
New Orleans Chicken Leg Fort (just three steps)

author:Marksman Eric Gordon

Hearing that Burger King is bankrupt today, share the way you learned to make New Orleans Chicken Leg Fort

A super easy way to do it

Marinated chicken thighs

Grilled chicken thighs

Add to bread

Three steps to get a delicious chicken leg burger


Chicken thighs 1 Orleans marinade 1 bag burger blank 4 lettuce 4 slices of tomatoes 1 bottle of salad dressing

<h2>New Orleans Chicken Leg Fort (only three steps) approach</h2>

Prepare a chicken thigh and rinse repeatedly in water to remove the fishy smell

Remove the bones from the chicken thighs

Divide the chicken thighs into similar sizes (with or without skin according to personal preference)

Then put it in clean water to wash (this will reduce the fishy smell a lot, I did not put cooking wine)

Put orleans marinades into one bag (light-mouthed can reduce the amount used)

Stir the chicken thighs well

Poke a few holes with a toothpick for easy access to taste

Put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate it for 4 hours, and I marinate it for 1 night to make it more flavorful

Spread tin foil on a baking sheet, bake at 200 degrees above and below the medium level for 20 minutes, then turn over and bake for another 20 minutes (change the time and temperature flexibly according to the temper of your own oven)

Poke with a toothpick until there is no blood and it is cooked

Prepare lettuce, tomatoes (Orleans Chicken Leg Fort can put green pepper rings to choose according to personal preference)

I use bread blanks sold in the supermarket, making breakfast a little faster

Spread the salad dressing on both sides of the bread blank

Add the chicken thighs

Put in the vegetables and clip them up

It tastes good~ It's very easy to make breakfast!

New Orleans Chicken Leg Fort (just three steps)
New Orleans Chicken Leg Fort (just three steps)
New Orleans Chicken Leg Fort (just three steps)