
Why Popular Philosophy "Can"

author:Seeking truth
Why Popular Philosophy "Can"

  Aischi, who is famous for his Popular Philosophy, is a native of Tengchong and Shunxiang, Yunnan. Today, there is a poem hanging in his former residence: "A book is a million soldiers, attacking the heart is the victory of the siege, the Jiang army is defeated like a mountain, and the philosophy is especially lost to the name of the order." The author of the poem is Ma Bi, who served as a senior aide to Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo. In 1984, when Ma Bi first returned to the mainland from Taiwan, he specially donated this poem to Aischi's former residence.

  Why is it that such a popular philosophical book can inspire and inspire thousands of young people to rush to the revolution and to the anti-Japanese front, "a book of millions of soldiers" and make "Chiang Kai-shek's army defeated like a mountain"?

  As the first classic masterpiece of Popularization and popularization of Marxist philosophy in China, "Mass Philosophy" shows the power of thought and the power of the masses. The reason why "Popular Philosophy" "can" is because Marxist philosophy "can", is the "energy" of Marxist philosophy popularization, and is the "energy" of the masses who have mastered Marxist philosophy.

  "Marx's ideological theory originated from that era and surpassed that era, and is both the essence of the spirit of that era and the essence of the entire human spirit." General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth revealed the core secret of marx's ideological and theoretical success. In the 1990s, when Marxism was at a low ebb, the French philosopher Derrida shouted: "There can be no Marx, no Marx, no memory of Marx, no Legacy of Marx, and no future." Why is Marx's ideological theory still vigorous after ups and downs, and is still an ideological system and discourse system with great international influence? Why do so many masters of thought and the whole world maintain full respect for Marx? Because Marxist theory is a scientific theory, a people's theory, a practical theory, an ever-evolving and open theory. "Popular Philosophy" has power, and the truth of Marxist philosophy has power. Just as gold always shines, no muddy water can block the light of truth forever.

  "Marxism at its highest limit = popularization at its highest limit." This is Lenin's classic summary of the relationship between Marxism and the masses. The power of "Popular Philosophy" lies in the power of the masses, the power of the masses. Marxist theory is for the masses and must be understood and mastered by the masses. Marxism is integrated with the development of the entire national cause and is closely related to the production and life of the entire people. The greatness of the Chinese Communists lies in seeing the strength of the people, seeing the greatness of the people, and arousing the dignity, courage and spirit of the people through the popularization of Marxism. In the new era, we must still inherit the spirit of "Mass Philosophy", while promoting the sinicization of Marxism and the era, do a good job in popularizing Marxism, so that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Marxism in contemporary China, and Marxism in the 21st century will become a powerful spiritual weapon for the masses of the people to understand and transform the world, and a guide to action for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Originally published in Red Flag Manuscript, No. 1, 2020

Source: Qiushi 2020/03

Author: Liu Yucheng