
Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

author:Ginkaze Society

In the process of Sima Jia's generation of Wei, many people have exerted their own skills and left records in the history books, but there are also people who are hidden in the darkness, and even the ending is obscure, this article tells about three people who mysteriously retired during the Sima Zhao period.

The first person was Yu Song, whose fame was relatively small, but the position of him in the history books was very high, and the Jin Book said that he and Fu Gao were the two most important advisers of Sima Shi. Yu Song was a native of Chen Liu, and his grandfather was a famous soldier who was killed by Cao Cao. He was initially valued for his outstanding literary talent, and when he accompanied Sima Yi on his expedition to Liaodong, yu Song was responsible for drafting both the Wei army's texts and Lubu. Yu Song was thus appreciated by Sima Yi and was recruited as a subordinate, and Yu Song was only 24 years old at the time.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Yu Song

After Sima Shi came to power, Yu Song became an important confidant and was later appointed Zhongshu Ling. The position of Zhongshu Ling was extremely important, not only to participate in the drafting of edicts, but also to grasp the secrets and accompany the emperor. That is to say, Yu Song not only participated in the writing of the edict as an agent of Sima Shi, but also helped Sima Shi to monitor Emperor Wei and participate in the handling of confidential affairs, which shows how much Sima Shi trusted Yu Song.

In the third year of Sima Shi's rise to power, the Wei army suffered a crushing defeat at Dongguan, and Zhuge Ke of the State of Wu took advantage of the situation to launch a large northern expedition, and at the same time contacted Jiang Wei of the Shu State to echo the division, and Sima Shi fell into the biggest crisis since he came to power. Sima Shi asked Yu Song about yu Song, and after analyzing the situation, Yu Song proposed to hold on to Zhuge Ke in Huainan and launch a Guanzhong army to rescue Di Dao in the west. Sima Shi took his advice and finally managed to resolve the crisis.

In addition, Yu Song also had a good relationship with Zhong Hui, who was initially appreciated by Yu Song and recommended to Sima Shi, and was soon reused by Sima Shi. However, such a courtier, whose talent, merit, and loyalty were impeccable, did not know what to do soon after Sima Zhao came to power.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Sima Shi

Yu Song last appeared in historical records in the second year of Sima Shi's death, and Wei Shi Chunqiu recorded that he and Xun Yan, Zhong Yu and others accompanied Cao Xi to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the emperor, and then there was no record of Yu Song. This year, Yu Song was only 41 years old, and he was in a key position, so it can be said that he disappeared very suddenly. It is said that Zhongshu makes it impossible for people in such important positions to be obscure, so Yu Song is most likely dead, but is his death an ordinary natural death? On this issue, we must mention the second protagonist, Fu Gao.

Fu Gao was the son of Cao Wei's Shangshu Fu Xun , who was deposed as a subordinate of Cao Shuang after Gao Pingling 's rebellion , but was soon used by Sima Yi as an important post of Yin of Henan , after which he fell to the Sima family and became Sima Shi's mastermind along with Yu Song.

Fu Gao was also a man of outstanding strategy, and he once spoke out against Sima Shi's attack on Eastern Wu, but Sima Shi did not listen, and finally suffered a great defeat. During Zhuge Ke's Northern Expedition, he threatened to send troops to Qingxu, but Fu Fu thought that Zhuge Ke was bluffing and ignored it, and as a result, Zhuge Ke did concentrate his forces in Huainan. Fu Gao also engaged in academic debates with Li Feng, Sima Shi's political enemy, and it can be said that this was a talented person with considerable talent. Fu Fu's last official, Shangshu Ling, served as Shangshu Ling's deputy prime minister, and Shang Shu Ling's post was concurrently held by Sima Shi's uncle Sima Fu, which shows the high status of Fu Fu.

Like Yu Song, Fu Gao also had a good relationship with Zhong Hui, had academic cooperation with Zhong Hui, and once advised Zhong Hui to act cautiously.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Fu Gao

Fu Gao's death is also very mysterious. During the Second Rebellion in Huainan, Fu Gao and Wang Su urged sima shi, who was seriously ill, to personally march, and after the war, Sima Shi's condition deteriorated extremely, and he entrusted the aftermath to Fu Gao on his deathbed. At this time, the Wei emperor Cao Xian also felt the opportunity and ordered Fu Fu to command Sima Shi's army back to Luoyang, but Fu Fu and Zhong Hui secretly handed over the army to Sima Zhao, and Cao Fu's plan to retake the army failed. The strangest thing happened after this, after Sima Shi's power was handed over to Sima Zhao without any danger, Fu Fu died suddenly and without warning, at the age of 47. Coupled with Yu Song's abrupt disappearance, two important advisers of Sima Shi seem to have agreed to leave the stage of history together.

