
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

author:Fang Zhi Jiangsu

Jiangsu's aid to Xinjiang began in the 1950s, supporting Xinjiang's socialist construction by mobilizing young and middle-aged people and cadres to go to Xinjiang and carry out economic cooperation. In 1997, in accordance with the spirit of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Jiangsu established a working mechanism for counterpart support to Xinjiang's Ili Prefecture. Over the past 20 years or so, the economic and social development of the recipient areas has been significantly accelerated, the lives of the people of all ethnic groups have been greatly improved, the appearance of urban and rural areas has been renewed, the level of public services has been significantly improved, and the construction of grass-roots organizations has been continuously strengthened.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Photography / Lai Yuning Image source: authentic wind objects

Narrator: Yu Ming

Yu Ming, Doctor of Literature, author of monographs such as "Culture and Cities" and "Scenic Spots and Literature", once served as deputy secretary of the party committee of Ili Prefecture, the commander-in-chief of the fourth batch of cadres aiding Xinjiang in Jiangsu Province, and was awarded the second class merit in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2005.

From July 2002 to June 2005, I led the fourth batch of cadres from Jiangsu Province to work and live in Ili for three years, and I began to understand it. In July this year, I came to Yili with Mr. Wang Meng and his party, and when I saw the tremendous development and changes here in the past twenty years, I was particularly emotional and wanted to introduce to readers and friends a little bit about Yili and the stories related to Jiangsu people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > Xiyu Wusun Yili</h1>

Ili, during the Qin and Han dynasties, belonged to the "Western Regions". At that time, there were thirty or forty large and small city-state oases in the "Western Regions", of which the "Wusun" state was vast and could reach the area of present-day Lake Balkhash to the west. In 60 BC, the Han Dynasty established the "Xicheng Capital Protectorate" at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, and after several wars, it went through many changes.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Schematic map of the jurisdiction of General Ili during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (Source: National Geographic of China)

Since the Qing Dynasty, the name "Ili" has been closely related to the stability of China's northwest border. In 1762, when the Qing Dynasty sent troops to quell the rebellion of the "Dzun (Gar) Department" and the "Hui Department", the highest military and political management agency in Xinjiang was established in the Ili River Valley, with the full name of "President Ili and Other Generals", that is, the Ili General's Palace, which unified the management of the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. As for the establishment of the administrative unit "Ili Prefecture", it is a division that has been determined in 1954 after the founding of the People's Republic of China, which administers the three regions of Altay, Tacheng and Ili, with a total area of 268593 square kilometers (a total area of 350,000 square kilometers), a permanent population of about 5 million people, and the main ethnic groups in the world are Kazakh, Uyghur, Han, Hui and other thirteen ethnic groups.

Inland people's impression of Xinjiang is often limited to the desert Gobi, drought and lack of water; this is not entirely the case in Ili. Ili is located in the north of Xinjiang, south of the Tianshan Mountains, north of the Altai Mountains, there are a large area of forests, snowy mountains, farmland, grasslands, rain and snow than other parts of Xinjiang, so there is a similar to the European Alps around the scene, the southern river valley is called "Saiwai Jiangnan".

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Scenery of Ili

Jiangsu Province's counterpart support for Ili Prefecture began in 1997, and the first, second and third batches of cadres aiding Xinjiang were scattered in the three regions of Altay, Tacheng, and Ili (of which the Ili region was later abolished, and the whole region was reorganized into ten cities and counties directly under the prefecture). Since the fourth batch of cadres aided Xinjiang in 2002, There have been some changes in Jiangsu's work of aiding Xinjiang. The first is to expand the assistance to Xinjiang from simple party and government cadres and scientific and technological talents to multi-faceted assistance to Xinjiang with projects and funds; second, the area of counterpart assistance has been reduced to ten cities and counties directly under the prefecture, and the two areas of Altay and Tacheng have been changed to counterpart support by the central units; third, the Central Organization Department has designated Huocheng County (a county-level city in the Hami region of Guangdong Province to provide support to it) as a pilot project, and the corresponding provinces will send cadres to serve as county party secretaries, directors of the Planning Commission, directors of economic and trade commissions, directors of finance bureaus, and directors of the management committees of development zones. Jiangsu Province has aided the construction of a number of important projects such as middle schools, hospitals, public security command centers, and conference and activity centers, which have been highly affirmed by the people of all ethnic groups.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="172" > pioneer of the overland Silk Road</h1>

If we talk about the origin of Ili and Jiangsu, there is not only a new Silk Road in terms of modern transportation, a Lianhuo Highway, an Eurasian land bridge (that is, a railway from Lianyungang to Europe via Khorgos), and there is also a marriage of two thousand years in history. The first to marry Yili (ancient WusunGuo) from the land of Jiangsu were three strange women who opened up the overland Silk Road - Liu Xijun, princess of Jiangdu (Yangzhou), Princess Liu Xieyou of Chu (Xuzhou), and her maid Feng Yan (Lady Feng). Their long-distance marriage originated from Zhang Qian, the forerunner of the "chiseling" overland Silk Road.

