (Italy)

In 1957

The Teacher and the Miracle (Italy, Spain)

The Teacher (Italy, Spain)

In 1959

The Roman Enemy (Italy, France, West Germany, Yugoslavia)

Screenwriter Assistant Director Assistant Director

The End of Pompeii (Italy, Spain, West Germany, Monaco)

Director Screenwriter Assistant Director

Bin Hur (USA)

In 1961

The Duel of the Giants (Italy, France)


Rhodes Giants (Italy, Spain, France)

Director Screenwriter

In 1962

The Burning City of Heaven (Italy, France, Usa)

Director Assistant Director Assistant Director

The Changing of the Guard (Italy, France)


In 1964

Red Dead Redemption (Italy, Spain, West Germany)

In 1965

The Twilight Double (Italy, Spain, West Germany, Monaco)

Director, Screenwriter, Actor

In 1966

The Golden Triad (Italy, Spain, West Germany)

In 1968

Once Upon a Time in the West (Italy, USA)

In 1971

Revolutionary Past (Italy)

In 1973

The Nameless Boy (Italy, France, West Germany)

Director Screenwriter Producer

In 1975

Genius, Two Companions and the Easily Deceived Man (Italy, France, West Germany)

Director Producer

In 1979

Giocattolo, Il (Italy)


Silver Sea Kaleidoscope (USA)


In 1980

Beautiful and Funny Things (Italy)

In 1981

Bianco, rosso e Verdone (Italy)

In 1984

Once Upon a Time in America (Italy, United States)

4.2 Eri Wallach

"One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" No.6 Golden Three Darts Opening Two Sentences 1 Introduction 2 Haoran Ge Review 3 Related Films 4 Director and Starring

Eri Wallach, a famous American film and television and stage actor, played Tuco in "The Golden Three".

Born on December 7, 1915, he became famous in the late 1950s and died on June 25, 2014, local time in the United States, at the age of 99.

Representative works:

Cast Works:

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)

Showing Up (2010)

The Ghost Writer (2010)

New York, I Love You (2009)

Tickling Leo (2009)

Ahead of Time (2009)

The National Parks: America's Best Idea (2009)

The Dark History of Christianity Constantine's Sword (2007)

The War (2007)

Mama's Baby Mama's Boy (2007)

Marlon Brando Biography Brando (2007)

Scam The Hoax (2006)

The Holiday (2006)

月亮和儿子 The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation (2005)

The Quest for Happiness (2004)

The Easter Egg Adventure (2004)

Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson (2004)

The Education of Gore Vidal (2003)

Mystic River (2003)

The 100 Greatest Movie Stars (2003)

Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip (2003)

Keeping the Faith (2000)

The 50th Annual Tony Awards (1996)

The Associate (1996)

James Dean: A Portrait (1996)

Pairs Don't Pair Two Much (1995)

Baseball (1994)

Honey Sweet Love (1994)

The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 (1992)

Night and the City (1992)

Apricot Forest Battlefield Article 99 (1992)

Lover protagonist Mistress (1992)

Lincoln (1992)

Mafia Bride Vendetta: Secrets of a Mafia Bride (1991)

The Two Jakes (1990)

教父3 The Godfather: Part III (1990)

Funny (1989)

John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick (1989)

The American Experience (1988)

Uncensored Hollywood Uncensored (1987)

I Asked for a Trial of Nuts (1987)

We the People 200: The Constitutional Gala (1987)

Tough Guys (1986)

Something in Common (1986)

Embassy (1985)

Christopher Columbus (1985)

Our Family Honor (1985)

Highway to Heaven (1984)

Anatomy of an Illness (1984)

American Masters (1983)

The Executioner's Song (1982)

The Salamander (1981)

Skokie (1981)

The Hunter (1980)

Winter Kills (1979)

Firepower (1979)

Girlfriends (1978)

The Quiet Flute Circle of Iron (1978)

Movie Movie (1978)

Little Italy Squadra antimafia (1978)

Seventh Avenue (1977)

The Sentinel (1977)

The Domino Principle (1977)

The Deep (1977)

Nasty Habits (1977)

Shoot first, then ask Il Bianco, il giallo, il nero (1975)

Crazy Joe Crazy Joe (1974)

Cinderella Liberty (1973)

Long live death... Tua! (1971)

Zigzag (1970)

邻居 The People Next Door (1970)

The Adventures of Gerard (1970)

The David Frost Show (1969)

Big Minds Le Cerveau (1969)

Mackenna's Gold (1969)

How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Life (1968)

The 22nd Annual Tony Awards (1968)

Quattro dell'Ave Maria, I (1968)

A Lovely Way to Die (1968)

The Tiger Makes Out (1967)

黄金三镖客 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

偷龙转凤 How to Steal a Million (1966)

Batman Batman (1966)

Poppies Are Also Flowers (1966)

Genghis Khan (1965)

Lord Jim Jim (1965)

Kisses for My President (1964)

The Moon-Spinners (1964)

The Victors (1963)

Act One (1963)

Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962)

How the West Was Won (1962)

The Merv Griffin Show (1962)

The Misfits (1961)

Seven Thieves (1960)

The Magnificent Seven (1960)

Directions (1960)

Lineup The Lineup (1958)

Naked City (1958)

Theatre 90 mins Playhouse 90 (1956)

Baby Doll (1956)

To Tell the Truth (1956)

Hallmark Hall of Fame (1951)

Studio One in Hollywood (1948)

The Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse (1948)

The Ed Sullivan Show (1948)


4.3 Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood (born May 31, 1930 in San Francisco) is an American film actor, director, and producer.

