
The third foreign educator - pestellozi's educational thought

author:A little teacher
The third foreign educator - pestellozi's educational thought

1. On the purpose of education

He believed that the primary function of education was to promote human development, especially human capacity. This idea has its own unique rich connotations. First of all, in his view, everyone is born with the potential of talent, which requires and may be developed; second, human development must be through education; third, "education means the development of a complete person"; fourth, through the perfect development of human ability through education, improve the quality of people, grant the people the ability to make a living, and cultivate everyone to establish a sense of self-reliance, self-respect, and self-improvement, so that people can become truly independent people with personality development.

2. On the Psychologization of Education

The so-called psychologicalization of education, first, requires that the purpose of education and the theoretical guidance of education be placed on the basis of the natural laws of the development of the child's nature; second, it is necessary to make the selection and compilation of teaching content suitable for the psychological law of children's learning, that is, the psychologicalization of teaching content; third, the psychologicalization of teaching principles and methods; and fourth, to make the child his own educator.

The third foreign educator - pestellozi's educational thought

3. On elemental education

Elemental education theory is his important exposition on the content and methods of primary education based on the theory of educational psychology. The basic idea is that all kinds of education in primary schools should start with the simplest elements and then gradually move to the increasingly complex elements in order to promote the harmonious development of the human person step by step. The reason for the exploration of elemental education is based, on the one hand, on his belief that the development of children's natural abilities and strengths has its natural order, and on the other hand, to make education more simple and effective for the broad masses of working people. He believed that the most basic elements of moral education were the love of children for their mothers; the most basic elements of intellectual education were numbers, shapes and language; and the most basic elements of physical education were the activities of various joints.

4. Establish pedagogy for all subjects in elementary schools

According to the proposition of teaching psychology and element education, the teaching methods of various subjects in the school are specifically studied, and many innovative suggestions are put forward, and he is known as the founder of the teaching methods of various subjects in modern primary schools. He attaches particular importance to the teaching of language, arithmetic and measurement in elementary schools. In terms of language teaching, three stages of pronunciation teaching, word teaching, and language teaching are proposed; arithmetic teaching should start from the simplest 1; measurement teaching takes shape measurement as the basis of the relationship between numbers.

The third foreign educator - pestellozi's educational thought

5. The idea of combining education with productive labor

He was the first educator in the history of Western education to put this idea into practice. During the period of Xinzhuang's "Poor Children's House", the initial experiment of combining education with productive labor began; later, this experiment was continued at the Stanz Orphanage. This exposition of his mainly reflects the new requirements of the capitalist workshop handicraft era on the relationship between education and productive labor, which is of positive significance. However, due to the limitations of the times, it is impossible to find the internal connection between the two, let alone make a historical analysis of the relationship between the two.

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