
"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

author:Zhi Lan Zhai

In the thirtieth year of Daoguang, the cabinet first sent an official of the Xuanzong Shilu Museum, and Weng Xincun was appointed as the vice president. On April 23 of the first year of Xianfeng's reign, he issued an edict: "Shen Carved saw the Edict and ordered Du Tou tian and Yi Liang to go to Shandong and Henan to investigate the incident." He also offered an edict: Du Shoutian is now on a business trip, and he respectfully compiles the draft of the "Record of Reality" in the spirit of sending Weng Xincun to take over, and admires this. ”

In July of the second year of Xianfeng, Weng Xincun concurrently served as the president of the Shilu Museum as shangshu of the Ministry of Works. It can be seen that he participated in the compilation of the Records of the Inner House when he was a high-ranking official in the imperial court, and he was in charge of the engraving of books in the Wuying Hall, and he served as the chief master of the study in the eighth year of Xianfeng, so as to show that the emperor valued him.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Know to stop fasting

Because of his penchant for bibliophilia, Weng Xincun also paid attention to collecting bibliographies, and Cao Peigen transcribed a number of quotations written by Weng Xincun for the bibliography in the book "Study of the Collection of The Weng Clan in Changshu", one of which was the Qing manuscript "The Bibliography of the Pepper Flower Yinfang", in which Weng Xincun wrote in the back of the book: "Xianfeng Gengshen Jia Wuyue, obtained this volume at the Sanhuaitang Bookstore of Longfu Temple in Kyoto, and the person who built the book estimate was the Tobu Liu Clan. Yan Ting Fang Bo spent his life concentrating on the golden stone tablet, which was bundled up and returned to Zhucheng. Now his son will do his best, keeping the secrets he has hidden, and the rest of the books will be sold for lightness, and the eyes will be so dazzling that he cannot buy them, and he will only have zero fragments, and he will be proud of his lacquered bowls like beggars. ”

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

The first floor of zhizhizhai

It can be seen that when Weng Xin existed in Beijing as an official, he often visited Longfu Temple and other places, and it turned out that this copy was the old collection of Shandong bibliophile Liu Xihai, after Liu Xihai's death, his descendants sold their books, Weng Xincun lamented that there was insufficient funds after seeing a large number of good books, and could only buy some small books. The reason why Weng Xincun bought this bibliography was because zhu Yun, the owner of the Pepper Flower Yinfang, sighed in the book: "The Gongshuo of the Pinghe River is highly regarded, a generation of Confucians, Shaohe Yu inherits family learning, and is also extremely drowned, and it is not prominent." The children and grandchildren are in distress every day, and they can be deeply regretted. Most of Liu's books were obtained by the Zhu clan, and now the Liu clan cannot keep them, and they have turned into clouds. Oh, it is difficult to gather and easy to disperse, and it is reasonable. The fire and the devastation of the soldiers, and the number of survivors, can not be interested in drawing the sword to strike the sigh! ”

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Curator's Office

Because Zhu Yun first proposed to compile the lost book from the Yongle Canon, the Qianlong Emperor ordered the revision of the "Four Libraries Complete Book". At the same time, Zhu Yun promoted many talents during his tenure, so Weng Xin praised him as a generation of Confucians. Weng Xincun also praised Zhu Xigeng, the son of Zhu Yun, for being able to inherit family learning and was also a Broad Confucian. Unfortunately, Zhu Xigeng's descendants disposed of the books in their homes because of financial constraints, and the old collection of Pepper Flower Yinfang was obtained by Liu Xihai, and now after Liu Xihai's death, his son has disposed of these books again, which makes Weng feel emotional.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Literature related to Weng's

Regarding Liu Xihai's son's handling of the collection of books, the "Diary of Weng Xincun" of November 13, 10111 of Xianfeng has the following record: "The Sanhuaitang Bookstore sells books with bibliographies, and the value is very high, and it is impossible to buy them, or choose several kinds of Shang ke er. His books are all from Liu Yanting's house, and his Lang Jun will return to Zhucheng, so he will get three hundred gold with his books and book estimates. ”

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

greeting card

It seems that the owner of the Sanhuaitang Bookstore has a very discerning eye, and he only spent a small amount of money to buy the collection of books from Liu Xihai's descendants, and then compiled them into a catalog to sell at a high price. Weng Xincun could not come up with such a large amount of money, so he had to choose some favorite varieties, and the "Bibliography of Pepper Flower Yinfang" was one of them.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