Zhang Qian - the first person in the Western Regions

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Zhang Qian was an envoy sent to the Western Regions by Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty. The first was in the second year of Jianyuan (139 BC) and returned in the first year of Yuan Shuo (128 BC); the second was in the fourth year of Yuan Hunting (119 BC) and the second year of Yuan Ding (115 BC). "Qiao also, worship for the great line ... Thus the northwest began to pass through the Han Dynasty (Hanshu Zhang Qian). ”

In the second year of Yuan Ding (115 BC), Emperor Wu of Han accepted Zhang Qian's suggestion when he sent Wusun back: persuade Wusun to "marry Han and be a kundi, and it is appropriate to listen." Listen to the broken Huns' right arm also." (Hanshu Zhang Qian Li Guangli biography)

Princess Xiaojun - the first person to marry Wusun

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

"The princess of Jiangdu, The Princess Jian, gave her a wife, gave her royal relics, and served hundreds of eunuchs for the officials and eunuchs, and gave them to her (Book of Han, Tales of the Western Regions, vol. 66 below)." Princess Xiaojun is famous in history, not only because her and her relatives are more than seventy years before Wang Zhaojun (52---- 19 BC) and more than 700 years before Princess Wencheng (625----680), but also three things are quite vivid. First, Princess Xiaojun came from Yangzhou Jiangdu, when she traveled thousands of miles west through Lingbi, Anhui, she missed her hometown, looked east at the stone, and left a piece of "Lingbi Handprint" (Lingbi Stone) in Lingbi Territory, which became a beautiful legend about Lingbi Stone for more than two thousand years. The second is the musical instrument of the pipa, which is rumored to be a beloved object that Princess Xiaojun cannot leave every day on the way to marry Wusun. She is not only good at playing, but also improves the pipa, making the fine jun and the pipa two unique related elements closely related to Chinese culture. The third is that she knows how to read books and etiquette, and can also write poetry, she wrote the first lyric poem in the history of Chinese poetry, "Yellow Crane Song":

My family marries a daughter to the heavenly side

Far to the exotic King of Wusun

The vault is the chamber felt for the wall

Meat is eaten as a pulp

Ju Chang Tu Thoughts Hurt Inside

May the Yellow Crane return to his hometown

Princess Jieyou - Auxiliary Government Wusun for decades

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Statue of princess Of Ease in Ili Lavender Garden

"Princess (Xiaojun) died, and Han Fu took the grandson of King Wu of Chu as a princess, and his wife Cen Qi (Junsu Jing)" had three sons and two daughters. Later, he had a son with the successor King Wusun. His eldest sons Yuan Guijing, Sun Xingjing, Yi Zhijing, and his great-grandson Su Jing successively became the Great Kunmi of the Wusun Kingdom; some of their descendants "wished to receive trumpets" and were also the kings of small countries. Outside of the "Kingdom of Wusun", The second son of Jieyou became the King of Shache, and the eldest daughter, Shi, became the wife of King Daibin of Guizi. Shache and Guizi were the two largest oasis kingdoms around the Tarim Basin, while the Wusun Kingdom was the largest power in the Western Region at that time, with "120,000 households, 600,000 mouths, and 188,000 victorious soldiers".

