
Four hundred years of agitation: Murong Yun, a father and son, turned out to be born, and Murong Lin, an infighting in Zhongshan, successfully picked up the leak

author:Agarwood incense
Four hundred years of agitation: Murong Yun, a father and son, turned out to be born, and Murong Lin, an infighting in Zhongshan, successfully picked up the leak

This article is the 217th in a long series, Four Hundred Years of Turmoil

On the eighth day of the first month of April in the first year of Long'an (397 CE), Murong Hui sent Qiu Nigui to attack Longcheng, but Murong Bao sent a force to launch a sneak attack at night and defeated him.

Murong Hui's defeat made Murong Hui feel frightened, and he sent emissaries to meet Murong Bao, asking him to kill the traitors and ask him to be made crown prince, but Murong Bao did not agree.

At this point, Murong Hui had no way to retreat, simply went all the way to the black, took the emperor's special carriages, horses, clothing, and utensils as his own, and also distributed the concubines and palace ladies of the harem to the generals, and set up a hundred officials of civil and military affairs, calling themselves the crown prince and Lu Shang Shushi, and in the name of crusading against Mu Youteng, led the troops straight to Longcheng.

On the ninth day of April, Murong Hui would attack Longcheng City. When Murong Bao came to the West Gate, Murong Bao would talk to Murong Bao from a distance on horseback, and Murong Bao rebuked him loudly.

Murong Hui was reluctant to let the soldiers shout and coax Murong Bao to show off their might. The generals in the city were indignant, and in the evening they left the city to fight with Murong Hui, and they were greatly destroyed. Murong Hui's soldiers were mostly killed and wounded, and he himself fled back to the camp.

At this moment, a man named Gao Yun came out of nowhere, completely ending Murong Hui and changing his destiny.

Gao Yun was a side branch of Goguryeo and claimed to be a descendant of the Goyang clan, so he took "Gao" as his surname. When Murong Bao was crown prince, Gao Yun served in the Eastern Palace with his martial arts, and now serves as an attendant.

Gao Yun was deep and powerful, loyal and steady, and taciturn, and everyone thought he was stupid at that time, only the Zhongwei general Feng Bao was surprised by his ambition and became close friends with him.

By the way, introduce Feng Bao, which is also a big figure in the future.

After Feng Bao was born as a general, his father Feng An, who was brave and powerful, served as a general under Murong Yong. After the fall of Western Yan, Feng Baodong moved to Helong and made his home in Changgu.

When Feng Bao was young, he was reticent and generous. His three younger brothers did not cultivate the profession, but Feng Bao was respectful and cautious, dedicated to the family business, and his parents were very important to him.

After the release of Later Yan, by virtue of his talents, Feng Baoguan was promoted to the rank of General of the Zhongwei.

After Murong Hui was defeated and retreated, Gao Yun took the initiative to ask for help, and that night led a hundred dead soldiers to sneak into Murong Hui's camp, and Murong Hui's troops completely collapsed, fleeing to Zhongshan with only a dozen cavalry, and were killed by Murong Hui.

Subsequently, Murong Bao killed Murong Hui's mother and his three sons, his own wife and grandson. In front of the throne, father and son are not soft on each other.

Murong Bao admired Gao Yun's bravery, made him a general of Jianwei, made him the Duke of Sunset, and adopted him as a son. From then on, Gao Yun became Murong Yun.

On the tenth day of the first month of April, Murong Bao granted amnesty to the world, and all those who conspired with Murong Bao were exonerated and restored to their old official positions.

When Murong Hui rebelled, Murong Nong's skull was shattered, and even the brain marrow could be seen, and Murong Bao personally bandaged his wounds, actually saving his life, and also used him as a left servant, and soon rose to the rank of Sikong and Lingshang Shuling. Murong Long was posthumously honored as Situ and Consort as King Kang.

However, although Murong Nong had recovered a life, he was no longer the king of Liaoxi who had both culture and martial arts, and his courage, courage, and strategy were all unknown to everyone.

Murong Bao fled back to Longcheng, quelled Murong Hui's rebellion, and temporarily stabilized his position, let's take a look at Murong Xiang in Zhongshan to see how he faced Tuoba Jue's siege.

Under the long siege, the Northern Wei army of Dunbing Yecheng took the lead in experiencing a shortage of grain and grass, and Tuoba Jue ordered Tuoba Yi, the Duke of Dongping, to leave Yecheng and garrison Julu and accumulate grain and grass in Yangcheng.

