
Kechuang already knew that Wang Zhigang, minister of science and technology of |, investigated scientific and technological innovation work in the new district [Science and Technology Innovation Insights] [Venture Capital Hotspots]

author:Qilu one point
Kechuang already knew that Wang Zhigang, minister of science and technology of |, investigated scientific and technological innovation work in the new district [Science and Technology Innovation Insights] [Venture Capital Hotspots]

Qilu Evening News Qilu one point finishing

<h1 toutiao-origin="h3" > [Science and Technology Insights].</h1>

2021 Technology Innovators Conference Held in Optics Valley The real economy and the Internet open "digital surfing" at full speed

Recently, the 2021 Science and Technology Innovators Conference (TIC) was held in Wuhan Optics Valley, with the theme of "Making Light for New Life". Lenovo, Midea, Haier, SAIC-GM-Wuling and other manufacturing plants, as well as High-tech leaders in Optics Valley such as Gaode Infrared, Fluke Network, Huazhong CNC, and Jimu Intelligence, discussed hot industries such as intelligent manufacturing, new car manufacturing, and digital wave. Luo Yihang, the initiator of the science and technology innovator conference, founder and CEO of Pin play, said that Wuhan is an innovative city, which gave birth to China's first optical fiber production line decades ago, and now the first 5G intelligent manufacturing base. In many scientific and technological fields such as integrated circuits and small and medium-sized display panels, it also leads the country. "Wuhan is bringing a different 'light' to our innovative country and the world, representing hope and full of strength!"

Wang Zhigang, minister of science and technology, investigated scientific and technological innovation in the new district

Recently, Wang Zhigang, secretary of the party group and minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and his party investigated in Nanjing. He stressed that efforts should be made to build a modern and innovative city with a complete innovative governance system, a strong regional development drive, and a clear path of innovation and development, and contribute more Nanjing's strength to the construction of a world science and technology power. Xu Nanping, vice minister of science and technology, Han Liming, member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee and secretary of the municipal party committee, and Qi Jiabin, vice governor of the province, attended the meeting.

Attracting international talents to innovate and start a business, the Zhongguancun Science City International Entrepreneurship Season opened

A few days ago, the "Zhongguancun Science City International Entrepreneurship Season" opened in the Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Building located next to Shangdi Information Road. Organized by Haidian Entrepreneurship Park and the R&D Think Tank, the event will last until September, aiming to build a platform for global innovative entrepreneurs to learn, exchange, display and promote, and connect and cooperate. The international entrepreneurship camp focuses on the practical needs of international talents and teams for development in China, integrates the park's high-quality incubation resources, gathers well-known experts and mentors in the industry, and adopts an experiential approach that combines "entrepreneurial training + practical roadshow + investment and financing docking + immersive visit". Representatives of overseas students' federations, international students in Beijing (master's and doctoral degrees), representatives of entrepreneurial students in China, representatives of returned innovative and entrepreneurial students, etc. participated, and the industry fields included new generation information technology, artificial intelligence, medicine and health, software information services, etc.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h3" > [venture capital hotspot].</h1>

Nesher's tea passed the listing hearing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

According to HKEx documents, Nesher's tea passed the HKEx listing hearing. According to the documents, from 2018 to 2020, Nesher's tea revenue was 1.09 billion yuan, 2.50 billion yuan and 3.06 billion yuan, respectively. In 2020, The adjusted net profit of Naixue's tea reached 16.64 million yuan. As of the last practical date, the number of tea stores in Nesher was 556, the number of members was nearly 35 million, and the online order revenue accounted for nearly 70%.

"Favor" completed nearly 400 million yuan of B+ round financing, and the main brand Weishi aims to achieve sales of 1 billion yuan this year

Pet Lucky Pet is a pet products provider, the products cover pet food, pet nutrition, pet toiletries, pet cleaning supplies and pet medicine and other fields, it has "Pet Luck", "Wei shi", "Wei Pai", "Ying Yang" and other independent brands, while providing overall solutions for the healthy growth of pets. Recently, the company has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and the new shareholder, Guangxi Tencent Venture Capital Co., Ltd., holds 7.18% of the shares.

With tens of millions of yuan of A round financing, "Wow Wow Fish" provides a full-stack overseas publishing solution for domestic casual game CP

Wow Fish Network Technology is an overseas input method developer, focusing on the research and development of overseas global multilingual input methods. With animation and special effects to enter the market, is committed to providing users with personalized social content services, the core product "AOE overseas input method" mainly cloud translation and personalized search image multi-Chinese input function, the product has now supported more than 80 countries language and text. Recently completed the A round of tens of millions of yuan financing. This round is led by Tiange Jinhua Fund, followed by Caesars Culture and IGG; the funds will be mainly used for team building and improving overseas R&D and distribution capabilities.

The clothing mass sales market "919 Hydrogen Warehouse" has obtained tens of millions of financing, aiming at the affordable life market in second- and third-tier cities

919 Hydrogen Warehouse is a trendy clothing mass sale market brand, committed to creating the ultimate clothing commodity supply chain, by controlling cost prices, using data and shelf models to speed up inventory turnover, bring a different shopping experience to the people in China's sinking market, and establish a link between the community and the brand. Recently, it has obtained angel rounds from Qingsong Fund and strategic rounds of financing from individual investors, with a total amount of 10 million yuan.

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