
Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

The most said in the summer is fat loss, eat fat loss meals, do diet drinks, etc., good is no exception, I am also losing weight, the most hoarded at home is chicken breast, eggs, milk, etc., today to give you delicious fat loss dishes

By Lime Food 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


One piece of chicken breast

Carrot one

Corn half a piece.

Salt to taste

Pepper a little

2 cloves of garlic

Soy sauce and oyster sauce to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

1. Prepare the ingredients

Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

2, take out the Mofei knife chopsticks cutting board disinfection machine red cutting board, chicken breast cut into small cubes. The red cutting board with its own chopping knife is mainly used to cut raw meat and raw fish, which generally contain some bacteria, so it is recommended to use separately from other cooked foods, fruits and vegetables. Carrots and cucumbers are placed on a green cutting board and cut into small cubes, which are mainly used to process fruits and vegetables.

Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

3: Marinate the chicken breast with salt, pepper and soy sauce for a while

Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

4: Put oil in a pan, add chicken breast and fry it to change color.

Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

5: Pour in the diced carrots from the new oil in the pot, stir-fry the corn kernels and cucumbers for a while, pour in the chicken breast, and fry them out of the pot

Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

6, the plate is made into a pineapple shape, and the Dutch beans are blanched in water to make the leaves of the pineapple.

Ultra-low fat also under the rice, chicken breast fried three dice

7, ultra-low fat also under the meal, the method is simple and good-looking, like the quick collection ah


This disinfection machine 3 pieces of cutting board, 2 knives + 1 peeling knife classified use, after cleaning the cutting board into the disinfection machine, a key to open the disinfection and drying function, only 40 minutes will automatically close, but also has a chopstick can put the washed chopsticks into the disinfection machine drying, so that fruits, vegetables, meat will not be skewered, save the kitchen kitchenware hygiene of the good helper, pay attention to the safe life of the diet will be happier ~

<h2>Dietary contraindications to chicken breast</h2>

Celery, plums, rabbit meat, etc

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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