The second into the courtyard

Weng Xincun's collection of books was basically inherited by his son Weng Tonggong, in March of the sixth year of Xianfeng, Weng Xincun's sixth son Weng Tonggong high school champion, and later he became a two-generation emperor like his father, and his era was a period of great social change, for which he participated in many major events related to modern China. These rays of light have obscured Weng Tonggong's identity as a bibliophile, and people have not noticed that many of the yifu books in the Yifu collection of Prince Yi Hongxiao at that time belonged to Weng Tonggong.

Changshu is a famous collection of books, in the past thirty years, I have lost count of how many times I have been to Changshu, if time permits, almost every trip will go to see Weng Xincun, Weng Tonggong's former residence CaiyiTang.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Statue of Weng Tonggong

Thirteen years after Daoguang, Weng Xincun purchased this mansion from Zhong's surname, and then remodeled it to become the scale seen today. As for why the residence is called CaiyiTang, Wu Zhiming's "Jiangsu Literature and History Materials , Appendix to the 85th Series • Jiangsu Tourism Grand View" wrote:

Caiyi Hall was named by Weng Xincun for the birthday of his mother, because Weng's father was ordered to travel abroad in the fifteenth year of Daoguang, and he was ready to return to Changshu to celebrate the 75th birthday of his mother, passing through Suzhou, coinciding with the official celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Empress Niuhulu clan of Jiaqing, in which Weng asked Inspector Chen Jian (Zhilin) to write the "Caiyitang" plaque, based on the story of the Twenty-Four Filial Pieties, "Colorful Dress Drama", and contacted the Empress Dowager's birthday celebration, which has a double significance. Since then, its name has been used to this day.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

oil painting

In the history of this former residence, Ju Qinglei said in the article "Some Thoughts on the Su-style Color Paintings in Jiangnan - From the Caiyi Hall to the Zhongwang Mansion": "The owner of the Caiyi Hall changed his master at least five times in the Ming and Qing dynasties, according to the Changshu Local Chronicle, initially built by Sang Kan during the Ming Hongzhi and Zhengde years, and then in the Longqing and Wanli years, it belonged to yan Ji, the guqinist of shaowu prefecture, and then yi to Zhang Jinwu, and then purchased by the Zhong brothers, and finally in the thirteenth year of Daoguang (1833) belonged to Weng Xincun. In particular, Weng Xincun carried out large-scale renovations after the purchase, not only renaming 'Sen Gui Hall' to 'CaiYi Hall', but also extensively repairing the garden.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

walking stick

On May 30, 2018, I went to Changshu again to visit the library, this time still disturbing Mr. Cao Peigen and Mr. Wang Zhongliang, director of the Weng Tonggong Memorial Hall. According to my list, the two of them took me to search for many relics in Changshu City, and in the afternoon, they returned to weng with the director of the Wang Museum, which was actually the colored clothing hall purchased and remodeled by Weng Xincun.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Rear courtyard

From the outside, the Colored Clothing Hall has not changed much in recent years, and the intersection is still the simple stone square. The square pillar is engraved with a couplet written by Qian Zhonglian: "In this middle of the uncle and nephew Dakui, Kundi Fuxiang, painting Dong carved Liang Mendi, Haiyu called Guandai; why count the old eyes, Huiyuan youfang, Hua Chapters are famous, and the qinshui makes the mountains." ”

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Family Style Transmission Hall

There are so many big celebrities in the family, Weng Xincun and his son Weng Tonggong are all worshipped, and at the same time are the emperor's master, Weng Tongshu, Weng Tongjue brothers are the same inspector, Weng Tonggong, Weng Zengyuan uncle and nephew successively won the title and the first. Such a family is rare in ancient and modern times.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote


Following Director Wang all the way to visit, he is very familiar with the history of the Weng family, and every time he enters the hall, he can tell me the corresponding story, which is the most comfortable feeling. We went to visit the Caiyi Hall and saw the old plaque, which was written on it as this "綵", but all kinds of texts were written as "cai", so it could only be from the custom. Director Wang focused on introducing the paintings on the beams, purlins and fangs in the Caiyi Hall, which he said were representative works of Su-style painting.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote


Then go to visit ZhiZhizhai, according to the introduction board, Zhizhizhai is Weng Xincun's study, which is a two-story small building, upstairs to collect books, downstairs for guests to enjoy books and paintings. Now the upstairs part is the Song Zen Academy, and one of the compartments is Wang Zhongliang's director's office, and I look through Wang Zhongliang's collection of books in the office, although they are all new books, I can get a glimpse of his research direction. On his desk is a copy of the "National Library collection of Changshu Weng's Books", which shows that he will seriously study various literature related to the Weng family.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote


Wang Guan asked me what I saw here, and I glanced around and said I didn't see it, and he turned and pointed to the wall behind the chair. In the middle of the wall hangs an old map, which I originally thought was the old city of Changshu, but I did not expect it to be a map of the streets and alleys of the old district of Beijing. I teased him about being in Changshu and embracing Beijing, and he laughed and said that he had an inexplicable fondness for old objects. On the right side of this map is a handmade New Year greeting card that I made, and Wang Guan said that although the greeting card is newly made, he learned from the instructions that the main picture of the greeting card is an old version of the new brush, which is also an old object.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Exhibition hall

Seeing what I had done in weng's old house, there was an indescribable sense of glory. Wang Guan said that he would hold the Weng's Book Exhibition in the Weng Tonggong Memorial Hall and invited me to participate in the grand event, and of course I readily agreed to his invitation.

Then we went to visit the permanent exhibition of Weng Tonggong, where we saw weng Tonggong's used cane, and I wanted to touch the bend of the cane in order to dip the aura of the yuan, but unfortunately the object was placed in the glass cover and was inconvenient to take out.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Copied ancient books

Regarding Weng Xin's book collection, in November of the twelfth year of Tongzhi, Weng Tonggong wrote in the "Picture of the Return of the Rainbow Moon": "In the past, I first gathered books in public, and everyone who entered the book to buy books, and even marked the age valley to change it. The cold night bonfire hand is self-adhesive, and my mother adds a line to cure it. Therefore, although my family's picture books are mixed in the cabinet and self-respected, they are more recognized as Weng's books. The first brother pharmacy is especially good ancient books, Dan Mo handed over, as many as dozens of hundreds, but since the Cantonese thieves are wanton, hidden in the home of the people are exhausted. And in the army led by his brother, he repeatedly burned it, and now there are only twelve or three ears, so he can't bear to say that he is hiding books. ”

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Book collection deeds

Weng Tonggong said that his father loved to collect books, and most of the money he earned in the DPRK was used to buy books, and if he bought a broken copy, he would repair it at night, and his wife would also help nail the thread. Because the books he received have been renovated, they are quite distinctive in appearance, and Weng Tonggong said that he can recognize at a glance that they are his old collections.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote


Weng Tonggong also mentioned that his eldest brother Weng Tongshu also loved to collect books, and especially liked to approve ancient books, but unfortunately, the Weng family's collection of books was all destroyed in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom War, fortunately, Weng Tongshu took a batch of books with him when he was serving in the military abroad, and although most of the books brought by Weng Tongshu were destroyed in the war, some were still left after all. A small part of the remaining part crossed the ocean and returned to the motherland decades later, and I had the privilege of groping for it.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote


"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Calligraphy and painting exhibition

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Research Center

Director Wang also took me to visit the Weng Family Wind And Learning Hall on the back side of the former residence, where I saw a brief list of the Weng family lineage in Changshu, and the grand talent of the Weng family, in addition to sighing, I don't know what else to say. Here I also saw some copies of Weng's collection, although it had originally been divided into major public libraries in China, but Director Wang Zhongliang worked hard to contact various mansions and try his best to copy back Weng's old collection, which is also a unique way to return to his hometown.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Information book

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

Matsuzen Academy

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote

See the clumsiness

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote


When talking about these plans, the calm director Wang couldn't help but get excited, he told me about the future development of the memorial hall, and at the same time took me to visit the Weng Tonggong Research Center, telling me that the Weng family research is getting hotter and hotter. I really hope that more people will learn about Weng's performance and learn about their contribution to the book collection business.

"Shulou" Weng Xin zhi Zhi Zhi Zhai: Sitting library collector, president of the "Record of Reality" (Part 2) Wei Li wrote