
Disease-free, windproof and holy; windproof and holy and modern disease treatment

author:Wu Wenbo Traditional Chinese Medicine Popularization

Wu Wenbo Shijiazhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hebei Province

Windproof Tongsheng San [Source] "Xuanming On the Fang". Qing Dynasty Wang Tailin said: "This is the agent for the treatment of the surface, qi and blood, and the three jiao"; "Sweat does not hurt the table, the lower does not hurt the inside, the name is known as tongsheng, and it is said that it is used for the ear". It was called "windproof and holy cure for all diseases" by later generations.

Composition: Ephedra, parsnip, wattle, peppermint, rhubarb, glauber's salt, talc, mountain gardenia, plaster, skullcap, forsythia, platycodon, Sichuan root, angelica, white peony, white art, licorice.

Solution: For the wind and heat to flourish, the evidence of the facts in the surface, the treatment should evacuate the wind and heat to solve the evil, and the heat of the diarrhea should be attacked to divide the truth. In the square of mint, windproof, wattle mustard, ephedra loose wind, so that the evil from sweat to dissolve; rhubarb, mango salt laxative, swing polyester stagnation, so that the real heat from the bottom. The two groups of drugs are matched, which can not only disperse external evils, but also relieve heat and eliminate reality, solve the surface attack, and treat the same in the surface, and treat the main drug in the main. Gardenia, talc clear heat and dampness, and glauber's salt, rhubarb, so that the heat is dissipated from the two stools; gypsum xingan cold, for the lungs and stomach medicine, forsythia, skullcap bitter cold, for the heat and detoxification of the fire this medicine, platycodon bitter and hard, can remove the lung wind and heat, clear the head, four drugs combined, to clear the heat of the lungs and stomach. Fiery evil, burning blood and gas, sweat under the combination, but also easy to hurt positive, so the use of angelica, peony, Sichuan root nourishing blood and blood, Bai Shu healthy spleen dry and wet, licorice and medium urgency, but also can reconcile the various medicines, the above are auxiliary drugs. When decocting the medicine, add three slices of ginger, which is intended to be with the stomach, and matched with baishu and licorice, and still has the function of strengthening the spleen and stomach to help transport. Through the above compatibility, so that sweat does not hurt the table, clear, under the wound, to achieve the effect of wind relief, diarrhea and laxative, so the name is known as Tongsheng.

Function: wind relief, diarrhea and laxative.

Indications: The wind and heat are strong, and the appearance is solid. Cold and hot, dizzy, red-eyed, dry mouth, unfavorable throat, chest and chest stuffiness, cough and vomiting, thick and sticky saliva, constipation, and red urine. And cure sores and swelling poison, intestinal wind and hemorrhoids, Dan spotted rash and so on.

Clinical application and addition and subtraction with evidence

1. Use the main points of the party: the evidence of the main treatment of the party is solid, with the hatred of cold and heat, bitter mouth and dry throat, two constipation, moss yellow, pulse number as the main points of treatment.

2. Use caution: use with caution in virtual people and pregnant women.

3. Add or subtract with the evidence: if the evidence is lighter, you can reduce the amount of the table medicine, or subtract ephedra; if the internal heat is not very good, go to the plaster; if there is no stool, you can go to rhubarb and glauber's salt; those who have phlegm cough, add ginger and half a summer; those with strong physique, go to Angelica, white peony, white art and other corrective products.

Windproof and holy with modern disease treatment

It is often used in modern times for treatment

1. Sporadic encephalitis of neurological diseases.

2. Lobar pneumonia of respiratory diseases.

3. Colds from infectious diseases.

4. Hyperlipidemia of metabolic diseases.

5. Dermatological diseases of alopecia areata, urticaria, red eyelid margins, acne, flat warts.

6. Sinusitis, corneal ulcers, etc. of diseases of the five senses.

7. The dialectic of acute mastitis of surgical diseases belongs to those who are hot and windy, and they are both solid in appearance.

Disease-free, windproof and holy; windproof and holy and modern disease treatment