Feng Yan - the first female diplomat in ancient China

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

According to the "Book of Han and the Biography of the Western Regions", "In the beginning, the Chu lord attendant Feng Yan, who was able to write history books and practice things, tasted han festivals as a princess envoy, and gave rewards to the kingdoms of Chengguo, and honored them, and called Lady Feng. He was the wife of the Right Admiral of Wusun. The Right General and Wudu Tu fell in love, and Du Protected Zheng Ji made Lady Feng say that Wu Du Tu, with the Han soldiers coming out, will be destroyed, it is better to surrender. Udu Tu feared: 'May I have a trumpet'. (Han) Emperor Xuanzheng Lady Feng, self-directed, sent the gurudwara Zhu Ci, Andi mengan Yanshou as deputy, sent Lady Feng. Lady Feng Jinche held the festival, Zhao Wudu Tu Zhi Chang Luo Hou Chigu Domain, Li Yuan Gui Jing as the Great Kunmi, Wudu Tu as the Little Kunmi, all given the seal silk. It was returned by the Qiang generals. That is to say, Princess Jieyou's maid, Feng Yan, by virtue of Emperor Wu of Han, Princess Jieyou, and her own prestige among the countries of the Western Regions, resolved the crisis of civil unrest caused by the Wusun royal family in the struggle for the throne, which is a classic political measure and diplomatic event in the history of our country (see Book of Han · Western Chronicles).

"During the reign of Emperor Zhao, the princess wrote to her: 'The Xiongnu and Cheshi invaded Wusun together, and only the Son of Heaven was fortunate to save it.'" Han raised horses, discussed attacking the Xiongnu, and would collapse the Zhao Emperor. After Princess Jieyou again wrote to her successor, Emperor Xuan of Han, and Emperor Xuan sent Chang Hui to send troops to the five generals, "Wusun Kunmi sent 50,000 horsemen and lieutenant Chang Hui from the west to the court of king Li of The Right Valley, and was given a single line, and his sister-in-law, Juci, Ming Wang, Plough Du Wei, Qian Chang, and the rider general were subordinate to 40,000 ranks, and more than 700,000 horses, cattle, sheep, donkeys, and Qiao Tuo... So the Xiongnu decayed and complained about Wusun." "In the winter, the Xiongnu alone mounted tens of thousands of horses against Wusun... There will be heavy rain and snow, a day deep, the people, livestock and production will freeze to death, and those who cannot tithe ... The Huns were greatly weak... And the border is less troublesome. ”

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

From the historical records listed above, it is not difficult for us to see that the direct reason for the "decay" and "great weakness" of the Xiongnu is that Princess Jieyou twice wrote to the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, won the Han Xuan Emperor to send 150,000 troops, together with wusun 50,000 cavalry, often benefiting the five generals and Wusun Kunmi to lead an army of more than 200,000 to attack the Xiongnu, resulting in the defeat of the Xiongnu army. Therefore, in the long-term struggle to curb the Xiongnu, Jieyou and Feng Yan directly led to the "decline" and "great weakness" of the Xiongnu, and opened up the overland Silk Road, so that it could operate safely for a long time. Therefore, the three Jiangsu Qi women, princesses of the Han family and Feng Yan, are important pioneers of the overland Silk Road after Zhang Qian.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="173" > carrier of patriotism and national unity - the Han Family Princess Memorial Hall</h1>

In the first year of my arrival in Ili, I used the evening time to study the historical materials on the "Western Regions" and "Wusun" in the classics such as "Shiji", "Book of Han", and "Zizhi Tongjian", and in 2003, I published an article in the third issue of the Journal of Yili Normal University, "Literary and Historical Heritage and Innovations in the Use of The Past for the Present" (see pages 53-56 of the third issue of the Journal in 2003), and for the first time explicitly proposed to "build a memorial hall for han princesses". In the same year, I published an article in the journal "Jiangsu Social Sciences" entitled "Discussion on The Little Jun, the Princess of Relief and the Relatives" (see Jiangsu Social Sciences, No. 5, 2003, pp. 141-146). I took these two magazines to Jiangsu and presented them to the leading comrades of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Government for reading, and they attached great importance to the proposal I put forward, and soon approved the provincial financial allocation of more than 30 million yuan to build an important trunk road in Yining City, the capital of Ili, Jiangsu Road, and a "Han Family Princess Memorial Hall" at the intersection, which was completed and officially opened to the public in 2004, becoming an important patriotic and ethnic unity education base.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Han Family Princess Memorial Hall

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

At that time, some cadres aiding Xinjiang made suggestions, some proposed to name it "Han Dynasty Princess Memorial Hall", some proposed to name it "Han Princess Memorial Hall", and some mentioned "Han Princess Memorial Hall". As the person in charge of proposing and implementing the construction project, I made a specific analysis of these recommendations. I believe that the difference in one word is very important, and it is impossible to make a decision without argument.

The earliest proposal was the "Han Dynasty Princess Memorial Hall". This name is a bit biased towards the concept of "dynasty" and the concept of time, but the concept of nation and region is not clear enough, let alone the concept of politics and humanities, which does not seem appropriate.