Murong Xiang took the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, sending 6,000 infantry to attack the Northern Wei garrison, but was defeated by Tuoba Jue, killing 5,000 people, 700 prisoners, and suffering heavy losses.

In May, The Ku official Ji entered Zhongshan, where he clashed with Murong Shu and attacked each other. In the end, Murong Shu killed the Kuju Guanji and wiped out the entire Kuju Guanji clan.

Subsequently, Murong Xiang killed Zhongshan Yin Zhimo and Yi Qi. It is lamentable that he was originally a Former Qin emperor, and in order to survive, he committed himself to Murong Shi, and in the end he still could not escape death.

But history is often dramatic, with Mo Manmen being killed, and his two daughters, Zhi Yu 'e and Yuan Xunying, escaping the fate of murong shi because their national color Tianxiang continued to play an important role in Murong Shi.

Murong Xiang went on a killing spree, and the people's hearts were lost, and the residents of Zhongshan no longer listened to his orders, but feared that the Northern Wei army would take advantage of the false attack on the city, and men, women, and children voluntarily formed an alliance and fought alone.

On the seventh day of the first month of May, Tuoba Jue lifted the siege of Zhongshan and drove to the river to collect grain, urging the counties to volunteer to provide grain. On May 17, Tuoba Jue made Tuoba Yi a great general on horseback, and was the governor of the six states of Yan, Yu, Yong, Jing, Xu, and Yang, and Zuo Chengxiang was made the King of Wei.

The Northern Wei army took the initiative to withdraw, allowing Murong Xiang to think that he had made a great contribution, brazenly ascended to the emperor's throne, set up a hundred officials of civil and military affairs, and killed Tuoba Yao, the brother of Tuoba Jue, who was detained, with Xinping Gong Kezuhun Tan as the grand general and Shang Shu Ling, and killed Tuoba Yao, the brother of Tuoba Jue, who was detained, in the hope of stabilizing people's hearts.

In July, Murong Xiang went mad again and killed Kezuhun Tan.

Perhaps realizing that sooner or later he would be destroyed, and that there were no good days, Murong Xiang completely let go of himself in Zhongshan, treating every day as his last day, drinking like a fate, extravagant and absurd, never showing compassion for the soldiers and the people, torturing and slaughtering as he pleased, and there were more than five hundred people below the prince who were killed by him, so that all the subordinates at all levels and the lower military and civilians were separated from him.

Soon, there was a famine in Zhongshan City, and Murong Xiang did not allow people to go out of the city to collect wild vegetables, resulting in hunger everywhere, and the people of the city were looking forward to inviting Murong Lin back as soon as possible, and Murong Lin, who was hiding in the mountains, was also trying to move.

On this day, Murong Shu sent the auxiliary general Zhang Jun to lead more than 5,000 people to Changshan to urge the people to pay the grain rent, and Murong Lin took the opportunity to infiltrate Zhang Jun's army, sneak into Zhongshan, and capture Murong Qi and kill him.

As a result, Murong Lin succeeded Murong Xiang as emperor and allowed people to go out of the city to collect edible things. After the soldiers and civilians were able to feed themselves, they proposed a decisive battle with the Northern Wei army, but Murong Lin did not agree.

After that, there was another famine in Zhongshan City. Tuoba Jue was stationed at Lukou and sent Sun Fei to lead 7,000 cavalry to attack Zhongshan and attack the outer city. Murong Lin launched a counterattack and pursued the Northern Wei army to The Water, but was defeated by the Northern Wei army and retreated back to Zhongshan.

On the first day of August, Tuoba Jue moved to the Jiumen garrison of Changshan and prepared to completely capture Zhongshan. At this time, a severe plague occurred in the Northern Wei army, and people and livestock died one after another.

Tuoba Jue asked about the spread and treatment of the plague, and the generals replied, "Only four-fifths of the people are alive." Tuoba Jue said calmly, "The Mandate of Heaven is like this, what can I do?" The people of all over the world can become part of our country, but it depends on the way to rule and control them, so why worry about not having the people? "The ministers did not dare to speak more.

Tuoba Jue's implication is that the plague is providence, not something that can be changed by human beings. Therefore, there is no need to stop the war because of the plague, as long as the enemy is defeated, the people will naturally have it.

This is typical of imperialist thinking, which treats the people entirely as tools or livestock. As the saying goes, it is better to be a peaceful dog than to be a chaotic person, which is true.

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