
Poetic Spring Equinox: Wait for idleness to recognize the east wind, thousands of purples and thousands of reds are always spring

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily Original manuscript

"The vernal equinox, yin and yang are half also." Therefore, the day and night are equal and the cold and summer are calm. "Today, we have ushered in the vernal equinox, when the sun shines directly at the equator and the time of day and night are equal across the earth. The "Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting Episodes of the Moon Order" also has clouds: "Spring equinox, mid-February." The divider, the half, is the half of the ninety days, so it is called the division. ”

In ancient Times, China divided the vernal equinox into three seasons. A migratory bird to: Xuan Bird, Swallow also. The swallows that come and go in spring can be described as the best messengers of spring. The weather is warmer, the air is humid, and the spring thunder also rumbles. Three waiting for electricity: At this time, lightning often appears with thunder. The willows spit green, the warblers fly grass long, and the spring equinox can be described as the best time of spring of the year.

Blowing noodles is not cold As soon as the spring breeze arrives, it will flourish

Lao She once wrote, "The so-called spring wind seems to be gentle, kissing the willow branches lightly, slightly blowing the surface of the water, and secretly transmitting the fragrance of flowers." "The gentle spring breeze always makes people feel happy." Throughout the ages, the poetry of the literati inker chanting spring is often indispensable to the traces of the spring wind.

"Jasper is made up of a tree high, and ten thousand strands of green silk are hanging down. I don't know who cut the fine leaves, and the spring breeze in February is like scissors. "He Zhizhang uses anthropomorphic techniques to portray the beauty of spring and the ingenuity of nature, and vividly shows the spring wind that nurtures all things." Yang Wanli's "Wicker 100 feet whisk silver pond, and Mo Shenqing is only light yellow" and Gao Ding's "Grass long warbler flying in February days, whisking willow drunk spring smoke" also wrote the graceful style of the willow tree under the spring wind.

Poetic Spring Equinox: Wait for idleness to recognize the east wind, thousands of purples and thousands of reds are always spring

"Spring Mountain Warm Green Map" Qing Yun Shouping

The gentle spring breeze brings vitality, and the hundred flowers are also in full bloom at this time, just as Bai Juyi said, "The spring wind first starts in the garden, and the cherry apricot peach pear blooms first." In the deep village of the elm pod, the spring breeze is also for me. Du Fu also has a poetic cloud, "The mountains and mountains are beautiful in the late days, and the spring wind and flowers are fragrant." The mud melts the swallows, and the sand warms the sleeping mandarin ducks. The first sentence uses the word "Li" to dot "Jiangshan", depicting the beautiful scenery of the spring sun, the green of the four fields, and the sun reflecting the stream, and a few words are written about the spring light.

The gentle spring breeze also gently tickles the hearts of the wanderers who live outside. "Whose jade flute flew darkly, scattered into the spring breeze full of Los Angeles." In this nocturne, the willow is broken, and who does not remember the old garden. I don't know who played the flute with the spring wind to spread everywhere, but also to Li Bai's ears, and like the song "Folding Willow" that was played, it could not be erased, and the poet's strong homesickness.

Katsuri Seek Fang Walk through the creek trees to step on the spring sun

At the time of the spring equinox, everything is new, and the earth is full of life, which is a good time for spring travel. Zhu Xi once wrote the famous sentence "The victorious day is looking for the Surabaya waterfront, and the boundless scenery is new for a while". The poet writes from the vast space and uses "boundless" to describe all the scenery and scenery within sight. "A moment of newness" not only writes about the return of spring to the earth, the natural scenery is renewed, but also writes the author's refreshing feeling of joy when he travels.

"Gushan Temple north jia ting west, the water surface of the initial flat cloud foot low. A few early warblers compete to warm the trees, and whose new swallows peck at the spring mud. The flowers are becoming more and more attractive to the eye, and asakusa can have no horseshoes. Favorite lake eastbound is insufficient, green poplar shade in the white sand embankment. "Bai Juyi, who was a former assassin in Hangzhou, has written many poems about the beauty of lakes and mountains, and this poem "Spring Trip to Qiantang Lake" is a famous passage for Chanting West Lake." Early", "new", "contention" and "pecking" show warblers and swallows, "chaos", "shallowness" and "gradual desire" write flowers and grasses, accurately and vividly depicting the spring weather of walking and appreciating.

Poetic Spring Equinox: Wait for idleness to recognize the east wind, thousands of purples and thousands of reds are always spring

"Pinglin Scattered Pastoral Map" Qing Wang Yi

The climate is humid during the spring equinox, and it is inevitable to encounter smoke and rain during spring travels, but this does not affect the poet's interest in playing. "Try to look up at the transcendental stage, half a trench spring water a city of flowers." Smoke and rain darken a thousand homes. Su Shi ascended high and looked far away, at this time the smoke and rain shrouded thousands of households, and the scenery of the city was in full view; Ouyang Xiu's "Spring rain rest outside the forest, the first day of the house was full of apricot blossoms" showed the spring scenery of the peasant family; Xu Qian's "Spring rain broke the bridge and people did not cross, and the boat supported the willow yin" wrote the unique scenery of Jiangnan Water Town with fresh writing, the boat supported the willow yin, and the spring color of the lake was also ready to come out.

"Vertical egg" to welcome the spring spring equinox custom is more fun

There are no large-scale celebrations of the spring equinox, but a variety of colorful and interesting folk activities are widely spread, and the vertical egg (also known as the standing egg) is one of them. As the saying goes, "The spring equinox arrives, and the eggs are pretty." "On the day of the spring equinox, choose a smooth and well-proportioned fresh egg, and gently put it up on the table, when you master a certain skill, the probability of success is quite high."

In the Lingnan region, the spring equinox has the custom of eating "spring vegetables". Spring vegetables refer to a kind of wild amaranth, also known as spring artemisia and purslane. On the day of the spring equinox, people go to the fields to pick spring vegetables and go home to cook soup, known as spring soup. Folk proverb has clouds, "Spring soup is dirty, wash the liver and intestines." Family, young and old, safe and healthy. "There are also areas that eat sun cake on the day of the spring equinox. The sun cake is the main offering used in the sacrifice of the sun god, made of glutinous rice, wrapped in date mud filling, filled with white melon seeds and secret osmanthus flowers, and printed with red "sun", which means that the sun is shining and the grain is abundant.

The spring equinox is also a good time to fly kites. The ancients believed that flying a kite could let go of "obscurity", people wrote their names on the kite, put the kite on a high place, and then cut the rope, and the "obscurity" was taken away. In "Dream of the Red Chamber", when Lin Daiyu flew a kite, someone advised her that when she was sick, she should fly a kite and "let go" of the root of the disease. It can be seen that kite flying in ancient times was given the meaning of eliminating disasters and solving difficulties.

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