
Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

author:China Aerospace Science and Industry

In order to further carry forward the great spirit of party building

Relive the magnificent epic of the party's century-old struggle

Looking back at the 65 years of glorious history of China's aerospace industry

Look forward to the bright prospects of the cause of the party and the people

October 8

China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd

Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The 65th anniversary of the founding of China's aerospace industry

Employees' literary and artistic performances

"Obey the party's command and forge a sword for the country"

Two sessions were held in Beijing

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Yuan Jie, secretary of the leading party group and chairman of the board of directors of the China Aerospace Science and Labor Society; Liu Shiquan, general manager and deputy secretary of the party leading group; Wei Yiyin, member of the party leading group and deputy general manager; Liu Chuandong, member of the party leading group and chief accountant; Lin Qing, head of the discipline inspection and supervision group and member of the party leading group; Liu Zhuping and Li Lixin, member of the party leading group and deputy general manager; and Gao Hongwei, member of the National People's Congress Education, Science, Culture, and Public Health Committee, watched the performance together with the broad audience. During the preparation of the performance, Chen Guoying, deputy secretary of the party group, visited and comforted all the cast and crew.

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

The veteran leaders who watched the performance were: Liu Jiyuan, former general manager and secretary of the party leading group of the China Aerospace Industry Corporation, and former director of the State Space Administration; Xia Guohong, former secretary of the party group and general manager of the group company; Hua Lusen and Chengwen, former members of the party leading group and deputy general managers of the group company; and Gao Fulai and Liu Hanbin, former members of the party leading group and head of the discipline inspection group of the group company.

The lights shine and shine.

The eye-catching celebration logo in the auditorium of the Staff Cultural Center of the Second Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China expresses the celebration of the centenary of the Communist Party of China and the 65th anniversary of the founding of China's aerospace industry.

Lin Qing said in his speech at the Workers' Literary and Art Exhibition that he was entrusted by Yuan Jie, secretary of the party leading group and chairman of the board of directors of the group company, and Liu Shiquan, general manager and deputy secretary of the party leading group, to extend festive congratulations and sincere greetings on behalf of the party group to the vast number of party members, cadres, and workers working on various fronts in scientific research and production, operation and management, and service guarantee; to the aerospace predecessors who devoted their life's energy and painstaking efforts to the creation and development of China's aerospace industry; and to the veteran leaders, old experts, old party members, and old workers who have made outstanding contributions to the reform and development of the group company. And more than 140,000 cadres and employees of the group company expressed their heartfelt thanks.

The performance is presented in the form of a large-scale scenario epic, divided into four chapters, comprehensively using a variety of artistic means, vividly showing the magnificent picture of the hard work and courageous struggle of generations of astronauts in the 65 years since the founding of the aerospace industry, enthusiastically praising the new journey of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, China Aerospace Science and Industry has made a new journey to accelerate the construction of a world-class aerospace defense group company and realize the dream of aerospace, the dream of a strong army and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation at an early date.

The propaganda film "Listening to the Party's Command and Forging Swords for the Country" by China Aerospace Science and Industry kicked off the performance and led the audience to jointly look back on the struggle of astronauts to fulfill the mission of strengthening the army with science and technology and strengthening the country in the past 65 years since the founding of the aerospace industry.

The first chapter, "The Great Dream Sets Sail," is vividly demonstrated that under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, China's missile undertakings and aerospace undertakings are in a period of beginning when everything is in ruins to be rebuilt and a hundred industries to be lifted, and the great course of forging ahead and casting brilliant achievements is vividly demonstrated.

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Dance "Yellow River"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Recitation of Immortality

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Dance "Don't Forget the Rivers and Mountains"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Sitcom "Glory and Dreams"

The surname party has always been the true color of the aerospace industry, and the red gene has always been the root of the aerospace industry. The second chapter, "Casting Heavy Weapons for a Strong Army," begins with "Singing Praises to the Party Again," praising the magnificent and glorious course of the Communist Party of China over the past 100 years since its founding. The sitcom "Miracle" presents the miracle of "two bombs and one star", casting one by one to fill in the gaps, creating a precedent, and meeting the urgently needed missile equipment, telling the story of China's aerospace science and industry to achieve a breakthrough from 0 to 1, from weak to strong. In the face of difficulties and obstacles, astronauts bravely climbed through thorns and thorns, and the dance "Sword Caster Outside the Plug" presented the story of the cadres and workers of China's aerospace science and industry who insisted on casting swords outside the Plug, kept the poverty, endured loneliness, and interpreted the solemn commitment with actions. The music and dance rap "Forge Ahead and Cast Glory" vividly depicts the struggle group portrait of the generations of astronauts of the group company, the hard work and struggle process of the group company and the brilliant achievements achieved.

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

"Sing the Praises to the Party Again"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Sitcom "Miracle"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Dance "Saiwai Cast Sword Man"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Music and dance rap "Forge ahead and cast brilliance"

In the new era, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the aerospace industry has a direction, work to follow, strength under its feet, and dreams ahead, creating brilliant achievements represented by missile weapons and equipment and major aerospace projects, and providing strategic support for the Chinese nation to achieve a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong. In the third chapter, "Building a Space Power", the sitcom "The Power of Faith" presents the progress of generations of astronauts on the journey of fulfilling their original mission. The dance "Building Dreams" presents astronauts who are not afraid of hardships and dangers, face difficulties, step by step towards the sea of stars, and realize the dream of flying for thousands of years. The sitcom "Astronauts Decisive battle against Liangshan" shows the mission and responsibility engraved by astronauts with their original intentions in the battle against poverty. The vigorous development of the aerospace industry is inseparable from the hard work of astronauts, and the dance "I Am Waiting for You" fully demonstrates the understanding and support of the aerospace family for the development of the aerospace industry. The song "Don't Forget the Initial Heart" praises the original intention and mission of astronauts to cut through thorns and bravely climb.

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Sitcom "The Power of Faith"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Dance "Building Dreams"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Sitcom "Astronauts Decisive Battle daliangshan"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Dance "I'm Waiting for You"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Song chorus "Don't Forget your original heart"

The fourth chapter, "Inheriting the Spirit of Aerospace", depicts a magnificent picture of passing on the spirit of spaceflight, inspiring generations of astronauts to stand on their own feet in difficult situations, struggle hard in adversity, and anchor lofty goals and continue to forge ahead. Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of aerospace, and the dance "Little Space Fan" shows the children's love and yearning for China's aerospace industry. The water drum performance "Inspiring the Prosperous World" sprinkles the achievements of China's aerospace industry and the sweat of astronauts' hard work in the sonorous drum beat. The speech delivered by the aerospace youth, "Please rest assured that the party has me, the country has me", shows the space dream that the new generation of astronauts unremittingly pursue in the journey of building a space power.

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Dance "Little Space Fan"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Water Drum Performance "Inspiring the Prosperous World"

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

"Please rest assured that the country has me"

"Towards rejuvenation and create brilliance!" Accompanied by the melody of the chorus "Towards Rejuvenation", the theatrical performance ended, and the warm applause lasted for a long time.

Obey the party's command and forge swords for the country

Chorus "Towards Revival"

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