The two names of "Han Princess Memorial Hall" and "Han Princess Memorial Hall" also have inappropriate points.

The original meaning of the word "Han" is the name of the water, also known as Yangshui. During the Chu-Han War, Liu Bang was given the title of "King of Hanzhong", and the army he led was called the "Han Army" and stationed in Hanzhong. Later, Liu Bang led the Han army "Ming Xiu Zhan Dao, Dark Chen Cang", first occupied Guanzhong, and then defeated the Chu army, unifying the world, and designating the country as "Han".

From this point of view, the concept of "Han" related to the dynasty was formed after the establishment of the Han Dynasty by Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, and was not directly related to the concept of nationality at the beginning. Because the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty lasted for more than four hundred years, later generations used to call the residents of the Central Plains "Han people", and this title was gradually solidified. In the written records, there are many titles for the Central Plains, such as Yanhuang descendants, Huaxia descendants, Han chinese and other pronouns, which are different and have not been clarified. In modern times, the concept of "nation" was introduced to China, and "Han" became the official title of the Han people.

Therefore, the name of the memorial hall "Han Princess Memorial Hall" and "Han Princess Memorial Hall" is inappropriate, the former is too partial to the nation, and this term did not appear in the Han Dynasty. The latter is more ambiguous, alternating monosyllabic words and two-syllable words, and there is also a lack of "rhythm" when pronounced.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

The relative stability of the Han nationality was not achieved overnight during the Western Han Dynasty, but experienced the rudiments of xia, Shang, Zhou, Chu, yue, etc. from tribe to country, from the "Zhou people", "Chu people" and "Yue people" to the formation process of the nation, from the barbarians, Yi, Rong, di to the ethnic integration process of the various ethnic groups in China, and until the late Northern Wei Dynasty, it tended to be stable. The number of "Han Chinese", the culture of "Han People", was already in a leading position in the world at that time, which was a very long process.

"Han Family Princess Memorial Hall" was built at the intersection of the eastern section of Jiangsu Road, is a group of imitation Han Dynasty style buildings, covering an area of more than 10 acres, with a construction area of 1791 square meters, of which the main exhibition hall is more than 500 square meters. The main door of the memorial hall is a pair of antique "Han Que", and the front door has seven characters written by Mr. Shen Peng (a native of Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, who was the chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association) and "Han Family Princess Memorial Hall". The name of this museum is the official name that I submitted in writing to the two provinces (regions) of Jiangsu and Xinjiang after argumentation and was approved by the State Nationalities Commission.

After the completion of the "Han Family Princess Memorial Hall", there is a main hall and two groups of auxiliary museums, which are arranged in the shape of "pin" characters, and are connected by pavilions and corridors. The pillar-hugging link of the main building is also an inscription by Mr. Shen Peng and a link drawn up by Mr. Zhong Zhenzhen:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="174" > Beijiaobian Fenghuo Naked Son Xitong Far Domain Protect Wusun</h1>

The main exhibition hall is two floors above and below, displaying materials related to the Han princess, maps, cultural relics, large sculptures, fine art works and text descriptions.

The Han Family Princess Memorial Hall is a public welfare patriotic education base, which belongs to the management of the cultural museum and cultural management system. In the fifteen years since its opening to the public, the museum has played an important role, and this passage can be seen in the introduction of the relevant official website: Princess Xiaojun was the first Han princess in the history of the Silk Road to marry far away from the Western Regions, and she also brought advanced agricultural culture, metal smelting and construction technology from the Central Plains, which promoted the development of the local (Wusun Country) economy and culture.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Princess Jieyou and Feng Yan not only promoted political, military, economic, and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the interior and the Western Regions because of their long time as auxiliary governments, but also invited troops to attack and defeat the Xiongnu, which promoted the establishment of the "Western Regions Capital Protectorate" thereafter.

With the historical records of the two princesses and Feng Yan as the main line, the memorial hall comprehensively reflects the historical process of China's northwest region being incorporated into the territory of the motherland, and proves with rich historical facts that Xinjiang has been an inseparable and important part of China's territory since ancient times.

I have great admiration for the thousands of deeds of Princess Jieyou, and once left a poem in front of the statue of Princess Jieyou in the "Han Family Princess Memorial Hall":

Princess of Relief

The red-faced horse is self-winding, and the hundred years of war are at this time.

The green fields of fine seeds are moist, and the water of the long canal is thick.

Good neighbors are everywhere in the north and south, and the border is surveyed and resented.

