
Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

author:Lazy Meow loves to cook

Boil pork stew ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

We Chinese the history of eating pork, which has a long history and is also part of the food culture that has been handed down for thousands of years. As early as 7,000 years ago, people living in the Yangtze and Yellow River basins have begun to raise domestic pigs in large quantities. Pigs have the characteristics of "eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating", which is easier to raise than other animals, so it has become the main meat of human beings.

Today, our country is still the largest consumer of pork, and in home cooking, pork plays an important role. Although pork is very common, when cooking pork, it makes many friends feel difficult. Obviously, it is all pork, some people can stew a pot of fragrant and tender pork, and some people have worked hard to make a pot of chai and fishy pork.

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

So today, Lazy Meow will teach you a little skill in cooking pork, let's take a look at how to make the meat not fishy and delicious when cooking pork stew ribs. I've summed them up as a 5-word trick, "1 put 3 don't put", and I'll talk about them one by one.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" >: soak in brine</h1>

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

Like many other meat ingredients, pork has a bloody and fishy smell, and if not handled properly, the cooked pork will become fishy and difficult to swallow. Therefore, in order to solve the fishy taste of pork, many friends will be accustomed to blanching water before cooking pork.

From the perspective of defishing pork, blanching water is indeed a very effective method, but after boiling water, the taste of pork is easy to become old and chai. This is directly related to the method of boiling water, the heat, and the time, which is difficult for the kitchen white to grasp well.

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

If it is fresh pork or ribs, if you want to remove the blood stains and fishy smell inside, you can actually do not blanch the water, just put the pork in salt water and soak it for about 30 minutes. Because the density of salt water is greater than that of blood water, in the process of soaking, blood water can obediently run out, which can not only go fishy, but also avoid the problem of old and woody taste caused by boiling water.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put</h1>

After saying "1 put", let's talk about "3 don't put", which refers to the fact that when cooking pork stew ribs, there are 3 kinds of spices, which is not recommended.

Do not put peppercorns

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

Regarding the fact that cooking pork should not be put in peppercorns, the ancestors have long said, "Pork does not pepper, lamb does not star anise, beef does not leeks", this beginning is exactly, when making pork, do not put peppercorns. When it comes to peppercorns, I believe that everyone's first reaction is that it is spicy and spicy, and the aroma is very strong.

Some friends in the cooking pork stew ribs, used to add some peppercorns, think that this can give the pork to fishy, but did not expect that this strong pepper flavor, will cover the taste of the ingredients themselves, and the stewed soup, will also have a spicy and spicy seasoning taste. The result of this is that the aroma and umami of the meat itself cannot be eaten at all.

Two do not put cooking wine

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

There are many ways to remove the fishiness of meat ingredients, and there are many spices that can remove the fishy taste, the most commonly used of which is cooking wine. When cooking wine exists as a seasoning, the most important function is to remove the fishy smell from the ingredients. However, if you understand the working principle behind the fishy removal of cooking wine, you know that when cooking pork stew ribs, it is not very suitable for cooking wine.

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

The fishy ingredients in meat ingredients can be dissolved in alcohol, and when a certain temperature is reached, they can be emitted together with the volatilization of alcohol, which is the working principle of cooking wine. If it is in the pickling stage, or the blanching stage, it is no problem to use cooking wine to remove fishy.

However, in the stage of stewing, if cooking wine is added, its taste will dissolve into the water and become part of the soup, and the fishy smell is not easy to dissipate, but locked in the soup. Therefore, it is not recommended that when you stew pork, add cooking wine to fish.

Three do not put five-spice powder

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

Five-spice powder is also a seasoning often used in home cooking. As mentioned earlier, when boiling pork stewed ribs, it is not advisable to put peppercorns, and putting five-spice powder and putting peppercorns have the same magic. Five-spice powder is a seasoning made of more than 5 kinds of spices ground into powder, and the commonly used spice ingredients are peppercorns, cinnamon, star anise, cloves, cumin seeds and so on.

The composition of the raw materials of the five-spice powder also determines its strong taste. When cooking pork stewed pork ribs, I believe that everyone does not want to eat a pot of pork or ribs with a strong flavor of spices, if you put five-spice powder, its strong taste will also cover the taste of the ingredients themselves.

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

In addition, if you put five-spice powder, there is also a problem of dosage and proportion, which is easy to pinch well, which leads to a pot of strange pork, which will have a taste of compound spices.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="64" > example of a method of stewing ribs</h1>

Let's share one of my most commonly used methods of stewing ribs, you can make a reference.

【Operation steps】

Step 1: Buy home ribs, rinse them several times with running water, soak them in salt water for about 30 minutes, fish them out and rinse them several times, and then control the dry water;

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

Step 2: Put cold water in the pot, then add an appropriate amount of ginger slices and green onion, after the water boils, add the ribs, after boiling on high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour;

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

Step 3: Add your favorite side dishes to the pot, such as corn, winter melon, carrots, etc., continue to simmer for half an hour, and then add a little salt to taste.

Boil pork stewed ribs, remember "1 put 3 do not put", meat soup fresh taste good, the key is not fishy: put in brine soaked three do not put: 3 kinds of spices try not to put stew ribs method example

Three simple steps, a pot of fragrant rib soup is stewed, the soup is sweet and delicious, full of flavor, the meat is not old, the key is not fishy.

【Lazy Meow Experience】

In the matter of cooking, I have always pursued the concept of subtraction, the road to simplicity, may also be related to the eating habits from small to large, more preference for lighter dishes, can eat the taste of the ingredients themselves. When cooking pork stewed ribs, the "1 put 3 do not put" method mentioned to everyone above is based on highlighting the original taste of the ingredients and summarizing it.

In order to avoid the blanching water causing the taste to become old, you can use the way of soaking salt water to remove the fishy smell in the meat; in the process of stewing, the three spices of peppercorns, cooking wine, and five-spice powder should be placed as much as possible, which will affect the taste of the pork itself.

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