
Che Wanyu's former residence

author:Che Kunhan

Che Wanyu's former residence

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Known in ancient and modern times, "Sound Rhythm Enlightenment" can be called a treasure of early childhood learning, and has a profound influence on Chinese poetry and the law of syngrammatony. The former residence of its author, Che Wanyu, is located in the Chejia Old Courtyard of Huang'an Temple, Huang'an Temple, Yankoupu Town, Shaoyang County, Hunan Province.

Yankoupu Town is an important town in the north of Shaoyang County. According to legend, there is a large cave under the "four rows of wells" of Yankoupu, so it is called Yankoupu. Ancient for the two-line post point, enjoy the reputation of Baoqing four famous shops, commonly known as "West Road Yankou Shop". Its terrain belongs to the hilly and fieldy mountain plains, which is the support of the entire vein of Xuefeng Mountain. The climate here is humid, the rainfall is abundant, the four seasons are distinct, and the scenery is beautiful.

Che Wanyu's former residence is embedded in this beautiful landscape painting. Along the 320 National Road, through the Chewanyu Cultural Square on Yankoupu Town Center Street, there is a county road, passing through the Huang'an Temple and the Muslim Majia Temple, which used to stay overnight in the South of the Jiangnan in Qianlong, and then around a snake-shaped cement road, 5 minutes by car to the Chejia Old Courtyard.

Che Wanyu's former residence sits east facing west, backed by the Jianshan Ridge, in the early morning, the red sun rises from the top of the mountain, the courtyard in the morning fog, fresh and refreshing; oblique to the land temple mountain, the immortal qi rises; the left explores the sandalwood pond, sparkling; the right Fudingjia Mountain Pass, the deep path is long. A small stream at the foot of the stream, trickling endlessly; the dragon turtle god stone crouches on the side of the stream, watching the sky and reading people; a stone bridge called Hanlin, which is built to open the old and new courtyards of the traffic home, the fields are connected, and the chickens and dogs smell each other; a cooper and an ancient maple are together and high, and in the autumn, the maple is red and cypress, and there is a good scene.

Jianshan Ridge and Hongpo Ridge and Dingjia Mountain three mountains side by side, lined up in a row, Jianshan Ridge peak is the highest, Hongpole and Dingjia Mountain one left and one right wing, there is a great tendency of phoenix wings, and there is also the "mountain" word out of the head. Later, it is also known as Jian Sanling, which means to judge people, to judge things, to judge reason, to talk about character, and to understand things.

Sandalwood Pond, legend has it that in ancient times, there was a fairy passing through this place, only to see the green mountains on both sides facing each other, the middle stream was clear and clear, but the amount of water was a little small, not enough to nourish the people, so he threw the sandalwood ear spoon in his hand into the stream, and suddenly three streams of clear springs spewed out, a faint sandalwood, refreshing the lungs, so it was called sandalwood pond. The spring water is sweet and can be entered, and the long stream is endlessly pure and pure, resembling the giant ear of the Dao Immortal, and resembling a gourd, which ensures the blessings of the people and irrigates more than a thousand acres of fertile land.

The Dragon Turtle Sacred Stone sits facing east and west, with three beds of different sizes on its back, arranged in turn. Idle, you can lie on the stone to watch the sky, you can sleep on the stone to read, or close your eyes to recuperate, which is the place where the ancients rested. According to the elders, Che Wanyu and his sons Che Dingjin and Sun Che Minlai were three generations of grandchildren who were united with Chan Hanlin and had the saying that they had a warning sign with the three stone beds of the three springs. There are also legends that Che Wanyu and Che Wanbei and Che Wanyou brothers have repeatedly tried in the countryside and failed repeatedly. Che Wanyu slept on the Dragon Turtle Sacred Stone for three days and three nights. In the dream, I suddenly saw an old man on a white horse coming to him and saying to him, "Why don't you have dragon scales in the dragon turtle stone in front of your house? After saying this, the old man turned into a cloud of good fortune and flew away. Che Wanyu suddenly woke up, as it was, he found a hard stone shaped like a pen tip from the Pen Sword Mountain, and carved a dragon pattern resembling a dragon scale on the dragon turtle stone. In the second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the three brothers participated in the township examination, and the three of them were selected. A family of three people at the same time, has been rumored as a good story, passed down to this day. In the third year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Che Wanyu went to Beijing to take the exam again, and in one fell swoop, he was awarded an official position in the Household Department by the imperial court, and later promoted to hanlin academician, and the official was erpin.

Land temple mountain, the original half of the temple half of the pavilion, a tree of osmanthus flowers incense ten miles. Legend has it that the land temple is very spiritual, as long as the heart is sincere, 90% of the ten wishes, so the name of the land temple mountain. Che Wanyu's father, Che Bishu, passed on to the world, believed in the art of yin and yang, was extremely pious, and would come to the land temple once every three days to worship once in order to bless future generations. Whether Che Wanyu's ancestors and grandsons have three generations of Lian Chan Hanlin are related to his father Che Bishu's three-day sacrifice to the Land Temple, three incense and three worships, there is no historical evidence. However, the descendants of the Che clan have always taken the piety of che bishu as a model, strict with their godsons, and based on sincerity.

Although the Land Temple was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, many villagers came to make a wish under the osmanthus tree in front of the temple. In the early 1980s, three teenagers of similar age in the same village returned from school one day and sat under the osmanthus tree and talked about the future. One had good grades and studied in self-speaking, one had average grades and volunteered to join the army, and the other father was a worker and wanted to take over the top job. Three years later, each of the three of them made their wish. To this day, the three people met and still have fresh memories.

The existing Chejia old courtyard, house structure, two square and three horizontal, adobe bricks and green tiles, typical Qing Dynasty rural architecture. It is the birthplace of Che Wanyu, which has left his childhood time and many of his childhood wisdom and interesting stories. He was brilliant and studious since childhood. However, his family was poor, and he read at night without oil to light the lamp, so he ran to the Riding Dragon Ridge six miles away from home, scraped pine resin oil, and made his own pine oil lamp, following the example of the ancestor Che Yin's "sac fluorescent reading". In the summer heat, he ran to yiyun cave on the dragon mountain to read a book. He grew up as a kind man and had a straight personality. According to historical records, in 1640, when Che Wanyu was eight years old, a poor man wanted to sell the mountain and asked him to write a contract. But the poor only want to sell the mountain, not a few of the trees in the mountain. After the consent of the rich man, Che Wanyu deliberately wrote "杮" as "yes", and the rich man thought that the "tree is not sold" in the contract because he bought the mountain, and it was Che Wanyu who wrote "杮" as a typo and did not care. Afterwards, the poor often came to cut down trees and were blocked by the rich. Che Wanyu helped the poor and took out a contract to go to court, and the rich man was dumbfounded, believing that he had suffered a loss.

Che Wanyu's former residence
Che Wanyu's former residence

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