
The beauty hair stylist taught me a lesson, and this temptation, professional marketers can't stop

author:Business activists

The business action faction only tells the marketing story that can be understood, and takes you to restore the underlying logic of the business

I really didn't expect it

As a person who has been in the marketing industry for nearly 10 years

This time, she was given a vivid marketing lesson by a beautiful hairdresser

And the method she used

It comes from a "universal marketing formula" that marketers are using.

And this formula is used even by Starbucks

Without further ado, let's show you this one-size-fits-all marketing formula; then let's open up the underlying business logic of this classic case.

The beauty hair stylist taught me a lesson, and this temptation, professional marketers can't stop

Here's the thing:

Two days ago, the heavy rain in Zhengzhou had just ended, and the water and electricity had also recovered, so I thought of going downstairs to get a haircut. After entering the door, a female barber came in front of her, a small black suit to tell the truth, very good-looking (out of courtesy, did not take pictures), the little girl is also very talkative, when washing her hair, she talked about some things during the heavy rain in Zhengzhou.

Say a lot of owners' cars are soaked

These two days are with the property trouble

Also asked if there was a problem with my car

The whole haircut process, the conversation was very pleasant

At checkout, I said, "How much?" ”

She said: "40"

Just as I was about to scan the code

She interrupted me and said, "Actually, you can get a free haircut this time." ”

"What? And this good thing? Did I hear you correctly?

She went on to say: "Recently our barbershop launched an event

As long as you recharge 200 to become a member of our store

Well, your haircut is free this time

And in the future, you can also get a 20% discount on haircuts, do you think you want to do one? ”

After listening, I thought, "200 yuan is not much."

This time the haircut 40 is also exempt, and the future haircut is also 20% off

The equivalent of the money that used to cut your hair four times, you can now cut it seven times

It is estimated that many people have experienced similar things when they have haircuts in their lives. I believe everyone should have guessed what happened later, and I successfully became a member of their store.

The beauty hair stylist taught me a lesson, and this temptation, professional marketers can't stop

However, the moment when my recharge was completed

I also realized that it seemed like a relaxing and pleasant haircut

In fact, from the moment I walked in the door, the whole marketing began

Next, I will combine the "universal marketing formula" to break down this case with you


In this story, the barbershop does not use any diversion routines. I chose this one of four or five barbershops, and it can only be said that it is probability. So, let's skip this link first.

Customer nurturing: Easy chat, build trust

In many barbershops, it is often the customer who just lay down to wash his hair, and before he could talk about it, he began to tell you about the shampoo, or pushed you what in-store activity packages. This kind of push service from the beginning, for most people, is actually very resistant. And once the customer refuses, then basically means that there will be no following.

But from the time I went in to the end of the barbershop, we talked about something we had experienced together recently: it was raining heavily in Zhengzhou. This brings us closer together. Therefore, at this time, the relationship between us is no longer the relationship between customers and merchants, but people who "suffer together", that is not friends, so how can I be wary of friends?

The beauty hair stylist taught me a lesson, and this temptation, professional marketers can't stop

Seemingly free deals:

It wasn't until the end of the haircut that I had to pay the bill that she interrupted me and said that there was a member recharge activity, and this "push member" action was very natural, because at this time I had to pay, and the member also had to pay. The inner resistance wouldn't have been as big as when I had just laid down to wash my hair, and more crucially she threw a bait for a "free" haircut.

Free stuff, most people have no way to refuse. For example, we often buy a small bag of instant noodles for a free porcelain bowl, and then end up buying a mention - after all, a mention is 5 bags, not only can be stored for a long time, but also can get a porcelain bowl for free (although there are already many bowls at home).

Lock in advance with recharge:

Some people may say, this is not right, a haircut of 40, now flushed 200 has nothing to do with this time, this time is indeed free ah. So ask, "How much does a haircut cost?" "Is it really 40? No! I believe that even if the price is 30 once, the boss will not lose, after all, haircuts are handicrafts, and the cost can be large or small.

Because these 40 are the pricing of the barbershop, not the cost, for the boss, even if it is really free to give a person a haircut, it is a waste of one or twenty minutes of time, even if there are water and electricity, rent, employee wages and commissions that are evenly shared on each haircut.

This is like buying the bowl of instant noodles, although it looks very large, but in the Yiwu wholesale market, these things are sold by ton, a cost is a few cents. Moreover, I also recharged 200, even if it is 20% off, the original 40 once, and then 32 times, it also means that I have to come to this barber shop 6 times, and after six times, there are still 8 pieces left in the card, so what do you think I will do? As long as I don't leave here, the barbershop doesn't go out of business and runs, and there's a good chance I'll recharge again, right?

The beauty hair stylist taught me a lesson, and this temptation, professional marketers can't stop

Therefore, this seemingly free haircut directly locked me in this barbershop for the next two or three months, which means that several other barbershops around will no longer have the opportunity to get me as a customer.

Where to optimize:

Of course, there are still many places in this case that can be optimized and improved. For example, in the initial drainage stage

There is no difference from other barbershops, which one I choose, the barbershop has not affected me; there is also that after I registered as a member, I only did a card without adding a WeChat to the trend, and then we will only have the opportunity to contact when I come to the barbershop again. If you add a WeChat and a group, there are more opportunities for people who have become members to pull more members.

Specific drainage, fission method routines, you can also think about it, you can publish your ideas in the comment area.