All the people praise Liu Hannu, and the princess is kind and can relieve her worries.

And he wrote a poem for the maid who relieved his worries:

Feng Yan

Heroes can be inferior, and they are not easy to flock.

Princess Attendant Cheng Tingwei, Lady Wusun Li Shusong.

Raise the whip to caress the border of an and the state, and hold the ring of knots to patrol the good friends and neighbors.

Dissolve the Gan Ge gift jade, Han made a woman victorious over a thousand armies.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="175" > the Yili family in Jiangsu Province</h1>

In 2004, the Jiangsu Provincial Party and Government delegation went to Ili to investigate, came to the "Han Family Princess Memorial Hall" at the jiangsu road and intersection that had been completed and opened to traffic, and came to the magical and beautiful Sailim Lake, where nearby ethnic minority youth came to greet the guests, saying: "This is the uncle coming." The leader from Jiangsu asked, "Who is the uncle?" A Kazakh girl said kindly: "The two princesses married from Jiangsu to Ili, and as the descendants of the princesses, the elders from Jiangsu are our uncles." The cadres and masses of the two places present said: Yes, we were relatives two thousand and one hundred years ago, and now we are paired up to help Xinjiang, and we are even more relatives of the family. A provincial leader said: "Princesses are all 'cadres' who eat 'imperial food', which can be regarded as the earliest batch of cadres from Jiangsu to aid Xinjiang!" ”

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

More than 2,000 years ago, some people from Jiangsu came to the Great Northwest to "get married", and today more than 2,000 years later, they have formed a "pair". At the beginning of 2020, Zheng Xiaoming, a native of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, came to Yili with a group of cadres, doctors and teachers to work in Yining City. He served as deputy secretary of the Yining Municipal Party Committee and head of the Nanjing Municipal Command Group for Aiding Xinjiang, and vigorously promoted the activities of "cultural xinjiang" in Yining. This time, it was at his gingivious invitation that Mr. Wang Meng and a group of well-known writers in China came to Yili to collect styles and exchanges. Zheng Xiaoming also invited Liang Yong, chairman of Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing and Media Group, to donate a large number of books to Yining's "Wang Meng Bookstore" and prepare for the large-scale PEN meeting of "Famous Artists Writing Yili".

On the evening of July 2, Zheng Xiaoming and I welcomed Wang Meng and his wife and Comrade Liang Yong and their party, and we all deeply felt that this was a kind of "fate" of Ili. Zheng Xiaoming said: "Elder Wang also accompanied the party and state leaders to the Tiananmen Tower yesterday to participate in the grand ceremony to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party. "Yes, Elder Wang is already in his eighties, and it is really not easy to come here."

On the morning of July 3, we listened to Comrade Wang Meng, who had joined the Party before the founding of the People's Republic of China, give a special party lesson, and then came together to Bayandai Village, where he had settled down and served as the deputy commander of the production brigade. A group of old friends who were together at that time met and hugged the past, and they were excited. I have lived in Yining for three years and am familiar with some of the villagers. There are many Uighur villagers here, and most of them are engaged in planting, growing wheat and corn and growing grapes and apples. In recent years, neighbors have developed some new varieties, such as lavender, figs, etc., tourism, catering, aquaculture have also developed, and the income level has increased year by year. Many families have built new homes and bought cars.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

The Uighur villagers are industrious, kind, and full of humor. This has been described in depth and delicately in Mr. Wang Meng's book "This Side of the Landscape". He learned to speak Uyghur here, and at that time, he could write articles to form A Uyghur abdominal manuscripts and then convert them to Chinese characters. It's not easy. More than a dozen of our comrades from Jiangsu are all college students and college students, who have studied dozens of hours of classes and have only learned some simple terms. From the bottom of our hearts, we admire Mr. Wang Meng, a national-level "people's artist".