Regarding the deaths of these two people, the historical records are too brief and make people think of them. Combined with the various unusual events before and after Sima Shi's death, it is inevitable that people will wonder what is not simple in this. According to the information of all parties, the author has opened his mind and proposed the following possibilities.

First, the bell will be the murderer theory

After the deaths of Fu Gao and Yu Song, it was undoubtedly Zhong Hui who received the most benefits, and as a latecomer, Zhong Hui became Sima Zhao's mastermind during the vacuum of Sima Zhao's courtiers. In addition, Zhong Hui and Yu Song Fu Gao are both friends and colleagues, Zhong Hui and Fu Gao planned the transfer of military power together after Sima Shi's death, and accompanied Cao Xi with Yu Song, Fu Fu could point out the shortcomings of Zhong Hui in person, which showed the closeness of the relationship between the two, Zhong Hui also had the opportunity to hear a lot of confidential information from them, and Zhong Hui, who had many exclusive information and opportunities to be alone, naturally had enough time and ways to put the two to death. In addition, Zhong Hui himself has quite high political ambitions, whether from the motive, conditions or results, Zhong Hui has the possibility of becoming a murderer.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Bell meeting

II. Sima Zhao's Theory of Mafia

There are many doubts about Sima Zhao's succession to Sima Shi, for example, Sima Shi did not want to personally conquer Huainan due to physical reasons in advance, but only went out on his own horse under the strong persuasion of Fu Gao and Wang Su, and finally died prematurely because of the deterioration of his health due to illness. It is worth noting that Wang Su, who had persuaded Sima Shi with Fu Gao, was Sima Zhao's father-in-law, and sima Shi's death was also thanks to Fu Gao to successfully achieve the transfer of power, but what if these things were originally a conspiracy planned by Sima Zhao? Fu Gao may then have been exterminated for being too deeply involved in the plot, and Yu Song, as a close associate of Sima Shi, was soon eliminated. If the brain hole is a little bigger, it is even possible to put Wen Qin, who launched the rebellion, into the co-conspirators, because the attack of Wen Qin's son Wen Duan directly caused Sima Shi's condition to deteriorate sharply, and the three rebellious Chinese brothers in Huainan were directly forgiven by Sima Zhao after they took the initiative to surrender, and they could not help but think of it again.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Sima Zhao

Third, Cao Xi's divisive theory

Cao Xian's impression of the public as Emperor Wei was almost only to say that "Sima Zhao's heart is well known to everyone" and the rebellion was killed, and in history, Cao Xian received a high evaluation from Zhong Hui, calling him "Cai Tong Chen Si, Wu Class Taizu", that is, Wenbi Cao Zhi and Wubi Cao Cao. Cao Xian's cultural attainment was very high, quite powerful, and he did not give up rebelling against Sima Shi's dictatorship for a moment. For example, he often conducted academic discussions with the people around him, alluding to the current government to create momentum for himself and explore the position of the chancellor, and also made the appearance of affectionately trusting Sima Wang and Zhong Hui, among which there were many intentions to disintegrate Sima Zhao's trust in them, and Sima Wang, as Sima Zhao's cousin, also felt uneasy and finally took the initiative to propose external adjustments.

When Sima Shi died, Cao Fu staked the treasure on Fu Gao in the hope of regaining power, but Fu Fu handed over the troops to Sima Zhao, and there was no doubt that Cao Fu would hate Fu To the bone. It is recorded in the world that Sima Shi wanted to entrust the government to Fu Gao when he died, which was refuted as nonsense by the historian Sun Sheng. However, an untrue historical material will naturally have a source source, and Sima Shi's entrusting of the government to Fu Gao may be the wind that Cao Xian deliberately let people release, hoping to alienate Sima Zhao's trust in Fu Gao. The last time Yu Song appeared in the historical materials was also to accompany Cao Xian to discuss academic issues, and then mysteriously disappeared, and the death of the two may not be inseparable from Cao Xian.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Cao Xian

Fourth, Yu Song's theory of rebellion

If Cao Xian had the possibility of dividing the relationship between Sima Zhao and his subordinates, then Sima Zhao's subordinates would also have the possibility of directly defecting to Cao Zhao's side. Yu Song, as a Zhongshu Ling, accompanied Cao Xian for many years, and it is also possible that he gradually fell to Cao Xian in his position over time. At the same time, it is worth noting that Yu Song, as an important subordinate of Sima Shi, actually did not have a biography in the history books, and his descendants did not appear in the Western Jin Dynasty, which is unreasonable. But if Yu Song betrayed Sima Zhao's camp and fell to Cao's side, these strange phenomena can be explained. Perhaps Fu Gao's death was orchestrated by Yu Song for Cao Xian, and Yu Song's own disappearance into history the following year may have been Sima Zhao's revenge.

