
In summer, tomatoes and it are a perfect match, the method is novel and simple, the taste is crisp and refreshing, and there is also a special meal

author:Koi chats about food

Hello everyone, I'm Koi. At present, the tomato is in season, it is cheap and delicious, and it is estimated that every kitchen has it. When it comes to how tomatoes are cooked, it is estimated that the first thing that everyone thinks of is tomato scrambled eggs, after all, this is the only dish that many handicapped parties will make, but everyone is not tired of eating, so this summer, we abandon the tomato scrambled eggs to some new tricks. Today I introduce to you, is a dish, the method is novel and simple, the taste is crisp, but also a special rice dish, it is tomato fried jellyfish.

In summer, tomatoes and it are a perfect match, the method is novel and simple, the taste is crisp and refreshing, and there is also a special meal

Tomato and jellyfish, these two ingredients are not a good match for each other. For jellyfish, everyone most often eats cold jellyfish, in countless hot days, everyone loves a whole cold jellyfish, cool mouth, and wine, quite refreshing. But you know what? Jellyfish contain a lot of bacteria, especially in the summer, if the cleaning is not clean, there will be a risk of food poisoning, so we usually deal with jellyfish, we must pay attention to cleaning, really not at ease or fried to eat it. Come with me to make this tomato fried jellyfish dish.

【Tomato fried jellyfish】

Ingredients: Jellyfish 300g, tomatoes 2 pcs

Seasoning: oil, minced onion and ginger, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce, water starch each appropriate amount.

Method: 1, jellyfish are pickled, very salty, to be brewed in advance for more than 8 hours, the standard that can be used is to tear a small piece, wash hard, bite down will not be too salty, you can fish, and then rinse many times.

2: Cut the jellyfish into slices, wash the tomatoes and cut into slices.

In summer, tomatoes and it are a perfect match, the method is novel and simple, the taste is crisp and refreshing, and there is also a special meal

3: Heat the oil, add minced green onion and ginger, and jellyfish, stir-fry twice, add the seasonings: sugar, cooking wine and soy sauce, and stir-fry evenly.

4, pour in the tomato slices, stir-fry quickly on high heat, after the tomato juice, pour in the water starch to hook the ingredients, wait until the starch hooks the ingredients, the soup becomes thick, you can put it on the plate.

Koi's Tips:

Jellyfish are available in jellyfish heads and jellyfish flakes, and I chose jellyfish skins here. There are many inferior jellyfish on the market, and everyone can choose high-quality jellyfish to refer to the following characteristics:

High-quality jellyfish skins are white or light yellow, shiny, red, variegated, dark spots, odorless, and tough. Premium jellyfish heads are white, yellow-brown or red amber, shiny and resilient.

In summer, tomatoes and it are a perfect match, the method is novel and simple, the taste is crisp and refreshing, and there is also a special meal

The fiery red tomato with the Shanghai sting, has a faint sweetness and sea taste, chews very juicy, but also creaky, very interesting, very under the rice, let's make it.

Well, today's food sharing is here, welcome to communicate with me, see you next time.