The vast majority of Kazakh farmers and herdsmen live in the northern Xinjiang region where Ili Oblast is located, so Ili became the "Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture". Governor Kosaijan is a national leader of kazakh prestige. At 9:38 a.m. on December 1, 2003, a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.1 struck Zhaosu County, killing and injuring dozens of people. Governor Ke, a burly Kazakh man, was deeply shocked and saddened. Without saying a word, he pulled me up and drove straight to the disaster area. In the car, I contacted the deputy secretary-general of the Jiangsu Provincial Government in charge of aiding Xinjiang, and they immediately allocated funds for disaster relief, and the first batch of disaster relief funds of 3 million yuan in the afternoon of the same day had arrived. We bumped in the car for most of the day, and in the evening Governor Ke and I rushed to the epicenter of the earthquake. We visited the people in the disaster area where the houses collapsed, arranged relief tents for the victims to live temporarily, and went to the school to visit the teachers and students affected by the disaster, so that they could move away from the cracked school building as much as possible. We came in the wind and in the snow, touching the local farmers and herdsmen who were affected by the disaster. Governor Ke said to the local people: "Don't call him Secretary Yu, just call him 'Tang Ati Khan', he is our good brother." "Tang Ati Khan" is the Kazakh name that Ke Saijiang and several other kazakh elders with prestige have determined for me, and this name has spread since then, and I still use it in letters, seals and WeChat.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

In the three years we worked in Ili, Kazakh friends had a lot of contacts, their parents were mostly engaged in animal husbandry, and their personalities were particularly generous, kind, and able to sing and dance. One day, on a weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Gulinazi invited us to "sit down." The result was that each person drank a bottle of "Elite" wine (half a kilogram, a specialty of Ili, only 19 yuan per bottle). Before drinking, each person eats a few delicious slices of grilled bread and horse intestines, and then someone takes turns singing and dancing. Gulinazi wore a feathered hat decorated with a height of about 20 centimeters, dressed in national costumes, and sang a famous Kazakh folk song "Peony Khan". Seven or eight of our Han friends listened to it like crazy. Next, Gu linaz's friend Xiao Yang recited a poem "To the Oak Tree" for us, and her standard Mandarin made us college students from Jiangsu who spoke the "Nanpu" dialect ashamed of themselves.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

This meal lasted four hours, and we all sat "cross-legged" on the carpet on the ground. Gulinazi's husband, who works in foreign trade, said: "We receive guests from home and abroad, and this is how it is. Herders traditionally, horses, cattle and sheep graze outside the felt house, we don't have to care about them, just sing and dance and drink in the felt room." At the end, each of us also ate a "pilaf". This "pilaf" is fragrant and delicious, and I want to add a bowl after eating it. Several of our cadres who aided Xinjiang later learned to do it themselves, and after returning to Jiangsu, Lao Chen sometimes made his own "pilaf" for the last time.

I also learned a way of "picking pieces" of pasta in my Muslim home. Hui families are characterized by clean windows at home, especially love to clean, ladies are good at making multi-noodles and dishes, "picking slices" is our favorite food. In Yining City and Urumqi City, we will see many restaurants opened by Hui compatriots on the street, which can make "pieces". The pasta cooked by the Muslims is also popular among the Uyghur and Kazakh masses. Coupled with bread, baked buns, noodles, large plates of chicken, and the Russian-style drink "Gavas", Ili is truly a place where all ethnic cuisines meet.

On April 17, 2021, the important achievement of Jiangsu Province's "Cultural Runjiang", the large-scale song and dance drama "Han Family Princess" was reported to be a complete success in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. This work was sponsored by the Jiangsu Provincial Counterpart Support Xinjiang Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture Forward Command, and jointly undertaken by Wuxi City and Ili Prefecture Song and Dance Theater, with famous singers and dancers from Beijing, Xinjiang and Jiangsu starring. The successful performance of the song and dance drama shows that the moving story of the overland Silk Road, as well as the film and television drama works related to the Han family princess, will surely be passed down from generation to generation and will never fade away, and exert its due influence on the development vision of the "Belt and Road" advocated by China.

"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives
"Uncle is coming", why do Xinjiang friends call Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang cadres| oral history of the western regions of Wusun Ili Overland Silk Road pioneer patriotism and national unity carrier - Han Family Princess Memorial Hall Beishu BianFeng Protecting The Naked Son Xitong Far Land Protecting Wusun Jiangsu Yili Family Relatives

Author: Yu Ming, male, born in December 1948, returned to the city and entered the factory after eight years of jiangning insertion, and was admitted to university with a doctorate. He has successively served as deputy director of the General Office of the Nanjing Municipal Government, deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Government, former mayor of Xiaguan District, former secretary of the Xiaguan District Party Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Ili Prefecture in Xinjiang, and vice chairman of the Nanjing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is currently the executive deputy director of the Historical and Cultural City Protection Committee of the Jiangsu Yanhuang Cultural Research Association, the honorary president of the Nanjing Ancient Capital Society, and the honorary president of the Nanjing Mazu Cultural Research Association.

Review: Zhu Zhenxin

Posted by: Zhao Ali