
The more soldiers you lead, the better

author:Long winds far away

There is a saying called, "General Han Xin, the more the merrier", this is easy to mislead people, thinking that the more troops the better, in fact, not necessarily, Chen Yu and Long led hundreds of thousands of troops, but unfortunately they all lost the battle. To name a few well-known warrior gods, explain why they are called famous generals.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, King Lu of Wu was a very accomplished monarch, he appointed a sage to use his ability, wanted to make the state of Wu rich and strong, the sages defected to the king of Wu, and the sages appointed the Chu man Wu Zixu to govern the country, and sun Wu, a qi man, was a general, and Sun Wu trained 30,000 elite soldiers, and He Lu had the capital to compete with the State of Chu. With Sun Wu and Wu Zixu as generals and his younger brother Fu as the forward, he conquered the Chu state, and the Wu army marched up the Huai River and penetrated deep into the territory of the Chu state.

Sun Wu decided to make a long-distance attack and directly attack the capital of the Chu state. Sun Wu believed that the speed of marching against the current was too slow, and in order to make a quick decision, Sun Wu suggested that King Wu abandon his ship and land and attack from land, and Lu Lu agreed. Sun Wuqin led 3,500 soldiers and horses to march rapidly to the east bank of the Han River.

The capital of the Chu state was threatened, and King Chu Zhao, alarmed, immediately sent 200,000 troops, with Zi Chang as the commander, to counterattack the Wu army. Shen Yinshu proposed a strategy for Zi Chang to break the enemy: "The Wu army is deep, anxious to fight, it is not appropriate to face them directly, you first confront them, I lead the troops to detour the side, cut off their rear roads, and then attack on both sides to break the enemy in one fell swoop."

However, Zi Chang was afraid that Shen Yinshu would seize the first merit, so he took it upon himself to act on his own and crossed the river to attack. The Chu army crossed the Han River, the Wu army pretended to be defeated, the Chu army took advantage of the victory to pursue, the result was ambushed at Baiju, the Chu army was defeated, Shen Yinshu led his troops to reinforcements, was surrounded by Sun Wu, and committed suicide. King Zhao of Chu fled the capital and took refuge with the country.

Wei Jizi gave a very high evaluation to Sun Wu: "There are 30,000 people, but who is the one who should not be in the world?" Takeko also. ”

In the early Warring States period, Marquis Wenhou of Wei took the lead in implementing reforms with Li Wu as his chancellor, politically abolishing the privileges of hereditary nobility, selecting the best and the most capable, and rewarding and punishing them severely. Li Wu bao lifted up Wu Qi, "Greedy and lustful, but using soldiers, Sima Rang Tho was not enough", and Marquis Wen of Wei ordered Wu Qi to guard Hexi.

Wu Qi occupied the entire Hexi region, and the State of Qin regarded it as a major problem for its confidants. Qin Huigong mobilized an army of 500,000 and directly besieged the important city of Yinjin (Eastern Huayin, Shaanxi) in Hexi.

Wu Qi sent people to defend yin and Jincheng, killing and wounding a large number of Qin soldiers and thwarting the enemy's sharp qi. He led Wei Wu pawns and ambushed on the flank of the Qin army, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The tall Yin-Jin city walls depleted the morale of the Qin army. When the time was ripe, Wu Qi gave the order to attack, and Wei Wushu launched an attack like a fierce tiger down the mountain, at the same time, the defenders in Yinjin City bravely came out like wolves and tigers, and half a million Qin soldiers fell into panic, and under the attack on both sides, the Qin army soon collapsed completely.

Therefore, the military commentator Wei Mizi said: "There are fifty thousand people, and who is the one who should not be in the world?" Wu Qiye. ”

After the change of Xuanwu Gate, Li Yuan ceded the throne to Li Shimin. After Tang Taizong ascended the throne, while recuperating and encouraging production, he expanded his armaments and trained military horses. And set out to eliminate the Eastern Turkic forces.

In the first year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin recovered the Heshuo region. At the same time, snowstorms continued in the Turkic lands, and countless livestock froze to death and starved to death. The tribes of ethnic minorities oppressed by the Turks took the opportunity to raise the banner of rebellion against the Turks. There were also problems within the Eastern Turks, and the Turki Khan was dissatisfied with the oppression and restrictions of the Li Khan, and sent people to Chang'an to express his submission to Li Shimin, and the conditions were ripe for a counterattack against the Eastern Turks.

In 629, a large number of Eastern Turk soldiers and horses appeared in Hexi, Suzhou, and Tang Taizong Li Shimin, citing the invasion of Hexi by the Eastern Turks, issued an edict to suppress the Eastern Turks, and Li Jing, the Duke of Shangshu of bingbu, led a large army of 100,000 people to attack the Turks.

In the first month of the following year, the outskirts of the Eastern Turks had been swept away by the Tang army, and in order to eliminate the core of the Eastern Turks in one fell swoop, Li Jing made a bold decision, he personally led 3,000 light horses and took advantage of the night to capture the Turkic town of Xiangcheng. Jieli Khan believed that a small force of the Tang army dared to invade, and there must be the main force of the Tang army behind it, so he hurriedly withdrew his position to the moraine mouth. When the Eastern Turk generals saw that the Tang army was like a divine soldier descending from heaven, they all broke their livers and gallbladders and dismounted and surrendered. The remnants of jieli broke through and were captured on the way to the west, and from then on, the invincible Eastern Turks officially perished.

There is no definite number of soldiers, Han Xin with 30,000 new soldiers to destroy Chen Yu's 200,000 Zhao army can be compared with Sun Wu's Battle of Baiju.

The more soldiers you lead, the better