Play brandy in this film.

"One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" No.6 Golden Three Darts Opening Two Sentences 1 Introduction 2 Haoran Ge Review 3 Related Films 4 Director and Starring

Major works

Cast works

From now on hereafter (2010)

Success in people invictus (2009)

Vintage Car Gran Torino (2008)

Million Dollar Baby (2004)

Blood Typing Puzzle Blood Work (2002)

Kurosawa (2001)

Space Cowboys (2000)

Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows (2000年)Forever Hollywood (1999年)

Urgent Mission True Crime (1999)

AFI&amp;apos;s 100 Years... 100 Stars (1999年)

Absolute Power (1997)

Bridges of Madison County, The (1995)

火线 In the Line of Fire (1993年)

65th Annual Academy Awards, The (1993)

Perfect World (1993)

Unforgiven (1992)

White Hunter Black Heart (1990)

The Rookie (1990)

Hunt down the blacklist Pink Cadillac (1989)

The Dead Pool (1988)

Warbreak Ridge (1986)

Pale Rider (1985)

City Heat (1984)

Tightrope (1984)

Sudden Impact (1983)

Firefox (1982)

Honkytonk Man (1982)

Any Which Way You Can (1980)

Indomitable Bronco Billy (1980)

Escape from Akara Escape from Alcatraz (1979)

The Gauntlet (1978)

The Enforcer (1976)

Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976)

The Eiger Sanction (1975)

Thunderbolt and Scud Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974)

High Plains Drifter (1973) joe Kidd (1972)

Play Misty for ME (1971)

Detective Harry Dirty Harry (1971)

Deceived by Beguiled, The (1971)

Strategic Operation Kelly ' s Heroes (1970)

Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970)

Long March Mont Manbao MountainPain Your Wagon (1969)

Lone Iron King Kong Coogan's Bluff (1968)

Bloodstained Snow Hill Fort Where Eagles Dare (1968)

Lone Ranger Dragon Slayer Hang ' Em High (1968)

Golden Tri-Dart Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il (1966)

Per qualche dollaro in più (1965)

Red Dead Redemption Per un pugno di dollari (1964)

Directed works


Chinese name

Foreign name



Captain Sully


Directing, producer, soundtrack


American sniper

Amerinca Sniper

Director, Producer

Jersey Boys

Jersey Boys


Curve puzzles

Trouble with the Curve




J. Edgar


From now on



It's up to people



Classic cars

Gran Torino

The change of son is suspicious



Letter from Iwo Jima

Letters from Iwo Jima

The flag of the fathers

Flags of Our Fathers


Happiness is gone

Grace Is Gone



Million dollar baby

Million Dollar Baby


Mysterious River

Mystic Rive


Bloody puzzles

Blood Work


Space cowboys

Space Cowboys


Urgent task

True Crime


Midnight Garden of Good and Evil

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Absolute power

Absolute Power


Starfall Home

The Stars Fell on Henrietta

Covered Bridge Legacy

The Bridges of Madison County


Perfect world

A Perfect World





White Hunter, Black Heart

White Hunter Black Heart

Rookie thunderbolt gall

The Rookie


Rookie Parker



Sad Ridge

Heartbreak Ridge


Pale Knight

Pale Rider


Black handcuffs



Dial the clouds to see the sun

Sudden Impact




Father-son love at the end of the world

Honkytonk Man



Bronco Billy



The Gauntlet


Outlaw Mai Wells

The Outlaw Josey Wales


Brave Thunder Peak

The Eiger Sanction


Spring flowers and autumn moon are not in love


The Prodigal Son of the Wilderness

High Plains Drifter


Joe Kidd

Joe Kidd


Dirty Harry

Dirty Harry

Under the peony flowers

The Beguiled

Mist Chases the Soul

Play Misty for Me


4.4 Lee Van Cliff

"One Hundred Classic Movies a Year" No.6 Golden Three Darts Opening Two Sentences 1 Introduction 2 Haoran Ge Review 3 Related Films 4 Director and Starring

Lee Van Cleef (9 January 1925 – December 1989)

Famous actors and movie stars of the American acting school, representative works include "Thunder Forbidden Zone", "New York Escape" and so on.

In 2007

Life in flight, A

In 1998

The Making of 'How the West Was Won'

In 1989

Speed Zone!

Escape from New York

In 1972

The Magnificent Seven Ride!

In 1967

Death Rides a Horse

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly / Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il

For Some Dollars More / Per qualche dollaro in più

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

How the West Was Won

Ride Lonesome

In 1958

The Young Lions

The Bravados

《OK镇大决斗》 Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

In 1956

Tribute to a Bad Man

The Conqueror

In 1952

"Day in the Middle/Dragon City Battle" High Noon

The Masked Man in The Bordertown Kansas City Confidential

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