
Description of the varieties of red light cherries and black pearl cherries

author:Jimei team

As we all know, May to July is the cherry ripening season, the thin skin of the thick cherry is the most attractive, in addition to the cherry has many benefits: first, whitening freckles, because the cherry in the vitamin C and iron content is high, long-term eating cherries can make the face rosy, as well as whitening and freckle removal effect. Second, anti-anemia, because cherries contain a lot of iron, and is located at the top of the fruit, can promote hemoglobin regeneration, for iron deficiency anemia has a good therapeutic effect. Today we introduce two of the earlier varieties of cherry varieties, the Black Pearl Cherry and the Red Light Cherry.

Description of the varieties of red light cherries and black pearl cherries

Black pearl cherry (Wupi cherry) is selected and bred by Chongqing scientific and technological personnel from the bud transformation of Chinese cherries in 1993, and is named Wupi cherry because of the purple and red glow of the peel when ripe, the trade name is "black pearl", which is an excellent strain of Chinese cherries. Excellent quality, strong adaptability, early knot yield, dense plantation (3.0m×1.5m) the following year, plant yield up to 2.2kg, the third year into the peak production period, 667m2 yield can reach more than 860 kg. The fruit is medium-sized, nearly round, and the top of the fruit is papillary. The average fruit weight is 3.5-4.0g, the maximum is 5.2g, semi-nucleated, the edible rate is 90.3%, the skin is thick in the waxy layer, the base color is red, the color is purple-red, when fully ripe, purple-black, and the appearance is bright like pearls. The flesh is soft, orange-yellow, with a lot of juice, 18.6% soluble nursery, 17.4% sugar, 1.3% acid, strong and sweet flavor, medium aroma and excellent quality.

Description of the varieties of red light cherries and black pearl cherries

The canopy is open and the tree is moderate. Strong germination force, medium branching force, long life of latent buds, conducive to renewal. It is mainly short and medium-sized fruit branches and bouquet-like fruit branches, and long branches only form flower buds in the upper middle part, and there are more long fruit branches in young trees. It is easy to flower, the amount of flowers is large, and the self-flowering fruiting rate is 64.7%. Black pearl cherry originates in the southern high temperature and high humidity Chongqing area, strong adaptability to high temperature and high humidity environment, strong disease resistance, no cracking fruit, and extremely light fruit fall before harvesting. Cherry color is gorgeous, moderate sweet and sour, soft and juicy, is an early ripening precious fruit, known as "the jewel in the fruit". Its nutritional components are also very rich, according to the analysis, per 100 grams of fresh pulp, contains 8 grams of sugar, protein 1.2, calcium 6 mg, phosphorus 3 mg, iron 5.9 mg, and a variety of vitamins, of which iron content is more than 20 times higher than apples, pears, citrus, vitamin A than apples, pear grapes 4-5 times higher. In addition to fresh food, it can also be made into processed products such as cherry sauce, cherry wine, and canned cherries. Cherries have the effect of toning the qi, replenishing vitality, moisturizing the skin, preventing and treating deficiency and anemia, etc., making people's face rosy and youthful. Cherries are generally put into production in 3 years after planting, 5-6 years into the full fruit period, the economic life of 20-30 years, the yield of each plant is 50 kg, and the high is more than 100 kg.

Description of the varieties of red light cherries and black pearl cherries

Red light cherry This variety has a large fruit, bright color, thick flesh, juicy and sweet taste, early ripening, and is one of the most competitive varieties in the market. The disadvantage is that the meat is softer, the skin is thin, the storage and transportation resistance is slightly poor, and there is a slight split fruit in the rain before harvesting. Branches, leaves, roots, and flowers can also be used for medicinal purposes. It grows on the slopes of mountains or on the edge of ditches, often cultivated, at an altitude of 300-600 meters. The tree is strong and vigorous, the young tree is upright, the tree is strong, the growth is vigorous, the young tree is upright, and the big cherry has six fears: afraid of drought, afraid of flooding, afraid of wind, afraid of stickiness, afraid of salt, afraid of alkali.

Description of the varieties of red light cherries and black pearl cherries

It is produced in Liaoning, Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Sichuan.

It is a new variety bred by the Dalian Lane Property Science Research Institute in 1963, which was cross-bred by Na Weng and Topaz, and was named Red Lantern in 1973, and is currently mainly cultivated in Dalian, Liaoning Province, And Shandong, and is one of the sweet cherry varieties with a wide planting area on the market.

Description of the varieties of red light cherries and black pearl cherries

Which is better, cherry red light black pearl? Through our analysis above, the personal feeling is that the black pearl cherry will be a little better, whether it is from the cultivation of the fruit tree or the taste of the fruit, the black pearl is slightly better. In fact, it is mainly because the cultivation of black pearls comes later than the red light, and the cultivation is more perfect, in terms of sweetness alone, black pearls are one of the sweetest cherry varieties, and they are not cracked and resistant to storage; so, which cherry do you think will be better?

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