
"Poetry Xiaoya North Mountain" is a skill

author:Hometown wish cq

The northern mountains of Zhibi are full of words. With the soldiers, day and night to engage. Wang Shi was worried about my parents.

Under the pu heavens, mo fei wang tu; lead the coast of the land, mo fei wang subjects. Doctors are uneven, and I am engaged in solitary work.

Four Mu Peng Peng, Wang Shi Ping. Jia I am not old, fresh we will. Travel force Fang Gang, the operation of the four parties.

Or the swallow dwells in the rest, or does everything in the country; or rests in bed, or does not stop doing.

Or do not know the trumpet, or miserable labor, or perched on the back, or the martingale of the king.

Or Cham Le drinks, or is miserable and blamed, or goes in and out of the wind, or does not do anything.

"Poetry Xiaoya North Mountain" is a skill

Mao Order: Doctor Thorn Yu Wang also. Servants are uneven, they are already engaged in labor, and they are not allowed to support their parents.

Zhu Ziyun: The doctor wrote this poem while serving.

Wang Xianqian: Later Han Yang gave shuyun: "There is no difference between labor and leisure, good and evil flow together, and the poetry of the Northern Mountains is written." Lu said. Yi Linmeng's solution: "Ascend to the high home, the service is not endless." The king is quiet and must not be idle. The same is the dilemma of Ding. This Qi poetry.

Yao Jiheng: Mencius said: "Laboring in the affairs of the king and not being able to adopt parents." However, this is the work of the scholar to complain about the doctor, so it is called "kai kai shi zi", "the doctor is uneven", there is a clear text.

Fang Yurun: The Thorn Doctor's servants are uneven also.

"Poetry Xiaoya North Mountain" is a skill

Yu Press: The era is unknown, not necessarily the King of Shadows! Yao's Yunshi complained that the doctor was uneven and deserved it. Under the whole world, there is no royal land. The country is picturesque, the country is the people, the people are the country!

"Poetry Xiaoya North Mountain" is a skill