
Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

author:Qianqian talks about beauty
Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

What color should a 35-year-old woman dye? Stop dying some earthy yellow colors, that color really doesn't fit. What is really suitable for 35-year-old women should be these age-reducing hair colors, gentle and temperamental!

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

<h1>Red curdle</h1>

Many young ladies in their 30s are more inclined to dye red or yellow colors. In fact, the color of burgundy or grape red is very inconspicuous, but very old.

If you prefer red, it is better to try the red gooseberry color, this red gooseberry color is not a simple red, it will add a little chestnut color, the color of the overall look lively and age-reducing and do not pick the skin yellow skin, white skin can be dyed, after dyeing will be particularly white.

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

Its red color is less intense, with a slight reddish-brown hair color. The effect after dyeing is very good, whether it is long hair or short hair, it can reflect a better skin tone, and the color is not childish, relatively low-key age reduction.

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

<h1>Black brown</h1>

Black tea color can be said to be the king of the dark black series, for example, like some do not like, the color is too weird. A little sister who prefers a little more natural hair color can actually try black tea.

It is a little lighter than our pure black hair color, and it will have a little brown color in the sun, so it is low-key and restrained. Whether it is an office worker or a normal person, it is the color that can be used in the hall and the kitchen.

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

The color is very light and very advanced, and this color can be controlled whether it is permed hair or straight hair.

The color of black tea is relatively light, so it looks a little different from the pure black hair color, but the difference is not very large, if there is a clear requirement for color, it is still necessary to consider this color carefully

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

<h1>Caramel color</h1>

The caramel color is yellow, but it is not as bright and intense as yellow. It is tinged with a little yellowishness, and the color of the hair after fading is not very embarrassing. It is a very gentle and warm color, and dyeing this color does not require bleaching, so the damage to the hair is also a little reduced.

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

The color is also relatively white, even the usual plain face, it can be controlled. More versatile, no matter what kind of makeup and what kind of wear, it can be very harmoniously matched.

Caramel color is very age-reducing, and it is more in line with many people's hobbies of washing their hair in yellow. But be sure to find a more reliable Tony teacher, and don't dye the caramel color to a burnt yellow.

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

<h1>Milk tea cold brown</h1>

Milk tea cold brown sounds more girly, so many sisters in their 30s are more worried about whether they will appear particularly childish after dyeing. In fact, it is not, milk tea cold brown it is a combination of cold brown and milk tea color, are relatively low-key colors. There will be a little graying, but there is also some brownish-yellow feeling, and the overall color is complex, but very layered. After coloring, it is really white and temperamental.

And this color is very high-grade and textured, whether it is a white-collar woman at work, or a daily mother with a baby can drop.

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

One of the good things about this color is that whether you're a low ponytail or some other hairstyle, it's very gentle and versatile. I don't say which hairstyle I think is not good because of the hair color problem, which is completely absent in this hair color.

Suitable for 35-year-old women's "age-reducing hair color", gentle and textured, not picky hairstyles are also versatile red currant black brown caramel color milk tea cold brown

When we dye our hair, we really don't have to stare at those burgundy or brownish yellow colors anymore. A lot of hair color is really low-key temperament and age reduction, for 35-year-old women, it is really very suitable. And after dyeing the hair color, whether it is perming the hair or styling, it will look better. Especially the little sister who likes to perm her hair, we must remember not to use pure black hair to perm her hair, more or less dye some color is still good.