The above statement is purely personal speculation, there is no real evidence, just for the readers to increase the tea and after dinner to talk about. In addition to these two people, the third figure mentioned in this article who mysteriously died is Chen Tai.

Chen Tai was relatively famous, he was the son of Chen Qun, the founding hero of Cao Wei, and at the same time, he was also the younger of the Sima brothers. Chen Taiwen Wu Shuangquan ,曾镇守雍梁, fought many battles with Jiang Wei of the Shu Han Dynasty , and in his later years was the official Shangshu Zuo Shu ( Shang Shu Zuo Shu ) , and was in charge of Shang Shu Xingtai during the Three Rebellions in Huainan , and his position under Sima Zhao was similar to that of Sima Shi's Fu Gao.

However, after Cao Qi's soldiers were killed, Chen Taili Chen's murder of Jia Chong was refused, so he claimed that he was ill at home and died violently in the same year. Regarding Chen Tai's death, the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms is vaguely recorded, and after saying that he was rewarded for his merits in quelling the three rebellions in Huainan with his army, he directly skipped the Cao Incident and wrote a sentence "Jingyuan YuanNian Xue", which is obviously deliberately concealed. Other historical sources have other accounts, the Wei Spring and Autumn records that Chen Tai vomited blood due to anger and hatred, and the Han Jin Chunqiu recorded that Chen Tai committed suicide after returning home. The two contradictory statements seem to prove that people at that time did not know how Chen Tai died.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Chen Tai and Sima Zhao

There is no doubt that Chen Tai died in the same year that Cao Xian died, because the matter was strange, so there were many opinions. Because of Chen Tai's fierce performance after Cao Xi's death, some people rumored that he vomited blood and died, but some people also rumored that Chen Tai was martyred for Cao Xi's suicide, forming two different theories. Because the Cao Xi incident was too sensitive in the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty, Chen Shou did not explore the mystery of it, so he was vague in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

After the Cao Incident, Sima Zhao sent Xun Yu's son Xun Yu and Chen Tai's uncle Xun Yan to ask Chen Tai to discuss how to deal with the aftermath, but Chen Tai was reluctant to go, and as a result, he was forced to go by the whole family. This record seems to reveal the information that Xun Yan may have forced Chen Tai to participate in the discussion with the threat of Sima Zhao, and Chen Tai himself was not afraid of threats, but had to go to see Sima Zhao for the sake of the family. After Chen Tai's violent death in the same year, Sima Zhao immediately appointed Xun Yan to take over the position of Shangshu Zuo's servant, which had the intention of threatening Chen Tai.

After Chen Tai's death, the Yingchuan Chen clan, which was originally one of Cao Wei's top two men, soon declined, and Chen Tai's son Chen Wen was only given the title of viscount when Sima Zhao established the fifth-rank knighthood system, and his descendants were even more obscure, with the intention of being retaliated against by the Sima family.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

Chen Tai

According to the Jin Dynasty, Chen Tai and Sima Zhao made a proposal to kill Jia Chong during a discussion in the chamber of secrets, but it was not accepted. The record of this kind of conversation in the secret room has always been complained about by the masses, and the author of the Sima Dynasty wei is a very special period. Starting from Sima Shi's raising of the dead, because of the long-term work of the unsightly, the Sima family attached great importance to confidential work, for example, Sima Zhao once suspected that Zheng Xiaotong, a servant, had peeked at his secret documents and poisoned them, and the biographies of Zhong Hui, Yang Hu and others also recorded that they were heavily involved in confidential matters but did not record what these secrets were, Cao Xian immediately went to inform Sima Zhao after telling his confidant Wang Shen about the plan to raise an army, and later when the Western Jin Dynasty was established, Wang Shen was in a central position. This person is likely to be an infernal play played by Sima Zhao around Cao Xian.

Therefore, what Exactly Chen Tai and Sima Zhao talked about in the secret room, and what the truth of Chen Tai's death was, can only be imagined by everyone.

Behind the three mysterious deaths at the end of Wei: the open struggle between Cao Xian and Sima Zhao

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