
Strangely crunchy peanuts

author:Bu Yanzi

Strange smell of flower kernels

Taste type Strange smell

Cooking techniques Sugar sticky

Features Salty, sweet, sour, spicy, hemp, fresh and both, crisp flowers, unique flavor, accompanied by wine and delicacies.

Raw materials make up the formula

(1) 100 grams of main ingredient flower kernels

(2) Modulating additives

25 grams of rock sugar, 300 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of sweet noodle sauce 5 grams of cooked chili powder, 2 grams of peppercorn powder, 1 gram of citric acid, 50 grams of water


(1) Work before cooking

1 Flower kernels are selected and crushed with rock sugar.

2 Stir-fry in a pan of fine salt, add flowers and stir-fry over low heat until the flowers are crisp, drain the salt into a sieve, remove the leather coat after cooling, and sift clean.

(2) Cooking dishes

Put the pot on the fire, add water and rock sugar, simmer on low heat until the rock sugar is completely dissolved, the sugar liquid is thick and move away from the fire, slightly cool, under the sweet noodle sauce, cooked chili powder, pepper powder, 2 grams, fine salt, citric acid turn well, people and flowers keep stir-frying, until the sugar liquid is completely coated in the flower kernels after the pot, after cooling.

Process critical

1 should be selected color is peach red, the particles are uniform, the dry quality is large, no impurities, no mildew flower kernels are preferred.

2 Control the heat of the stir-fried flower kernels to avoid scorching or raw taste. Closing workers

3 Sugar liquid needs to be fried until thick and slightly cool before it can be cooked with raw materials such as chili powder, fine salt, and pepper powder.